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I went to YouTube to check out how that's done. Seems to be a pretty easy thing to do. Easy, of course, as long as the patient is being good.

Where's the best site to place it?
They recommend back of the arm but it can be put on lower abdomen so long as there is sufficient fat. For Mom there is so much fat that I have to put my fingers on the ring that serves as an extra lock and press it in so the device will deploy. Her fat is so soft and jello-like that it won't push the ring in unless I hurt her by pushing the thing against her. So, I press it in and keep my fingers out of the way and hit the button. Then I put the sticker on to make it stay better.

I looked up the Dexcom Stelo (for people who are not on insulin) gut it's $99 for a one-time purchase of a months' supply and $89 if there's a subscription. It's OTC. My doctor was telling me about it and suggesting we look into it. Not at that price though. And it isn't supposed to be on the belly. I don't want to put it on the back of my arm.

Mom is a back sleeper so the arm placement would put pressure on the sensor.

Went to the doctor. BP 108/80, weight down to 191, but sugar was 308. Doc wants me to up my Metformin and check my sugar at home. I hate needles and don't have my own monitor. Don't really want to do it.

Took the runt of the litter of kittens at my friend's house to the vet to make sure he was OK. Named him Kelebrimbor. Had to spell it about 4 times for the clerk to put in. He's such a sweet little baby. I held him on the palm of my hand and petted him with my thumb while I was driving. He curled up and purred. He's a fluffy orange kitty and I want to bring him home.

Friend had a bad day so I got him a chuck roast and some sodas that he loves.

Bro cooked a chuck roast in the pressure cooker with Japanese spices and it turned out great. Fippy was sitting on my foot while I ate because he didn't want me to forget that he was there so I'd share some.

A tropical storm is heading our way. Might turn into a hurricane. If it stays east we should be OK but might still lose power from heavy rains. If it veers west we'll get hit & probably be without power for a few weeks or more. Hoping it peters out and/or stays east.
They recommend back of the arm but it can be put on lower abdomen so long as there is sufficient fat.
Too bad there isn't a microchip option with a ten-year battery life.
Went to the doctor. BP 108/80, weight down to 191, but sugar was 308.
Great BP! I wish I could achieve that!
I used to have abnormally low BP so that bp is actually high in comparison. But it's decent. The storm turned into a cat1 hurricane. They think it might turn to cat2. If it stays on course it should mostly miss us and we'd get gusts up to 23mph or so. Hoping it doesn't veer west but also really hope it de-powers before it gets too far. I have friends in the path.

Worst one I was ever in was a Cat5 when I was in Guam. It tore the crap out of the island. Sandblasted part of Marine Drive off the island, washed away some cemeteries, and carried boulders 200ft up and smashed houses at the top of cliffs. No power for over 4 months. That really sucked. The tap water there wasn't potable so it needed to be boiled. Micronesia mall had generators so it was very popular for those 4 months.

Anyway, my cat Rupert started getting sick last night. He ate and then was starting to lose his balance. Turns out he's got an ear infection causing vertigo. I took him to the vet first thing this morning. Poor baby is not feeling well at all. He's normally quiet but he meowed more in the past few hours than he usually meows in an entire year. He got antibiotics and ear ointment. He's not a happy camper. He's sleeping right now. Having had ear infections I know they absolutely suck and wish I could do more to make him feel better. Vet said it would take time for him to heal and I said I'm willing to work with him, give him meds, feed him, etc. I was so worried about him last night I couldn't sleep.
I used to have abnormally low BP so that bp is actually high in comparison. But it's decent. The storm turned into a cat1 hurricane. They think it might turn to cat2. If it stays on course it should mostly miss us and we'd get gusts up to 23mph or so. Hoping it doesn't veer west but also really hope it de-powers before it gets too far. I have friends in the path.

Worst one I was ever in was a Cat5 when I was in Guam. It tore the crap out of the island. Sandblasted part of Marine Drive off the island, washed away some cemeteries, and carried boulders 200ft up and smashed houses at the top of cliffs. No power for over 4 months. That really sucked. The tap water there wasn't potable so it needed to be boiled. Micronesia mall had generators so it was very popular for those 4 months.

