Telfon thing would work if the O-rings don't break. Brittle o-rings are no fun.
So, we think that between some stormy weather with high winds and with trees up against the house that the Staliink cable got pulled loose and slapped around on the side of the house and against the overhang of the metal roof until it got cut all the way through. Not really sure though. There are a ton of holes in the siding where the cable beat against it. So, need to get siding replaced. Ugh.
Yesterday started out as a crapshoot. We'd run out of mobile data for hotspot. McDonalds messed up the order more than once. I fell halfway into a trash can. Just not having the best day. Brother's new phone arrived while I was napping. Oh, did I mention we got mail and the envelope that was supposed to have his phone case was empty-- had never been sealed-- and had a stamp from the post office saying "Received with No Contents". So he called Amazon and they are supposed to send a new one today.
I had just finished changing Mom's insulin cartridge when I saw UPS roll up. I got so excited I forgot to put on pants before I went out. I did remember to put them on before going to get my friend. For some Mexican food, booze, and nicotine patches I got him to climb the tower and get on the roof (Ok, he would have done it without those things but I wanted to show him I appreciated him). Old cord was easier to remove than we thought and got new one in. But it was a pita getting the new cable run. He got the pole fixed at least. I suggested tethering part of the cable to the tower and then tethering to existing cable ties on the wall. It is still caught up on a tree-- neither of us could dislodge it safely. I need to cut that tree down anyway. but it isn't able to slap against the edge of the roof.
Friend taped the new cable to the old cut off one and helped the proprietary end get through the hole in the wall. I had to wade through the empty bottles mom filled the room with and get to the wall to pull cable through. Then I had to bodysurf over the bottles to get the cable over to her desk. I got it plugged in, turned on, and friend confirmed it worked. I took him back home and then went to Walmart briefly.
Left ear is still giving me some trouble but its not as bad.
I was so excited to have internet back that I stayed up all night and I need to put ear drops in and take a nap.