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Some of it is a very active mind... shows intelligence or crazy 🤪... I've tried all kinds of sleeping pills. Currently the doc has me on lorazapam.
I'll be on that till I die. Even if wanted off.. it's a benzo, so withdrawl would be terrible.
My wife had a terrible time with lorazepam, she was prescribed it when her mom died to help with depression. Long story short , she changed doctors 2x in 20 years, new doctors kept prescribing it ,was finally told she should get off it . So for 15 of the 20 years, she would pass out almost daily, sometimes 2-3 times a day, then started with memory lapses that got worse , was tested for dementia, Alzheimer’s and eventually had a electrical stimulator under the skin of her scalp to try to control the pain.
She finally went into rehab to get off the lorazapam , after 2 days being off it , no more passing out , no more head pain, memory improved in days and still getting better . The sad part of it is we lost 15 years of our life. She couldn’t drive, we couldn’t go to a store or restaurant for fear she would pass out . I had even looked into long term nursing home care for her , not knowing what the future holds. Fast forward to today, she drives , we go to stores and restaurants, I don’t have to worry about her anymore. We are trying to do so many things that we missed, . You really need to look into getting off it.
My wife had a terrible time with lorazepam, she was prescribed it when her mom died to help with depression. Long story short , she changed doctors 2x in 20 years, new doctors kept prescribing it ,was finally told she should get off it . So for 15 of the 20 years, she would pass out almost daily, sometimes 2-3 times a day, then started with memory lapses that got worse , was tested for dementia, Alzheimer’s and eventually had a electrical stimulator under the skin of her scalp to try to control the pain.
She finally went into rehab to get off the lorazapam , after 2 days being off it , no more passing out , no more head pain, memory improved in days and still getting better . The sad part of it is we lost 15 years of our life. She couldn’t drive, we couldn’t go to a store or restaurant for fear she would pass out . I had even looked into long term nursing home care for her , not knowing what the future holds. Fast forward to today, she drives , we go to stores and restaurants, I don’t have to worry about her anymore. We are trying to do so many things that we missed, . You really need to look into getting off it.
I was put on it to help me sleep when they put me on a cpap machine. It doesn't seem to bother me in that manner. Maybe with forgetfulness, but that could just be normal age. But I will remember your warning. I know it's bad to come off of. I tried to wean off of it once, got to 11/4mg, went to 1 and about went crazy. So I went back up to 2 mg. Been that way for at least 20 years. But thanks for the warning !
You gotta be careful of some doctors, they’ll have you on medication to help the side affects of medication of the medication of the medication of the medication.
I was put on it to help me sleep when they put me on a cpap machine. It doesn't seem to bother me in that manner. Maybe with forgetfulness, but that could just be normal age. But I will remember your warning. I know it's bad to come off of. I tried to wean off of it once, got to 11/4mg, went to 1 and about went crazy. So I went back up to 2 mg. Been that way for at least 20 years. But thanks for the warning !
CPAP here, too, to help me sleep. It didn’t help a bit. CPAP stopped the snoring however. Drugs work but the side effects are worse. Ambien was the best and the dreams/nightmares it produced were spectacular.

I am leasing the CPAP for eight months before the health insurance will pay for it and I may just give it back.
CPAP here, too, to help me sleep. It didn’t help a bit. CPAP stopped the snoring however. Drugs work but the side effects are worse. Ambien was the best and the dreams/nightmares it produced were spectacular.

I am leasing the CPAP for eight months before the health insurance will pay for it and I may just give it back.
Once you get used to it, it's very hard to not use it. I'm addicted to it, if I don't use it, I feel like I'm going to suffocate. I won't, but it feels that way.
Napping in my lazyboy- no problem, but Kay down in bed, I better slap that thing on.. it's kind of like it's own drug, filling the lungs up with air. And if you have a cold, it really helps then. Yes, I had snoring.. so bad , when I'd go camping with the church , I'd have my own tent on the far side of camp.
When I had one of my knees replaced, the idiot doctor "assumed" that I needed a CPAP. As I was coming out of surgery, I ripped it off, and the nurse would put it right back on me. We played this game for several hours where I would remove it, and the nurse would put it back on me. I finally told her to call the doc at home and inquire these orders, and they admitted they checked the wrong box. Gawd, I hate those things.
I don't know much about toxoplasmosis. I googled it and found this: https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departm...ation/feline-health-topics/toxoplasmosis-cats

Looks like mice are part of the chain. So if the cats ever encounter mice they can get it.

