Back in the 80s we had 63+ cats but we would take them to the vet if they were injured or sick.The vet liked us because we cared about animals. He would make house calls and did some free spaying and neutering for us. Miss that dude. Died of cancer. :-(
Everyone in his class at vet school got cancer so it must have been something they were exposed to.
Rupert is currently standing on my shoulders. He's been restless and wandering around. He stumbles and can't seem to figure out where he wants to go. Not sure what he wants. He started eating canned food ravenously but he's clumsy.
He rejected the pet bed I got him but Fippy likes it.

Rupert prefers sleeping here, or in front of my belly/legs when I'm on my side.

I've since cleaned the crud off of his eyes.
Didn't sleep well last night since I kept checking on him. I'm still feeding him pedialyte via syringe. I'm glad he's showing interest in food again. Wish I could tell if he's hungry or not. I think he wants to go outside as he's staring out the window right now.
Went into town and got beef stew from a local mom and pop place. I saved a little beef for Princess and Mom saved some for Fippy. I had to call him to get him to come to the living room. He was in the pet bed on my bed and I asked him if he wanted to "go see mommy" and he popped up and trotted to the room.
One of the cows was hollering when I got home. She's in the barnyard but looked to be fine. I think she was hoping I brought home more sweet feed. I'll have to do that later.
Tomorrow is my friend's wife's birthday so I'll likely be going into town and getting her some sort of gift.