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Nice gauge. Are they pretty accurate over time?
Well my old one lasted 40 years, it was starting to leak, I figured it was just time to replace instead of replace the o-rings. And as long as your water is clean.. the stainless rod and float never accumulated anything. When it first went in, the well was new, so it would get stuck because of grit from the well, putting a filter inline fixed that.
The new one is set just under 5, and as it's running and the well kicks on, it takes 4 minutes to cut back off on a 10gpm pump, with an 86 gallon tank, which really holds about 23. So as the pump runs it actually really goes from 10 to 12 , depending as the pressure builds up. So the float is pretty close .
My little work in progress. Should I tape the joints or just fill?:

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I'd personally use mesh tape on the joints to get a better bond but I'm used to things going wrong. LOL.

I'm debating whether to post the video my friend sent me of him commenting on the friend climbing in his tree but it does have some swearing in it. We are all adults here, but I don't want it to violate any rules about swearing.

For some reason I got sick last night and don't know why. I started with some nausea and felt chills and started shivering. It was 70°F inside so its not like it was terribly cold. I forced myself to eat a salad despite the nausea (bc I hadn't eaten enough in the day) and then I curled up for a nap-- still shivering. Woke up drenched in sweat but nausea was gone. Felt a bit unsteady though. I managed to change out Mom's canula for her insulin pump. I got these adhesive patches that have blue strips with clear plastic to make the stickers hold their shape. I read reviews that said some people remove the blue stuff before applying the patch. I tried that for once and found it was a bad idea. Sticker folded over and stuck to itself without the backing to hold it together. So, blue stuff comes off last after I get the patches on. At least Mom likes the patches waaaay better than the ones I'd been using.

She asked me for a needle and thread earlier so I brought her a little kit with needle threader, needle grippers, thimble, thread, and needles. Made me jealous when she told me she was able to thread the needle without the threader. She used glasses to see the hole. My problem is that my depth perception-- even with glasses-- is so terrible that I can't tell if the thread is lined up with the hole. I sometimes have trouble even using the threader. Mom hasn't sewn anything since my older sister was a baby and she was able to sew up the hole in her pocket (by hand).

Doctor's office called to reschedule my appointment as my doctor had something come up and won't be in on the day I was scheduled. Hope nothing bad happened.

Picked up mail from post office, popped in to TSC to get sweet feed for the moo cows. Went to Walmart to grab some stuff. I got a couple small trash cans (about 7.5gallons) for a project. I'm going to make my own cat litter sifter and it won't cost $50+ like the ones I saw online that had cloth baskets for the outside. So, I'm going to have an outer one that will have bottle caps hot glued inside the bottom to offset the inner can so it won't get stuck. Then I'm going to drill holes in the bottom of the inner can to let clean litter fall through. I'll dump the contents of the inner can out in the burn pile and the sifted litter will get put back in the litterbox and topped off with fresh litter.

Anyway, I fed the moo cows and they were happy. Called to my toothless orange cat until he came out of wherever he was hiding in the yard (probably under the house) and he climbed on my shoulder. Gave Mom some more pulled pork sandwiches. Watched Chopped while holding Rupert (after giving him some canned food). Itsy and Mewlatto also got canned food. Boo is outside somewhere. He's been sleeping next to the litterbox when he's inside though. I hope he doesn't have a blocked urinary tract again.

Fippy is sitting on his favorite pillow on my bed next to me.

HomeDepot called me to ask if I picked up the shower door I ordered and I told the lady that I had and that it was installed already.
HomeDepot called me to ask if I picked up the shower door I ordered and I told the lady that I had and that it was installed already.
When I was 19 years old, I lived in a second story apartment, with tight turns and metal railings. I ordered a fridge, and picked it up, and with the help of my 5 friends, we got it into the apartment. A few days later, we heard a racket outside, that seemed to go on for 15-20 minutes. I heard a knock on the door, and upon opening it up, I saw the delivery guys with a new refrigerator at my front door. I laughed and said we already picked it up, and didn't need it. Boy, were they pissed!
When I was 19 years old, I lived in a second story apartment, with tight turns and metal railings. I ordered a fridge, and picked it up, and with the help of my 5 friends, we got it into the apartment. A few days later, we heard a racket outside, that seemed to go on for 15-20 minutes. I heard a knock on the door, and upon opening it up, I saw the delivery guys with a new refrigerator at my front door. I laughed and said we already picked it up, and didn't need it. Boy, were they pissed!
I would’ve said you can just leave it right there boys, thanks !
I actually considered this, but it's not in my blood to steal.
Same with me. Back when Amazon was still only selling books they sent me an order twice but only charged me once. They had US customer service back then (we're talking mid 1990s). I called them and told them they sent my order twice. They said they would send an RMA for me to return it to them and were very nice about it and thanked me. They sent me a free Amazon mug. We used to have some amazon coffee mugs and cups and stuff. Some broke and my friend's wife's ex stole the last one we had when he was staying with is for free.

