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I've got a friend in NC and she said she's OK but people near her got hit hard. Lots of flooding, lost homes, and some deaths. :-(

I went to look for Boo outside since he figured out how to go out the cat door. I brought him to the door from the outside and pushed him through it. That did the trick. Now he goes out and comes in at his leisure. The other cats still holler at the door to be let back in. Well, Senator Snugglebum, Bethesda, and Aminatu seem to be the only ones aside from Boo who have figured out that they can go through it to go out. The other cats just sit and stare at the pet door angrily and then go piss & crap on the counter and hallway in protest. My brother put a plate down on the counter and turned around to get something and one of them used the plate as a litterbox to let them know just how mad they are about it.
On yesterday neighbors came together and cleared 8 or 10 large trees blocking the neighborhood and main road . We are several hundred miles from the coast and early Friday AM got to observe the calm from inside the eye as the path came right over us with peak winds in the 60 to 80 mph. No power yet but fortunately the generator has not skipped a beat. Many gas stations are our of gas but I found one this PM and was able to replenish enough for a few more days. Finally got to put the chainsaw down and power up the PC today and watch some satellite based football.
Feel fortunate since my house is surrounded by 80 foot pine trees...