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Its ok. I forgot about it too. LOL. I remember there was some discussion of safes but not the details. I wonder if there is a forum somewhere about safes that would have the info.

I like my new hedge trimmer. It can cut up to 1" thick stuff. I gave it a test run fresh out of the box but battery needed to be charged. It cut a little bit though. Got the battery charging now. Need to find the battery and rapid charger I got for the other 40V weedeater. Then I can use the weedeater on grass and smaller stuff and get the big boy out for the hedges, small branches, and saplings. It's starting to cool down a little- down to 79, but the AC people still haven't called me back.
It cut fairly decently. Wouldn't cut through some of the weeds that were tougher/dryer. I took out some small samplings, trimmed down some tough hedges, cut some small branches, annihilated some dog fennel weeds, cut back blackberry vines, and put a dent in the overgrowth a bit. Arms and wrists are still a bit jittery from the vibrations.

Apparently I found some fire ants-- or they found my legs.

Still no word from the AC guys so I will probably call again later. Temp in hallway is currently holding at 79 so it could be worse, but that is still too warm considering the rest of the house is warmer.
Left hand/arm is still shaky when I hold stuff after using that hedge trimmer. But at least I got rid of some of the weeds. Will have to find the other battery and charger or recharge this battery to see how the weedeater does. I need some sort of designated tool cart to hold the garden tools and their batteries/chargers. I have the AC off (after doing breaker reset) to see if I can get the compressor to start cooling again when I turn it back on. So in the meantime I'm rubbing the pad of my cat's foot with my big toe and rubbing the rest of his foot with my other toes. He doesn't seem to notice or care.

Called AC people again. Still got answering machine but I left another message with 2 phone numbers.

I just asked Mom to listen for a change in sound of the AC as I turned the cooling back on. Then I remembered she has hearing loss AND Tinnitus so she doesn't hear worth crap. LOL.

She just told me she needs something to eat.
Oh, I showed the pic of the kid ratting on the dad for cheating to my friend. He laughed and pointed out something similar happened with his ex. She was off cheating on him with her current bf and the toddler was playing with her phone. He dialed my friend's number and my friend overheard the ex with the bf and she was lying about my friend claiming he beat her and stuff and the bf was trying to get her to go file charges (in reality, she had physically assaulted my friend that morning & he'd recorded it). He also started recording the plotting against him and took it to the police to let them know that if she tried to make any accusations, she was lying. They asked him if he wanted to press assault charges on her but he declined.

I wonder how the gas pipe managed to get through the skull.

Heated up a tv dinner for Mom. She wanted to send me to the store to get stuff but I'm exhausted and slightly lightheaded from cutting weeds in the heat. Someone on another forum suggested having my brother help with yardwork and I laughed out loud. That boy does NOT do yardwork. For one, it's too much work for him and two he's severely allergic to hay and grass cuttings. he tried to bush-hog once over a decade ago and ended up with his face all swollen up. Only time he ever tried to manually cut grass was back in Guam. He pushed a mower for about 2 minutes and gave up. Dad worked 60+ hour weeks and didn't feel like mowing the lawn after work, Mom never mowed lawn in her life, and my brother was the only one in the house who didn't do any sort of chore so Dad wanted him to mow the lawn. He came in whining so I went out and mowed the lawn-- but Dad saw me when he drove by and he was super pissed. He got home and next thing I know, Bro is out there tapping me on the arm saying Dad told him to takeover mowing. I told him to eff off and take his candy azz back inside so I could finish the lawn. He then had to go explain to dad that I was too stubborn to relinquish the lawnmower. That was before I got hit with chronic fatigue and my heart problems got worse.

Friend has offered to help me with yardwork when he gets the chance.
They must have used a "Underground pipe drilling machine" and it drilled right thru the remains.
That could be true or this person who lived in the 6th century requested that in a couple thousand years a gas pipe be ran through their skeleton and their final wishes were made complete.
Must have sucked for whoever dug up the skeletons. That's not a fun thing to find. I remember when we found the skeleton of a Japanese soldier out in the woods on Guam. He had a pair of pliers with a button in one hand and an unexploded grenade on his lap. Obviously from WW2. There were empty saki bottles littered all over the ground around the area.

Still been lightheaded. After being outside a bit yesterday trying to help my friend while he cut weeds and then rescued a chicken snake, I found that I get dizzy and almost black out when I tipped my head back to drink water or when I bend down/tip my head forward. Still feeling a bit out of it. Don't think it had anything to do with conking myself in the head with the handle of the dustpan though. Got a little bruise there and its sore at that spot, but it didn't hit too hard.

Even lying here I'm still feeling a bit woozy/lightheaded and it sucks. Hope I'm not coming down with something. Bro has been sick as well.
Poured more bleach down the condensate line last night and it seemed to have helped a tiny bit. Finally got ahold of the AC people and they came out. There must be a leak somewhere in the refrigerant line because it was low and the coil iced over inside. They had me turn the thermostat to heat mode and let it defrost for about 20min (i was able to do it with my phone while standing outside and watched water pour out of the condensate line). Princess was trying to drink the water and I kept shooing her away.

Went to the hardware store to get a better cap for the cleanout on the condensate line. Talked to the owner and found he knows someone who installs doors & windows and gave contact info so he can have the guy call me so I can get contact info (he didn't have the info offhand).

Went to get bloodwork this morning but doctor hadn't put in the order so it was a wasted trip. Brought back breakfast for Mom.

