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My condensate drain is PVC. As far as I can tell, at no point does it go to any metal. I think there was a clog or something and pouring bleach down helped clear it.
HVAC guy wouldn't look for any leaks. Told me to get a black light and look for leaks myself. Not even sure where to look. I'll have to get the house cleaned up and deodorized before he would even consider coming back to look.

Did curbside pickup from Walmart and ran in to grab some pulled pork sammiches for Mom. They don't sell them online, have to go to the deli and hope they are in stock.

Friend told me the 4-yr-old has been hitting and trying to hit people. She tried to slap his mother so I'm guessing he caught hands for that. She was abusive to my friend when he was little. Kid hit my friend and hurt his own hand. He apparently cried and said "ow" for about 3min afterward. Must have seen his mom hitting people. She was always clobbering my friend and clobbered her current boyfriend. She learned it from her adopted Mom. The adopted mom was physically and emotionally abusive to her and the other kids. But she didn't leave bruises. The ex isn't so violent when she's on her meds for bipolar disorder. I hope the kids don't inherit any of her issues. She was taken away from her own parents due to abuse/neglect and ended up with career foster parents who found out they could make more $ from her social security if they adopted her than if they just fostered her and they could continue to collect it after she turned 18 so long as she still lived with them.

Ceiling in kitchen is dripping again. It rained the day the AC got fixed. Not sure if its from the AC ducts or the rain.
He wouldn't check for leaks... what an A$$hat. You have to have dye in the refrigerant before you can see it with a black light, I've seen them just look for oilly streaks or use a sniffer.
Regardless, if he was there and the unit was frozen over, that pretty much says low refrigerant.. so he either didn't know how to check, or didn't have the equipment. But to tell her to check it herself is very unprofessional.
I think the HVAC guy wanted the house cleaned up before he would look.
Is your A/C unit in the attic?
My air handler is in a closet in the hallway. It is raised up over an air circulation compartment and is next to the water heater.
The condenser unit is outside next to my bathroom.
The water has been dripping directly under one of the AC ducts in the attic.

Yeah, the guy wouldn't set foot back in the house after the cat dropped the stinky dump when he walked in. In the past he left the house bc there was a dead snake in the circulation compartment and the smell got to him. But other times he had no problem and didn't complain about the smell. He said there probably was a leak somewhere but didn't give me any indication of where to look. Said he put dye in it and that I would have to look with a black light and that it would show as yellow. When I asked where to look he shrugged.

Might have to get different AC people to come look.

I did curbside pickup at HD. Ended up having to drive over to the loading area bc it was raining and the employee who had my order waved me over. Dude named Steve. He's always very friendly and helpful.

On the way back home my brother got a message from our friend that a mutual friend of ours died this morning. She was only 32. Had all sorts of health issues- part of it from her mom being exposed to chemicals while pregnant during wartime. Her dad was a p.o.s. who cheated on his wife and lied to her Mom (made her think he was single and that he was going to marry her) and blamed the daughter when he got kicked out of the military for adultery. He was incredibly abusive to her and that impacted her health. She'd been hospitalized for ketoacidosis a number of times. Ended up with Graves Disease. A few days ago she had a heart attack and seizures and never recovered. I was just thinking about her yesterday.
Listening to “Dark Side of the Moon” in Dolby Atmos. The 2023 remaster re-release on Blu-ray is spectacular! I have a good mind to get my doctor to prescribe medicinal cannabis for times like these!

Peace my brothers and sisters!
Are you sky-high Mr. Blue ?
Or.. maybe trying to be.. lol
I agree with Da ‘Hack unless he was “waxing” political about the bleach.

No way bleach could put a hole in an aluminum alloy pipe. Besides, putting bleach in the drain should never get anywhere near the evaporator coils.
Found this in my maintenance log:

"He [repairman] took out the old coil. Carried it outside, placed it on the grass next to his truck. Brought out a large box from the truck holding the new evaporator coil. Looked identical except that the old coil had copper tubing on front and back, while the new coil had copper on one side, aluminum tubing on the other. I’ve read that aluminum is less prone to leaking. Wonder why both sides weren’t aluminum. Guess it’s because there’s some welding involved after the coil is installed, and probably a lot easier done with copper."

It wasn't an easy job, one I'd have thought needed two sets of hands, but he made it look easy.

