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I've been getting spam calls but haven't answered. Caller ID for my landline reads out the number with a voice. So it rang and said "Call from Probable Fraud".

Waiting for my friend to see if he can find a washing machine to buy so I can transport it for him. I need to clean litterboxes but lack motivation.
@Zanne, spam calls can be fun. If I am in a particularly playful mood, I will take great pleasure in toying with them, civilly and respectfully of course, until they are so frustrated that they simply hang up the phone:

Telemarketer: "Hello, are you the man of the house?"

Me: "Ma'am, there are no men in the house. My voice is hoarse."

Telemarketer: "Well, then, are you the homeowner?"

Me: "No ma'am. The bank owns the home."

Telemarketer: "We are with "X, Y & Z Window Replacement Service and we are in your area replacing windows. We noticed that your windows are builder's grade windows and replacing them could save you a ton of money in energy costs."

Me: "How much will it save me and how much will it cost?"

...... and round and round and round it goes.............. I know I've got too much time on my hands.
I'm not a big fan of seafood. I used to like it better but not as much these days.

Most of the time when I get spam calls I answer and then I hear a series of clicks and it dials out to another number or I get a robot thing that is pre-recorded with set responses. I very rarely get real people and when I do it's usually when I'm not in the mood to chat. I do not like talking on the phone to begin with. I leave the trolling of spam and telemarketers to my brother. He got some of those Indian guys riled up.

I failed to motivate myself to take out the litterboxes before it got dark. I started watching Youtube and the cats were so comfy on my lap. I didn't want to disturb my sweet Ginger.
I failed to motivate myself to take out the litterboxes before it got dark. I started watching Youtube and the cats were so comfy on my lap. I didn't want to disturb my sweet Ginger.
View attachment 47987
Your cats will let you know when it's time to change the litter box and I am sure you know what I mean ;)
Technically, yesterday. Had a fight / honest discussion with my wife.

To support my FIL, we feed him every morning and evening. Fine. But he wants to talk about <insert everything>. He won't shut up. I'm an introvert but he has become an absolute time suck on my life - 90 minutes in the morning and at least 2 hours in the evening. Of course, neither will help clean the kitchen. I've seen him sit for 20 minutes before my wife brings him coffee. Decades ago, I saw the same thing when he needed a fork.

FIL wants to go out to the local national cemetery in prep for my MIL demise. She might have 2 months or 5 years. It's an hour drive. On the way back, wife wants to make it a day out to get coffee and visit daughter. It's going to be 8 hours with him.

Honest discussion did not go well.
Starting the day with coffee on the screened porch, first day in a while I've been able to get out here first thing. I think the tipping point is 60 degrees. If I'm really feeling cooped up, I could put on a havy robe and go out at 50. But 60 just feels good.
Todays job will be to check the gas regulator to my genenerator to make sure its set ok. Yesterday was completing the yearly maintenance, oil change, battery check, re-adjust the valve lash (that one is not fun on the back side . Lots of leaning and grunting, saying... ohhh my back)
Technically, yesterday. Had a fight / honest discussion with my wife.

To support my FIL, we feed him every morning and evening. Fine. But he wants to talk about <insert everything>. He won't shut up. I'm an introvert but he has become an absolute time suck on my life - 90 minutes in the morning and at least 2 hours in the evening. Of course, neither will help clean the kitchen. I've seen him sit for 20 minutes before my wife brings him coffee. Decades ago, I saw the same thing when he needed a fork.

FIL wants to go out to the local national cemetery in prep for my MIL demise. She might have 2 months or 5 years. It's an hour drive. On the way back, wife wants to make it a day out to get coffee and visit daughter. It's going to be 8 hours with him.

Honest discussion did not go well.
That's a tough situation to be in the middle of and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Try and look at the bright side, at least FIL and MIL are not living with you yet!
Technically, yesterday. Had a fight / honest discussion with my wife.

Honest discussion did not go well.
@cgilley, I feel your pain but only somewhat. In my case, the FIL who never stops speaks only Ukrainian or Russian so when he speaks to me all I need do is nod. Additionally, he doesn't live with us so I only have to participate when we Skype or something like that. He's a good ol' egg and means well but still.......................

Also, I keep my honesty regarding subjects like this bottled up inside me because I don't need the stress.
Starting the day with coffee on the screened porch, first day in a while I've been able to get out here first thing. I think the tipping point is 60 degrees. If I'm really feeling cooped up, I could put on a havy robe and go out at 50. But 60 just feels good.
Todays job will be to check the gas regulator to my genenerator to make sure its set ok. Yesterday was completing the yearly maintenance, oil change, battery check, re-adjust the valve lash (that one is not fun on the back side . Lots of leaning and grunting, saying... ohhh my back)
Valve lash? You run it that much or are the adjusters of questionable integrity? I wonder why don't they simply use hydraulic valve lifters and be done with it?

Glad you got it done however!
Went to lunch with my significant other yesterday. Also present was her 45 year old daughter. Her daughter is dating a guy and has lived together for 6 years. The significant other and her daughter sabotaged me by letting me know that her daughter AND GRANDDAUGHTER were moving in with us, for...as she explained....just 2 weeks of the month. This is to allow daughter's boyfriend to buy a cheaper house 300 miles away. Homie is not very happy with this arrangement, losing MY bathroom, and having to make sure I am completely dressed when I exit the room. Oh yeah, lets talk about me losing my TV and be forced to watch granddaughter's teen shows! I have some decisions to make soon.
Went to lunch with my significant other yesterday. Also present was her 45 year old daughter. Her daughter is dating a guy and has lived together for 6 years. The significant other and her daughter sabotaged me by letting me know that her daughter AND GRANDDAUGHTER were moving in with us, for...as she explained....just 2 weeks of the month. This is to allow daughter's boyfriend to buy a cheaper house 300 miles away. Homie is not very happy with this arrangement, losing MY bathroom, and having to make sure I am completely dressed when I exit the room. Oh yeah, lets talk about me losing my TV and be forced to watch granddaughter's teen shows! I have some decisions to make soon.
Retire to your Mancave and if you don't have one, start construction immediately ! :beeroclock: I have neighbors who had a similar situation and it took the daughter and her lazy ass BF to get their **** together with a 6 yr old and new born 4 years to move out and that to started with a two week stay! LOL
Went to lunch with my significant other yesterday. Also present was her 45 year old daughter. Her daughter is dating a guy and has lived together for 6 years. The significant other and her daughter sabotaged me by letting me know that her daughter AND GRANDDAUGHTER were moving in with us, for...as she explained....just 2 weeks of the month. This is to allow daughter's boyfriend to buy a cheaper house 300 miles away. Homie is not very happy with this arrangement, losing MY bathroom, and having to make sure I am completely dressed when I exit the room. Oh yeah, lets talk about me losing my TV and be forced to watch granddaughter's teen shows! I have some decisions to make soon.
And the hits just keep on coming!
@cgilley, I feel your pain but only somewhat. In my case, the FIL who never stops speaks only Ukrainian or Russian so when he speaks to me all I need do is nod. Additionally, he doesn't live with us so I only have to participate when we Skype or something like that. He's a good ol' egg and means well but still.......................

Also, I keep my honesty regarding subjects like this bottled up inside me because I don't need the stress.
sometimes you have to vent, but I get your drift.
That's a tough situation to be in the middle of and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Try and look at the bright side, at least FIL and MIL are not living with you yet!
if that happens I'm 110% gone. We're at 90% now. They just came back from a visit to the veteran's burial site. 6 hours. Sorry, can't do it. I'm a hammer looking for a nail. I'm learning how to delegate and not feel bad about it.