Cleaned litterboxes (trying to keep up with them) and got my brother to help me take out some trash. Grabbed some pulled pork sammiches for Mom while getting some roach tablets and stuff.

Got home and scattered Harris Roach Tablets all over the house. At least 12 in the kitchen, a couple in pantry, closets, bathrooms, and several in hallways, bedrooms, living room, and front room-- even got some in laundry room. They have boric acid and roach bait. I put on a glove and then just literally tossed them into various corners and behind things. Got some powder that I want to put in the cracks of doors. Ordered some liquid to spray into cracks and intend to use some of it outside around perimeter of house. Friend wanted me to get some Gentrol (causes roaches to be hatched deformed) but it can't be shipped here. So my guess is state legislators banned it bc they felt threatened by it. :p

Fed some cat food puree to Rupert and Itsy. Now I'm sitting here with Boo on my lap.
Poured more bleach down the condensate line last night and it seemed to have helped a tiny bit. Finally got ahold of the AC people and they came out. There must be a leak somewhere in the refrigerant line because it was low and the coil iced over inside. They had me turn the thermostat to heat mode and let it defrost for about 20min (i was able to do it with my phone while standing outside and watched water pour out of the condensate line). Princess was trying to drink the water and I kept shooing her away.

Went to the hardware store to get a better cap for the cleanout on the condensate line. Talked to the owner and found he knows someone who installs doors & windows and gave contact info so he can have the guy call me so I can get contact info (he didn't have the info offhand).

Went to get bloodwork this morning but doctor hadn't put in the order so it was a wasted trip. Brought back breakfast for Mom.

Cleaned litterboxes (trying to keep up with them) and got my brother to help me take out some trash. Grabbed some pulled pork sammiches for Mom while getting some roach tablets and stuff.

Got home and scattered Harris Roach Tablets all over the house. At least 12 in the kitchen, a couple in pantry, closets, bathrooms, and several in hallways, bedrooms, living room, and front room-- even got some in laundry room. They have boric acid and roach bait. I put on a glove and then just literally tossed them into various corners and behind things. Got some powder that I want to put in the cracks of doors. Ordered some liquid to spray into cracks and intend to use some of it outside around perimeter of house. Friend wanted me to get some Gentrol (causes roaches to be hatched deformed) but it can't be shipped here. So my guess is state legislators banned it bc they felt threatened by it. :p

Fed some cat food puree to Rupert and Itsy. Now I'm sitting here with Boo on my lap.
I hope they at least topped it off so it would get running again for you.
Some people, like mine, won't top it off until they find and fix the leak.
They dont like that freon leaking g into the air... my evap coil had a pinhole leak, they couldn't even find it. Company sent me a new one, but cost me 750 to have it put in. But some company's will add some with a dye so they can find the leak. I was just glad to get it running, and was ,ucky it broke when it was 70 degrees outside for a month or more, so we didn't need it.
Poured more bleach down the condensate line last night
That's what I used to do, too, until the evaporator (?) (triangular looking with a lot of coils) developed a leak. The tech said it was due to the bleach. Since then (2016) I've poured vinegar&water down the line without problems.

Well, I just remembered, I had the old Carrier system replaced with a modern Trane two years ago.

Wish some real HVACers would tell us what's right: bleach or vinegar.
That's what I used to do, too, until the evaporator (?) (triangular looking with a lot of coils) developed a leak. The tech said it was due to the bleach. Since then (2016) I've poured vinegar&water down the line without problems.

Well, I just remembered, I had the old Carrier system replaced with a modern Trane two years ago.

Wish some real HVACers would tell us what's right: bleach or vinegar.
That's what I used to do, too, until the evaporator (?) (triangular looking with a lot of coils) developed a leak. The tech said it was due to the bleach.
Wish some real HVACers would tell us what's right: bleach or vinegar.
I agree with Da ‘Hack unless he was “waxing” political about the bleach.

No way bleach could put a hole in an aluminum alloy pipe. Besides, putting bleach in the drain should never get anywhere near the evaporator coils.
My condensate drain is PVC. As far as I can tell, at no point does it go to any metal. I think there was a clog or something and pouring bleach down helped clear it.
HVAC guy wouldn't look for any leaks. Told me to get a black light and look for leaks myself. Not even sure where to look. I'll have to get the house cleaned up and deodorized before he would even consider coming back to look.

Did curbside pickup from Walmart and ran in to grab some pulled pork sammiches for Mom. They don't sell them online, have to go to the deli and hope they are in stock.

Friend told me the 4-yr-old has been hitting and trying to hit people. She tried to slap his mother so I'm guessing he caught hands for that. She was abusive to my friend when he was little. Kid hit my friend and hurt his own hand. He apparently cried and said "ow" for about 3min afterward. Must have seen his mom hitting people. She was always clobbering my friend and clobbered her current boyfriend. She learned it from her adopted Mom. The adopted mom was physically and emotionally abusive to her and the other kids. But she didn't leave bruises. The ex isn't so violent when she's on her meds for bipolar disorder. I hope the kids don't inherit any of her issues. She was taken away from her own parents due to abuse/neglect and ended up with career foster parents who found out they could make more $ from her social security if they adopted her than if they just fostered her and they could continue to collect it after she turned 18 so long as she still lived with them.

Ceiling in kitchen is dripping again. It rained the day the AC got fixed. Not sure if its from the AC ducts or the rain.

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