Yes, I also don't understand how bleach poured into the condensate line could affect the upstream evaporator coil. Fumes, is all I can think of.
I've been researching trying to pick a sort of temporary storage shed to go between the house and the car port to store some stuff while we clean up. Hoping it could also hold some of our yard tools like lawnmower, chainsaws, etc. Trying to figure out the fastest and cheapest way to do a foundation. Initially wanted an 8x15 shed but it was over 600lbs. Now leaning more toward 8x10. I've seen various options. I see some with skylights but I don't want skylights bc they can leak.

Went over to help friend work on our CRV. He replaced the ac compressor on it and was trying to replace the serpentine belt. We had the belt recommended by O'Reilly's and Rockauto but it was about 1/2" too short. After hours of trying we could not get that sucker on. So friend inspected the old belt-- no bubbles, cracks, or any visible sign of damage. I pulled on the belt tool and helped line the belt while he attached the belt underneath. Then he got up and pulled it over the last wheel while I held the tool with all my might to hold the other wheel in place. Now I know why they call them serpentine belts and curses to whoever designed that rig.

We were both sweating and exhausted when done. Went to Walmart afterward and I got him some groceries and toilet paper. Got a notebook for his wife. She was a bit frustrated bc she's been trying to potty train the 4-yr-old. CPS declared he's nonverbal. They tried to get him to talk to see if he could tell them who hurt the baby. Cops confiscated phones from the ex & her bf and I think they have court tomorrow. Friend's wife said that the 4-yr-old may need to learn sign language to communicate so she's been learning and he's picking it up. He likes the attention.
I've been researching trying to pick a sort of temporary storage shed to go between the house and the car port to store some stuff while we clean up. Hoping it could also hold some of our yard tools like lawnmower, chainsaws, etc. Trying to figure out the fastest and cheapest way to do a foundation. Initially wanted an 8x15 shed but it was over 600lbs. Now leaning more toward 8x10. I've seen various options. I see some with skylights but I don't want skylights bc they can leak.

Went over to help friend work on our CRV. He replaced the ac compressor on it and was trying to replace the serpentine belt. We had the belt recommended by O'Reilly's and Rockauto but it was about 1/2" too short. After hours of trying we could not get that sucker on. So friend inspected the old belt-- no bubbles, cracks, or any visible sign of damage. I pulled on the belt tool and helped line the belt while he attached the belt underneath. Then he got up and pulled it over the last wheel while I held the tool with all my might to hold the other wheel in place. Now I know why they call them serpentine belts and curses to whoever designed that rig.

We were both sweating and exhausted when done. Went to Walmart afterward and I got him some groceries and toilet paper. Got a notebook for his wife. She was a bit frustrated bc she's been trying to potty train the 4-yr-old. CPS declared he's nonverbal. They tried to get him to talk to see if he could tell them who hurt the baby. Cops confiscated phones from the ex & her bf and I think they have court tomorrow. Friend's wife said that the 4-yr-old may need to learn sign language to communicate so she's been learning and he's picking it up. He likes the attention.
What a life you have, you need your own tv show !
Well, I completed my little job this morning while it was cool and I could have my heat pump off. Installed my new flow guage. Had to cut out the. Old , and as I had it apart, I could look down into where an elbow was, and sure enough there was a restrictive ring of glue. I cleaned that out, and glued in a couple more joints that screw togeather, in case it had to come apart again. But I also used a couple 6 inch unions (just to nake the job a bit easier and faster.
But when turned back on, my flow had changed to 6.5 gpm instead of 4.5. So either one of the flow guages is off or the restriction was really restricting. Got it set at just below 5 now. I think I'll stick this in the what did you do today thread too...here is my new guage,


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Well, I completed my little job this morning while it was cool and I could have my heat pump off. Installed my new flow guage. Had to cut out the. Old , and as I had it apart, I could look down into where an elbow was, and sure enough there was a restrictive ring of glue. I cleaned that out, and glued in a couple more joints that screw togeather, in case it had to come apart again. But I also used a couple 6 inch unions (just to nake the job a bit easier and faster.
But when turned back on, my flow had changed to 6.5 gpm instead of 4.5. So either one of the flow guages is off or the restriction was really restricting. Got it set at just below 5 now. I think I'll stick this in the what did you do today thread too...here is my new guage,
Nice gauge. Are they pretty accurate over time?