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I might be behind on Rupert, but was he sick ? Or just getting old ? I thought cats lived longer than 12 years.
He's sick. He got an inner ear infection that caused vertigo. He had the same thing as a kitten but not as extreme. It's actually how I caught him. He was in cat colony and kept running from me. I was catching kitties to clean their eyes and ears and stuff and feeding them. He was afraid. But he got vertigo so badly he was spinning in circles so I was able to catch him and take him to the vet. Poor thing was so terrified, he froze up when I picked him up, but then I started petting him and he relaxed. Got him treated at the vet and brought him home. But now he's having it again and its worse. He couldn't even lift his head after the recent vet visit. He's curled up against my belly right now.
He's sick. He got an inner ear infection that caused vertigo. He had the same thing as a kitten but not as extreme. It's actually how I caught him. He was in cat colony and kept running from me. I was catching kitties to clean their eyes and ears and stuff and feeding them. He was afraid. But he got vertigo so badly he was spinning in circles so I was able to catch him and take him to the vet. Poor thing was so terrified, he froze up when I picked him up, but then I started petting him and he relaxed. Got him treated at the vet and brought him home. But now he's having it again and its worse. He couldn't even lift his head after the recent vet visit. He's curled up against my belly right now.
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You sure love your kitties... we had a dog growing up, and I don't think he ever went to the vet, he got table scraps mostly, maybe some dog food.
But it was a different time. It was that way everywhere.
Now our horses had regular vet visits.
Back in the 80s we had 63+ cats but we would take them to the vet if they were injured or sick.The vet liked us because we cared about animals. He would make house calls and did some free spaying and neutering for us. Miss that dude. Died of cancer. :-(
Everyone in his class at vet school got cancer so it must have been something they were exposed to.

Rupert is currently standing on my shoulders. He's been restless and wandering around. He stumbles and can't seem to figure out where he wants to go. Not sure what he wants. He started eating canned food ravenously but he's clumsy.

He rejected the pet bed I got him but Fippy likes it.
Rupert prefers sleeping here, or in front of my belly/legs when I'm on my side.
I've since cleaned the crud off of his eyes.
Didn't sleep well last night since I kept checking on him. I'm still feeding him pedialyte via syringe. I'm glad he's showing interest in food again. Wish I could tell if he's hungry or not. I think he wants to go outside as he's staring out the window right now.

Went into town and got beef stew from a local mom and pop place. I saved a little beef for Princess and Mom saved some for Fippy. I had to call him to get him to come to the living room. He was in the pet bed on my bed and I asked him if he wanted to "go see mommy" and he popped up and trotted to the room.

One of the cows was hollering when I got home. She's in the barnyard but looked to be fine. I think she was hoping I brought home more sweet feed. I'll have to do that later.

Tomorrow is my friend's wife's birthday so I'll likely be going into town and getting her some sort of gift.
Do your kitties come when you call them ? My neighbor has 8 or 10 and
Twice a day or maybe 3, she will yell For them, and they come running from all over. I guess they know that means food.
As long as they don't spray, I like having them around to keep the mice, lizards, snakes, and whatever else they catch at bay.
They sure want the squirrels, but havnt seen them catch one yet.
I used to have holes all over the yard, moles, or I don't know what was making them.. the holes would just go down maybe 8 inches or so and just stop. But gone now, since all of the cats have invaded.
Yes. The kitties will come when I call them. Most of them know their names and will meow at me or rush to me when I say their names. Turns out Rupert did want outside. He follows me around like a puppy, circles around my legs, wanders off ahead or behind and then circles back to me. I got him to follow me outside and walk around yesterday.

After I fed him this morning (he had a whole packet full of Lil Shakes again) he wanted to walk so I took him out. He kept charging at Aminatu and hissing at her. She walked away and he followed and hissed. I called him back and he turned away. Then he did the same back in the kitchen with Yasuke except he meowed angrily instead of hissing. Yasuke kept moving away and then climbed where Rupert couldn't follow. So Rupert wandered around the kitchen for a bit after I put out dry food then he wanted back on my bed. He kept walking in circles until I played some music from Youtube and got him to settle down. He's on my lap right now.
I've always loved animals but cats are my favorite.

Speaking of kitties, the kittens at my friend's house are super friendly. They chased us when we were leaving. Tortie kitten ran up and wanted to be petted. They roll on their backs for belly rubs.

Took my friends out for dinner (it was friend's wife's birthday) and Mom said Rupert was in the kitchen eating dry food while I was gone. He's currently on my shoulders. I fed him more Lil Shakes this morning. He tried to devour my finger before I decided to get some for him. LOL.

Cooked for Mom and put a load of laundry in the wash for her. Rupert is currently sitting on my shoulders.

My closet doors fell over (they came off their track a long time ago) and I noticed one looks way smaller than the other. Measured and saw one is 24" and the other is 32". Track is ~56". I don't think they make doors for closets that size now. LOL.

Mom had a doctor appointment later today so I'm just waiting to pull her stuff out of the wash and put it in the dryer. Once I do that I'll see if Rupert wants to go for a walk again. He enjoyed his walk yesterday-- but he kept charging at other cats and getting up in their faces. He hissed at Aminatu and howled at Yasuke. He just about headbutted Senator Snugglebum.
Had a minor setback with Rupert because Princess decided to be a douchecanoe and attacked him. I think he accidentally stepped on her or something and she overreacted and jumped on him biting and clobbering him. He was screaming and I yanked her off by the scruff of her neck and picked him up. His nose was bleeding and he was terrified. Took me 30minutes to calm him down and get him purring again.

He was feeling well enough to follow me around afterward though. We went for a slightly longer walk today and I asked my brother to watch him while we were gone. Got home and couldn't find him so I poked my head in to ask my brother and he was spooning Rupert. Rupert was happy but started meowing for me so I handed bro some food and he handed Rupert off to me. He's sleeping up against my hip now.

Mom is feeing nauseous and went to take a nap. My back and hip are hurting so I took some naprosyn and need a nap. Mom just paged and needs Dexcom sensor changed.

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