Anyway, my cat Rupert started getting sick last night. He ate and then was starting to lose his balance. Turns out he's got an ear infection causing vertigo. I took him to the vet first thing this morning. Poor baby is not feeling well at all. He's normally quiet but he meowed more in the past few hours than he usually meows in an entire year. He got antibiotics and ear ointment. He's not a happy camper. He's sleeping right now. Having had ear infections I know they absolutely suck and wish I could do more to make him feel better. Vet said it would take time for him to heal and I said I'm willing to work with him, give him meds, feed him, etc. I was so worried about him last night I couldn't sleep.
With sugar at 308... how much metformin are you on ? I was high like that at one time. I was 280 pounds. Over the next 6 months I dropped to 199. But back to 230 now. I'm on 1000 mg 2x a day. I'm pretty happy at 130-140 when I check it. It's easy to check.. and they will usually give you the monitor equipment.. but that's because the strips are expensive. But now I'm on medicare, it's all free.
I'm taking 1,000mg of Metformin ER once daily but doc wants me to go to 2x daily. There was some issue with the price so pharmacy only gave me a one month supply of the 500mg so I had to take 2 pills at once. It wrecks my digestive tract so I'm going to have to start with only one of the 500s in the morning and 2 at night so I can get my body to acclimate a bit more before doubling the dosage. I'm also going to see if I can get the 1,000mg type again once I finish off the 500s. I don't have insurance so that complicates things.

They don't give free meters here and since I don't have insurance its all out of pocket. My main issue is that I have a needle phobia from bad experiences in the past and even though it is less painful than cat scratches I've had, I can't bring myself to prick my finger. When they did it at the office my finger itched afterward.

Medicare is not free. In fact, when Mom got a cola increase they raised what she has to pay toward medicare by more than the cola increase. They are also underpaying the social security-- she gets Dad's annuity and social security since she's his widow but they have the amount of time in military service wrong and are paying less because of it. They aren't giving credit for 2 years of his service and they should be.

I got some sort of chicken puree cat food stuff called Lil Shakes for Rupert. He's too sick/weak to show interest in food so I had to suck it up into a syringe and then slowly push it into his mouth. I followed up with some pedialyte.

Got the last dose of deworming meds into my cats. Brother helped me bc last time they clawed me.
Pic doesn't show but they got my fingertips too. Wish I'd had a glucose meter to check my sugar then. LOL.
They were upset with me for a little bit. Bethesda wriggled free and ran after only getting half a dose so I caught her later and gave her more. I petted them and fed them afterward so they've forgiven me. Boo made a b-line for my brother's room. He's been obsessed with going in there and sitting in his chair or on his bed. He will wake me up to ask me to let him in there.

I woke up every couple hours to check on Rupert and to flip him to different sides-- he can't really stand up or walk right now-- so he wouldn't get sore. I put a puppy pad under him. I let him sleep in my usual sleeping spot and I bumped over more to the side. He cried out a couple of times so I checked on him, adjusted the covers and petted him. His tongue keeps hanging out of his mouth and he looks like a derp.

He cried out around 6am and woke me up so I gave him some more pedialyte and flipped him over. He felt like he was a bit feverish so I took the covers off of him and he was making some sort of noise. Not quite a moan- almost a whimper. I picked him up and held him on my abdomen and chest and petted him. He likes to sleep like that when he's not sick and it seemed to help. His temp went down and he started purring. He's slipped off a bit so his legs are on me but he's sort of next to me with his head resting on the crook of my arm. He's due to get some oral meds soon and I'll try more puree and pedialyte. I'm hoping he'll show interest in food but he barely even opens his eyes.

He's comfortable right now so I don't want to move him, but he needs his meds. I think I need to get him a bib for when I feed him so it doesn't drip out all over.

Meanwhile, the storm went way east of us and depowered to tropical storm sooner than predicted. My friends in Kenner reported that they didn't even lose power and that they are OK. We got some rain and that was it.
Excellent news! But Medicare is free? I wish I could be on it! All I have is Part A I think.
Oh, no, misunderstanding. I pay for Medicare B, A is free. But I have suppliments also.
But the diabeties stuff comes out of part B (I think) so no out of pocket.
Its Not through Part D , pharmacy drugs and stuff.
Heavens.. Medicare isn't free. With paying for part B, D, dental and vision add ons. Plus the cost of the drugs we use..
We are paying about 10k a year. It really is insane.
I'm taking 1,000mg of Metformin ER once daily but doc wants me to go to 2x daily. There was some issue with the price so pharmacy only gave me a one month supply of the 500mg so I had to take 2 pills at once. It wrecks my digestive tract so I'm going to have to start with only one of the 500s in the morning and 2 at night so I can get my body to acclimate a bit more before doubling the dosage. I'm also going to see if I can get the 1,000mg type again once I finish off the 500s. I don't have insurance so that complicates things.

They don't give free meters here and since I don't have insurance its all out of pocket. My main issue is that I have a needle phobia from bad experiences in the past and even though it is less painful than cat scratches I've had, I can't bring myself to prick my finger. When they did it at the office my finger itched afterward.

Medicare is not free. In fact, when Mom got a cola increase they raised what she has to pay toward medicare by more than the cola increase. They are also underpaying the social security-- she gets Dad's annuity and social security since she's his widow but they have the amount of time in military service wrong and are paying less because of it. They aren't giving credit for 2 years of his service and they should be.

