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I've got a friend in NC and she said she's OK but people near her got hit hard. Lots of flooding, lost homes, and some deaths. :-(

I went to look for Boo outside since he figured out how to go out the cat door. I brought him to the door from the outside and pushed him through it. That did the trick. Now he goes out and comes in at his leisure. The other cats still holler at the door to be let back in. Well, Senator Snugglebum, Bethesda, and Aminatu seem to be the only ones aside from Boo who have figured out that they can go through it to go out. The other cats just sit and stare at the pet door angrily and then go piss & crap on the counter and hallway in protest. My brother put a plate down on the counter and turned around to get something and one of them used the plate as a litterbox to let them know just how mad they are about it.
On yesterday neighbors came together and cleared 8 or 10 large trees blocking the neighborhood and main road . We are several hundred miles from the coast and early Friday AM got to observe the calm from inside the eye as the path came right over us with peak winds in the 60 to 80 mph. No power yet but fortunately the generator has not skipped a beat. Many gas stations are our of gas but I found one this PM and was able to replenish enough for a few more days. Finally got to put the chainsaw down and power up the PC today and watch some satellite based football.
Feel fortunate since my house is surrounded by 80 foot pine trees...
Was sick this morning. Bad tummy ache and feeling nauseous. Took Pepto and rolled on my left side for a bit. Cats kept jumping on me and demanding food. My 2nd oldest, Itsy, was particularly persistent. She kept licking my face and trying to lift my arm with her paws. I finally got up and put out food before crawling back into bed until Mom asked me to cook for her. Then I went and picked up my friend to bring him out to do some yard work. We were both moving slowly and even though it was down to 89 it felt too hot. I wish I'd been able to help more but I still feel cruddy.

Got a small tree next to the AC cut down. It was soft wood so it wasn't heavy or difficult. I was able to drag half of the tree over to the burn pile by myself. Will need to tackle the ones in the back later. Eventually i need to get the old hot tub chained to the tow hitch on my truck and haul it away.

Two of the cats are now using the pet door to come in and out. Another two can go out but don't know how to get back in. They either go to the front and holler or go to the back door and holler. I don't know if the other 8 cats don't know how to go out or just don't want to try. At least one of them sits there glaring at the pet door and wagging her tail though. I suspect she's the one who crapped and pissed on the counter in protest.

Rupert is doing better and chases after me when I'm walking. He can't quite run but he can walk fast. He still struggles to aim his head for the bowls and keeps licking the bowls themselves while trying to eat and drink but he still manages to get food and water. I put his wet food in a bowl and hold it up for him to make it easier for him.
Went to the courthouse to support my friend while he testified but it was just a custody hearing. They didn't tell him what it was about. There's another court date next week. I think the 8th or the 9th. Saw a guy I'm pretty sure friend's ex was dating who showed up. She likes to string guys along and lie about the guy she's with and then get the new guys to be totally dedicated to her. She has my friend convinced that the guy she cheated on him with was abusive to her. He had no history of violence and no one else claimed he was violent but her. She also accused my friend of being violent with her but he seems to forget that and has a case of the stupids. He so badly wants her to be deemed innocent so he doesn't have to be stuck with the 4-yr-old that he's made himself ignore what he experienced and witnessed to paint her as the victim in the situation. I love him to death, he's like family, and we've been friends for over a decade, but he's got a serious case of the stupids when it comes to her. It's like her stupidity rubbed off on him. He thinks she's too dumb to manipulate him but she did it masterfully. She was taught how to manipulate people by her adopted Mom.

He's so fracking stupid he was going to try to put the house he's in up for collateral to try to bail her out-- but her bail was set higher than the value of the house.

At least one good thing came of it, we stopped by the assessor's office and got some info on the house he wants to by. Ladies there were very nice. One of them gave me the name and number to call to try to get the spelling of my street address corrected in the system and she showed us how to access their website to see parcel sizes, numbers, who owns it, and what the value is. Found out that a local judge stole more than half of the property my friend has now. He put up a fence, put some trailers on it and somehow got the property transferred to his name without paying for any of it. They also have the properties and addresses mixed up on friend's street. And found out the property I live on is still in my dad's name and the back 13 acres are in Mom & dad's names. Not sure how they took Mom's name off the front 19 acres bc her name was on the loan and the deed. Starting to see how friend's Mom was able to get friend's dad's name removed from the deed to the house that should be my friend's though.

It's a cluster.

There's another court date next week but I might have a doctor's appointment.

Anyway, I went by friend's house after the courthouse and played with kittens.
Kelebrimbor is a friendly little guy
Anyway, I went by friend's house after the courthouse and played with kittens.
Kelebrimbor is a friendly little guy
View attachment 46656
Cute kitten BUT he/she will never be able to learn its name!

Also, I have forgotten but why is your friend in jail with a bail set so high? In any event, I do hope justice is served.
Yesterday I had to add air to my water well pressure tank. I heard the pump turning on and off a little too often. The last time I added air was maybe 2 years ago?? It's one of those fiberglass pressure tanks with replaceable bladder.
Cute kitten BUT he/she will never be able to learn its name!

Also, I have forgotten but why is your friend in jail with a bail set so high? In any event, I do hope justice is served.
You'd be surprised at what pets can learn to answer to. We have a cat named Yasuke but he also answers to B!tch McNuggets. Don't ask me why my brother started calling him that, but he answers to it.

Rupert answers to Rupert, Rupie-Ruperton, Ru-pear, and Rupie. He'll come trotting over. Lately he'll even give a little half-meow to let me know he heard me.

My friend isn't in jail or charged with anything. His ex is the one charged. It started with her 2-month old infant being brought to the hospital with a swollen/bruised femur. Turns out it was fractured. Hospital did more x-rays and found 10 more fractures in various states of healing. Said the nature of the injuries was not accidental. She claimed to not know anything about the injuries and blamed her boyfriend (who may or may not be the father). The boyfriend's family reported on how violent she is and she lied and said the boyfriend is violent with her and my friend believed her lies and told the lady from DCFS about it. Both the ex and her boyfriend were arrested for 2nd degree cruelty to juveniles and bond was set at $50k. From what I understand the left femur, the right leg (down near ankle), and ribs all had fractures. Before she got arrested the ex said the hospital wanted to do surgery on one of the legs. So it's pretty bad. Friend heard that they might be raising the charge to 1st degree.

Rickwoo, a replaceable bladder sounds like a good idea. Sounds like the pump was short-cycling.

I took my brother to his doctor's appointment today, picked up mail, and went to Walmart for some groceries. Got a family size stuffed peppers for Mom even though I'm allergic. I have to put on goggles and put tissues up my nose when I cook them for her.

Got home and cooked for Mom and then took Rupert for a walk. He's moving much faster now. He likes to run up behind me and then circle around my legs. He fixated on Aminatu and kept charging at her. Then the cow came over and I picked him up so he wouldn't get stepped on. Set him on the sidewalk and had him follow me back in. Then I fed him some bisque and he's now asleep on my lap.