I just wonder about needing "Amazon Prime" since I can get my stuff for free within 2-3 days without paying the fee?
I swear, my GF has a spot in our driveway reserved just for the Amazon van. The delivery driver should just move in for as much time as she spends at our house during the week, minimum of four times if it's a slow week. My GF is so hooked on Amazon that the Prime membership wasn't good enough so she upped it to the business account. I don't understand it, I am just glad she is blowing her own money and not mine! LOLI just wonder about needing "Amazon Prime" since I can get my stuff for free within 2-3 days without paying the fee?
What part is the same?Same applies to non-members though.
Overnight between 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM is better than any delivery service on the planet AND, with their GPS tracking system, you can follow and scare the crap out of the delivery person by opening the door before they even drop the package off.I like prime. 2-3 day free shipping.
Oh boy you got me going now…What really bites is Amazon's 2 day delivery... that's a joke now. You never know when something
Is comming. 2 can turn into 3 or more.
Was the UPS damaged by having a hole punctured in the box or being dropped? Oddly, I have had a similar experience with an APC SmartUPS 1000 refurb that was being sold on Amazon. The unit came to me with the outlets on the back of the unit punched out and would not stay in place. The vendor graciously sent me a replacement and told me to keep the first one for spare parts, etc. I fixed the first one and now I have two.Once in a while I'll say I don't want it, and they refund and then say just keep it.
The one that surprised me was the $200 ups that the box was punctured like they dropped it.
I couldn't believe they said to just keep it.
I was referring to the quick returns and the 1-2 day shipping. I asked my neighbor to use his Prime Membership to order me a quart of algaecide for my pool. It was ordered Saturday afternoon, and was delivered at 4:30AM on Sunday. Well, that is pretty cool, but how many people will spend $175 a year to get a pool chemical at 0430 hours?What part is the same?
I too have run into that situation also from time to time. The best one was a little garden wagon from Northern Tool at the time sold for $149.99 and was rated at 1200lbs. and the shipping weight was 63lbs.Once in a while I'll say I don't want it, and they refund and then say just keep it.
The one that surprised me was the $200 ups that the box was punctured like they dropped it.
I couldn't believe they said to just keep it.
Love those Pork Cracklins!I found out that if you are unhappy with food items purchased, they may give you "store credit" and won't be asking for a return. I am not sure if you ordered 100 pounds of Wagyu beef they would do that but something small, as in my case, a big container of fried pork cracklin's (chicharrónes) they offered a one-time good will gift card. ¡olé!
Store bought?Had them once, felt like my mouth was coatedvwith grease. Even though t
Hey taste good, couldn't handle that grease
Don't remember, but probablyStore bought?