One time when we were at HD or Lowes we bought two rolls of carpet. The clerk only scanned one of them (the less expensive one). It was over $100 difference. We looked at the receipt, realized it was too low, realized she hadn't added the larger carpet roll in and went back in. Clerk was incredibly rude and argued with us. It just didn't sit right with us to take it without paying so I found a manager and explained the situation. She apologized for the confusion, had us pay for the carpet but gave 20% discount for our honesty. Pretty sure the clerk got chewed out bigtime after that.

So today I went to Walmart with my brother. Afterward we swung by to visit our friend (I got him a travel water thingy with marks and times for him to drink a certain amount by a certain time). It had an attached pouch for flavor packs. He was happy. On the way in I saw Orange Kitty on the porch with 4 kittens. I saw one of them was a tortie. They weren't nursing so I picked the tortie up and went inside to see my friend. I said I found the kittens and he said "I hope there's a tortie" I showed him the kitten and he was ecstatic. He held her and petted her. His daughter came up and wanted to pet her too. We went outside and I showed him where the kittens were. He cut a hole in a sterilite tub to make a box for the kittens but they were nursing. I'll have to snag some kitten chow for the mama cat since it is good for cats who are nursing. Lulu (nickname for friend's wife) came out to help and pet the kittens. 3 boys and 1 girl. There was a regular orange male and two beige males. We played with the kittens for a bit and then his ex's niblings came over to ask if we knew where their aunt was. Friend said "In jail." They had picked her up a few hours earlier. They didn't arrest her boyfriend and we don't know if its bc he's hiding or if they aren't charging him. She was charged with 2nd degree cruelty to juveniles (plural) and that can be up to 40yrs in prison. She can't afford a decent attorney and the court appointed attorneys only do plea deals and don't even try to mount a defense. So she's screwed. Her only hope is for a good plea deal because it doesn't matter if she's guilty or innocent. They just want convictions and to charge fines. No chance of a fair trial in this area.

I got some special brushes/combs for getting mats out of cat fur and used them on Rupert. I got 99% of them out but he didn't want to hold still. Got food for Mom, fed the kitties and doggies, got canned food for 4 of the oldest kitties-- well, Ginger is older than Mewlatto but she doesn't try to get in to the living room to eat with Itsy, Boo, Mewlatto, and Rupert. I guess spending time in my brother's room gave Boo his appetite back because he wanted move food. Mew didn't finish his so I gave his leftovers to Boo.

currently trying to decide on some AC leak detecting stuff so I can try to figure out where the refrigerant leak is. It's something like R410A or something. I will have to look again. PJ on houserepair forums suggested Big Blue to find small leaks. I figure a full kit of stuff wouldn't hurt (plus I always like having more tools).
One morning while shopping in my local supermarket, I came across a white envelope with about three hundred dollars in it. I picked it up and turned it into the customer service counter and stood back as the attendant announced that an envelope with money had been lost. It was amazing how many people came forward to claim "their" lost envelope!
I got some special brushes/combs for getting mats out of cat fur and used them on Rupert. I got 99% of them out but he didn't want to hold still. Got food for Mom, fed the kitties and doggies, got canned food for 4 of the oldest kitties-- well, Ginger is older than Mewlatto but she doesn't try to get in to the living room to eat with Itsy, Boo, Mewlatto, and Rupert. I guess spending time in my brother's room gave Boo his appetite back because he wanted move food. Mew didn't finish his so I gave his leftovers to Boo.

currently trying to decide on some AC leak detecting stuff so I can try to figure out where the refrigerant leak is. It's something like R410A or something. I will have to look again. PJ on houserepair forums suggested Big Blue to find small leaks. I figure a full kit of stuff wouldn't hurt (plus I always like having more tools).
Hairless cats are the only way to go.

Depending on how old the system is, chances are the leaks are at freon line joints. Take some soapy water than see if the joints bubble. If the leaks are pinhole in nature and in the coils, it's best to leave it up to the pros.
An hvac specialist recommended using some kind of spray that forms cocoons over leaks. Blu something. I'm going to try that first.

Friend's ex's boyfriend had been hiding from police and they found him and arrested him. Same charges as were put on the ex. Now we see who flips on the other first.