I got some sort of chicken puree cat food stuff called Lil Shakes for Rupert. He's too sick/weak to show interest in food so I had to suck it up into a syringe and then slowly push it into his mouth. I followed up with some pedialyte.

Got the last dose of deworming meds into my cats. Brother helped me bc last time they clawed me.
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Pic doesn't show but they got my fingertips too. Wish I'd had a glucose meter to check my sugar then. LOL.
They were upset with me for a little bit. Bethesda wriggled free and ran after only getting half a dose so I caught her later and gave her more. I petted them and fed them afterward so they've forgiven me. Boo made a b-line for my brother's room. He's been obsessed with going in there and sitting in his chair or on his bed. He will wake me up to ask me to let him in there.

I woke up every couple hours to check on Rupert and to flip him to different sides-- he can't really stand up or walk right now-- so he wouldn't get sore. I put a puppy pad under him. I let him sleep in my usual sleeping spot and I bumped over more to the side. He cried out a couple of times so I checked on him, adjusted the covers and petted him. His tongue keeps hanging out of his mouth and he looks like a derp.

He cried out around 6am and woke me up so I gave him some more pedialyte and flipped him over. He felt like he was a bit feverish so I took the covers off of him and he was making some sort of noise. Not quite a moan- almost a whimper. I picked him up and held him on my abdomen and chest and petted him. He likes to sleep like that when he's not sick and it seemed to help. His temp went down and he started purring. He's slipped off a bit so his legs are on me but he's sort of next to me with his head resting on the crook of my arm. He's due to get some oral meds soon and I'll try more puree and pedialyte. I'm hoping he'll show interest in food but he barely even opens his eyes.

He's comfortable right now so I don't want to move him, but he needs his meds. I think I need to get him a bib for when I feed him so it doesn't drip out all over.

Meanwhile, the storm went way east of us and depowered to tropical storm sooner than predicted. My friends in Kenner reported that they didn't even lose power and that they are OK. We got some rain and that was it.
Are your metformin the extended release type? I couldn't handle the instant release, so they prescribed the extended or slow release.
That made a big difference.
Oh, no, misunderstanding. I pay for Medicare B, A is free. But I have suppliments also.
But the diabeties stuff comes out of part B (I think) so no out of pocket.
Its Not through Part D , pharmacy drugs and stuff.
Heavens.. Medicare isn't free. With paying for part B, D, dental and vision add ons. Plus the cost of the drugs we use..
We are paying about 10k a year. It really is insane.
Agreed that is in insane. I am still keeping my old Federal BCBS policy alive until the daughter turns 26 and the wife outlives me. That and (Snoopy) Metlife Dental and vision. $6k a year for the BCBS alone.

That being said, I am getting my money's worth each and every day I stay alive!
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My Mom has Blue Cross Blue Shield federal policy but when she was turning 70 they sent her a letter informing her that due to her age and with her being old enough to get Medicare they were reducing her coverage to supplemental only and that she had to get Medicare as her primary. However, they didn't reduce her premiums for BCBS and they have increased those over time. They also reduced from 80% coverage to sometimes less than 50%. I think they cover most of her meds and stuff and Medicare covers doctor visits and hospital stay. So she had almost no out-of-pocket on her hospital stay between the two insurances.

@Ludington I have the extended release (Metformin ER). I've heard that if you eat protein/meat when taking it that its supposed to reduce the chance of digestive issues. But the dose I take in the evening is taken at the same time as my thyroid meds and I'm not supposed to take food with it. I don't remember to take stuff at different times of the day usually-- even if I have alarms set.

@BlueSkyHigh LOL! I think I've had cat scratch fever at least once.

Poor Rupert is not even able to really lift his head. I had him purring earlier but he's still really out of it. I had to sit him up and hold him up with one hand while I gave him his pill (super easy since he has no teeth and is too weak to hold his jaw shut) and then followed it with some pedialyte to help wash it down. Then I gave him some puree very slowly. I would push a teeny bit in and wait for him to swallow and then push more until I gave him a few ccs. Then I chased it with a bit more pedialyte. I want to keep him hydrated. He's responding a bit more now than he was last night. I also gave him the ear ointment. He's on top of puppy pads to absorb any drool and in case he has to pee.