Both of my parents used CPAPs for years. The night my dad died he didn't put his CPAP on. I was paranoid about my Mom having the same thing happen so I always make sure she has her CPAP on. She got used to it and found one that has magnets to put the mask on.

My left hip has been hurting for the last few days. I guess bc I had to sleep on my left side while my right ear was infected it got sore. Princess was aggravating me because last night when I was lying on my right side she ran directly over my hip several times. A few times she stopped and sat on my hip/leg and I had to yell at her to get off (trying to move my leg and telling her nicely didn't work).

Fippy is due for another bath soon but I'm feeling lazy. Mom just paged and wants Oatmeal for breakfast.

Editing: Got breakfast for Mom. Fippy wagged his tail when he saw me coming back but he doesn't seem to want to get up. He's on his favorite pillow-- or at least his his chin on the pillow. Got a couple of pillows for $2ea on clearance and the pets love them. Round, plush, and sinks down in the middle. I think the other one is in the nest Princess made.

Probably have to go to the store later. Will see if my brother will go with me. He officially finished with his job and will have to go speak to the head of security at the casino to ask about getting hired. He put in an application a few weeks ago already.
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Nothing wrong with trying something new. I have always wondered how camel's milk tastes.
Fippy had a bit of Mcdonalds this morning. I was going to cook breakfast but the power went out before 2am and didn't come back on until almost 9am. I drove into town around 6am to see if I could spot downed power lines. Didn't spot any. Grabbed some food and went back home. Mom shared her food with Fippy and I shared mine with Princess.

Trying to figure out if the ducting to my brother's room is broken as it is always very cold in winter and very hot in summer. The duct has a round cover and there is a pull chain and a metal flap inside. I looked and ithe flap appeared to be closed. Brother pulled on the chain but it broke off. Some more iar started flowing but not much and it remained hot. Got up to 78 in the house while power was out so inside temp matched outside.

We'll be dropping the CRV off at friend's house for him to work on it while my brother has a doctor's appointment. Right now I'm chilling with 3 fans blowing on me.
Stayed up way, way to late last night but, like most of us, it's difficult not to watch a trainwreck. I hung a big screen TV, installed a wireless and eARC connected sound system, moving previously installed signal and power outlets to their new locations and trying to figure the best way to fill duplex outlet-sized holes in drywall.

Enjoy your day folks!
Trying to figure out if the ducting to my brother's room is broken as it is always very cold in winter and very hot in summer. The duct has a round cover and there is a pull chain and a metal flap inside. I looked and ithe flap appeared to be closed. Brother pulled on the chain but it broke off. Some more iar started flowing but not much and it remained hot. Got up to 78 in the house while power was out so inside temp matched outside.
My daughter's bedroom is on the end of the line with respect to duct work and it's always been hot and cold. I am considering installing a powered duct to suck in the air to augment the flow.
Stayed up way, way to late last night but, like most of us, it's difficult not to watch a trainwreck. I hung a big screen TV, installed a wireless and eARC connected sound system, moving previously installed signal and power outlets to their new locations and trying to figure the best way to fill duplex outlet-sized holes in drywall.

Enjoy your day folks!
I just bought a earc system also, but probably not worth the cost since we use the option that puts stereo sound to all the speakers. Kind of defeats the purpose, but it still sounds good and we can actually hear what there saying.. (sucks to get old)
My daughter's bedroom is on the end of the line with respect to duct work and it's always been hot and cold. I am considering installing a powered duct to suck in the air to augment the flow.
Certainly for a/c, it is as or more important to REMOVE the hot air (return) than it is to supply the cooler air. Unfortunately many older homes never had the HVAC properly specified (Manual J Residential Load Calculation) and if they even had that at all, they probably didn't have a Manual D (residential ductwork design) done. What they probably did for a/c is just use the old-school rule of thumb 1 ton of a/c per 600 square feet. They probably did a guess on the furnace size since it's less important.

I noticed something with newer builds unless it is just a regional thing. My home in Michigan built in 1992, and my 2nd Michigan home built in 1996, had "returns" in each room, and a separate return duct line to the air handler part of the furnace. Here in NC, they tend to have just a couple of much larger returns (minimum 12x12", some 18x18 and others 24x24.) instead of ones in each room. Maybe this is a better way. I do know that one bedroom in my home in Michigan had a "false return" that actually went nowhere. The heat in the room was fine, the a/c was awful.

As for your filling in a duplex outlet gap in drywall, just get a scrap piece of drywall, some screws and a few pieces of scrap wood. Screw the lumber into the backside of the hole, add the drywall piece, and glue/screw that in place and finish. Plenty of videos on the topic.