Nice dude who bought our tractor (we'll call him MB) called yesterday and said he wanted to come out today to clean up and bush hog the yard. I went out there to help with some cleanup. He kept telling me to rest and he'd take care of it. I freed up my gorilla cart and he helped me lift stuff out of it into the burn pile and then I towed it around putting trash that got blown by wind, dragged by critters, etc, and fallen branches and sticks. Loaded that sucker up and dumped it. He pushed it further into the burn pile for me and I had to take a breather. He got about 10 acres mowed in barnyard and front yard. Might be more bc I don't know how many acres are in each portion.
To give an idea: This is my property:
This is a rough outline of the property
Looks like there's a cleared portion on the east side that I will have to investigate bc someone may be trespassing there.
Red is approximately where he mowed.
Pic is not really up-to-date as the yard with the workshop is completely filled with trees now. But this is a closer shot of the areas that got mowed.
Nice! It's as big as "Utah"!

@Zanne, is the blue stuff that forms a cocoon supposed to disclose the leak or is it intended to repair the leak. If he told you that it would repair the leak, I'd look for a 2nd, or 3rd, opinion.
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Nice! It's as big as "Utah"!

@Zanne, is the blue stuff that forms a cocoon supposed to disclose the leak or is it intended to repair the leak. If he told you that it would repair the leak, I'd look for a 2nd, or 3rd, opinion.
There is stuff you add to the refrigerant that's suppose to seal it.. a stop leak. But it can screw up your compressor. My heat pump manufacture was going to replace our evap condenser, but couldn't get one for 6 weeks.. he told me to put that in.. I decided to just wait. We were lucky the tem outside was ok and we could do without it. But a lot of people use it.
To your point, I used to put radiator and head gasket stop leak in my automobiles when I was running on a shoestring budget. It rarely ever did anything other than ruin the water pump and clog the thermostat.
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To your point, I used to put radiator and head gasket stop leak in my automobiles when I was running on a shoestring budget. It rarely ever did anything other than ruin the water pump and clog the thermostat.
Once apon a time, my girlfriend had a leak in her radiator, a big one, the size of a pencil. I bought this stuff called silver seal, or maybe it was silver solder .. but poured it in and by golly you could watch the leak visibly slow and finally stop. I was amazed. I don't think they sell it any more, it was a silver colored powder.
But yes a s,top leak for a heat pump is last resort before replacing. But I hear a good tech, (,if they can find the leak) can solder it up.
Once apon a time, my girlfriend had a leak in her radiator, a big one, the size of a pencil. I bought this stuff called silver seal, or maybe it was silver solder .. but poured it in and by golly you could watch the leak visibly slow and finally stop. I was amazed. I don't think they sell it any more, it was a silver colored powder.
But yes a s,top leak for a heat pump is last resort before replacing. But I hear a good tech, (,if they can find the leak) can solder it up.
I’ve used that stuff too! As I recall it was packaged in a clear plastic tube. That was the best of the best!

On a note of “Darwinism” on my part, when I used to change my own coolant back in the day, I used to block the radiator with cardboard to get things nice and hot. The last time I did that I had a brain-fog moment when I forgot what I was doing and removed the radiator cap without thinking. Luckily my parents were watching from the house and witnessed me getting 2nd degree burns on much of my face and head before rushing me to the ER. Dumb, dumb, dumb!
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I think one of the dumbest car things I've done is my car overheated on the way home from my Florida honeymoon..so on the side of the freeway, I pull that lever on the radiator cap, but no pressure.. ahhh, a stuck thermostat .. I get my trusty wrench and take off the hose covering it, tap it.. and it unstuck, but let's all, the cool coolant rush into the engine... warped head. Stuck in Daytona for the long weekend where there holding the Daytona 500, only room was o. The back corner of the track,
Ya, my boss didn't believe me until I showed him the bill for getting the car fixed. But racing, was certainly not on my mind... 😜
To clarify, the blue stuff is only to locate the leak. The cocoon helps to spot it. Nothing about repairing it.

Changed out Mom's dexcom sensor today, went to Walmart for groceries, forgot to get some stuff that I'll have to get next time. Stopped at friend's house to pick up the CRV. Visited for a little bit and petted the new kittens. A 5th kitten turned up.
I’ve used that stuff too! As I recall it was packaged in a clear plastic tube. That was the best of the best!

On a note of “Darwinism” on my part, when I used to change my own coolant back in the day, I used to block the radiator with cardboard to get things nice and hot. The last time I did that I had a brain-fog moment when I forgot what I was doing and removed the radiator cap without thinking. Luckily my parents were watching from the house and witnessed me getting 2nd degree burns on much of my face and head before rushing me to the ER. Dumb, dumb, dumb!
Were you "sky high" then?

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