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  • Z
    I try to solder the Grohe value 3.0 35117 to copper pipes. Before soldering I had to remove synthetic material such as service stops...
    • 1737424702978.png
  • F
    FJD3 reacted to Twowaxhack's post in the thread Sanitary tie-in with Like Like.
    They’re expensive but they’re better. At one time that’s all we had was the unshielded type. If the ground is stable then they’re...
  • 1
    1911smith reacted to Twowaxhack's post in the thread Random plumbing pics with Haha Haha.
    Lesson here is a lot of things work for a short time but eventually the plumber will be there to correct mistakes. Now they have water...
  • 1
    1911smith reacted to Twowaxhack's post in the thread Sanitary tie-in with Like Like.
    They’re expensive but they’re better. At one time that’s all we had was the unshielded type. If the ground is stable then they’re...
  • 1
    1911smith reacted to Zanne's post in the thread What did you do today? with Wow Wow.
    My brother had asthma as a kid and has COPD now. He's been snoring since he was a kid no matter what position he was in and even before...
  • M
    Mitchell-DIY-Guy replied to the thread Random plumbing pics.
    It is an FPT brass ball valve, ½”. Easy to unscrew and replace, be careful not to twist the pipe. Reducers on one end, followed by a...
  • M
    MrInfoPhilly replied to the thread Random plumbing pics.
    Get new 1/2" Threaded ball valve , Just get another threaded ball valve, Everything else will unthread. You can replace the reducing...
  • Zanne
    Zanne replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    My brother had asthma as a kid and has COPD now. He's been snoring since he was a kid no matter what position he was in and even before...
  • Zanne
    Zanne reacted to 1911smith's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    I feel your pain brother! You can take the old dog out of the hunt! But you can't take the hunt out of the old dog! LOL
  • Zanne
    Zanne reacted to Ludington's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Now getting old with all of its troubles is a whole other conversation. But I agree getting old sucks. I'm still at rhe point where "...
  • Zanne
    Zanne reacted to 1911smith's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Before I had my sleep study done, I had talked with a hand full of much older people then myself who have used the CPAP machine for...
  • Zanne
    Zanne reacted to Ludington's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    When I first started, the air would fill my lungs, I dont know if I ever took in that much air . It became like a drug.. I was...
  • Zanne
    Zanne reacted to 1911smith's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    What I wouldn't give for one night of restful sleep, I have sleep apnea really bad. When I tried the machine it was a struggle from day...
  • Zanne
    Zanne reacted to Ludington's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    I ordered a water leak detector to go under my dishwasher (thus it will never leak again) but it is a rope type made by yolink. I tried...
  • Zanne
    Zanne reacted to 1911smith's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Understandably everyone is different and unique when it comes to their body and health. Studies have shown up to 20% of people who don't...