Got a call from a solar company. I'd previously put in something asking for info and they had my address and said they could see my house on satellite (satellite flags the car port as my house). Said it looked like plenty of space for solar panels and asked about setting up a visit to have someone give an estimate. I said I'd talk to Mom about it since she's the owner and I'm the caregiver. Talked to Mom and she said she'd only be comfortable with that if they came out when our friend is here. I'm trying to figure out if its legit or if they are potential burglars. I'm thinking legit but am still wary.
*Twowaxhack would be proud of me because I have a licensed, certified plumber onsite fixing my water leak. $409 to diagnose and a heavenly amount to replace a piece of pipe going into the shower valve. $1,001 total including my dementia guy’s discount.
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My Mom has Blue Cross Blue Shield federal policy but when she was turning 70 they sent her a letter informing her that due to her age and with her being old enough to get Medicare they were reducing her coverage to supplemental only and that she had to get Medicare as her primary. However, they didn't reduce her premiums for BCBS and they have increased those over time. They also reduced from 80% coverage to sometimes less than 50%. I think they cover most of her meds and stuff and Medicare covers doctor visits and hospital stay. So she had almost no out-of-pocket on her hospital stay between the two insurances.

@Ludington I have the extended release (Metformin ER). I've heard that if you eat protein/meat when taking it that its supposed to reduce the chance of digestive issues. But the dose I take in the evening is taken at the same time as my thyroid meds and I'm not supposed to take food with it. I don't remember to take stuff at different times of the day usually-- even if I have alarms set.

@BlueSkyHigh LOL! I think I've had cat scratch fever at least once.

Poor Rupert is not even able to really lift his head. I had him purring earlier but he's still really out of it. I had to sit him up and hold him up with one hand while I gave him his pill (super easy since he has no teeth and is too weak to hold his jaw shut) and then followed it with some pedialyte to help wash it down. Then I gave him some puree very slowly. I would push a teeny bit in and wait for him to swallow and then push more until I gave him a few ccs. Then I chased it with a bit more pedialyte. I want to keep him hydrated. He's responding a bit more now than he was last night. I also gave him the ear ointment. He's on top of puppy pads to absorb any drool and in case he has to pee.

Got a call from a solar company. I'd previously put in something asking for info and they had my address and said they could see my house on satellite (satellite flags the car port as my house). Said it looked like plenty of space for solar panels and asked about setting up a visit to have someone give an estimate. I said I'd talk to Mom about it since she's the owner and I'm the caregiver. Talked to Mom and she said she'd only be comfortable with that if they came out when our friend is here. I'm trying to figure out if its legit or if they are potential burglars. I'm thinking legit but am still wary.
Have them install the solar array and tell them you will pay them contingent upon any cost savings you realize. Personally I would not have responded but that’s just me.

I’d go the whole home generator route.

Hey, maybe there is some of that $1.5T left to be had?
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Helping my friends move there boxing gym to a new location...fire cheif inspector just had them take down the flags and banners. Rings are up, speed bags framing will be steel beams, flooring and reception desk to come.


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We have problems with generators because they need fuel and fuel isn't always available. We have plenty of sunlight. but I want to learn more about the solar stuff before making any sort of decisions.

Rupert is about 12 yrs old. Been giving him lots of love, holding him, giving him pedialyte and chicken puree (well, a puree cat food called Lil Shakes). Mom was jealous and saying I take better care of the cat than of her. I told her that I'd put puree and pedialyte in a syringe and feed her if she wanted. She smirked at me.

Rupert was able to lift his head yesterday and early this morning he stood up and climbed off my bed while I was in the bathroom. He meandered around the hallway and kitchen. He fell a couple of times but I picked him back up and set him on his feet again. He's no longer spinning in circles but he got tired fast. I can't blame him. He still won't eat on his own so I use the syringe. I'm giving him more food and pedialyte. He's purring more and climbed onto my lap several times. He curls his paws around my fingers when I touch his paw-- not as forcefully as he does when healthy, but its still a vast improvement. Vet said it would take awhile for him to heal. He just needs time and some TLC.
We have problems with generators because they need fuel and fuel isn't always available. We have plenty of sunlight. but I want to learn more about the solar stuff before making any sort of decisions.

Rupert is about 12 yrs old. Been giving him lots of love, holding him, giving him pedialyte and chicken puree (well, a puree cat food called Lil Shakes). Mom was jealous and saying I take better care of the cat than of her. I told her that I'd put puree and pedialyte in a syringe and feed her if she wanted. She smirked at me.

Rupert was able to lift his head yesterday and early this morning he stood up and climbed off my bed while I was in the bathroom. He meandered around the hallway and kitchen. He fell a couple of times but I picked him back up and set him on his feet again. He's no longer spinning in circles but he got tired fast. I can't blame him. He still won't eat on his own so I use the syringe. I'm giving him more food and pedialyte. He's purring more and climbed onto my lap several times. He curls his paws around my fingers when I touch his paw-- not as forcefully as he does when healthy, but its still a vast improvement. Vet said it would take awhile for him to heal. He just needs time and some TLC.
I might be behind on Rupert, but was he sick ? Or just getting old ? I thought cats lived longer than 12 years.