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Thanks. The ear drops have been helping, but I had to lie down and keep my head still for awhile this morning so the drops wouldn't drip out. 4 drops 4x daily. So roughly every 6 hours. It's feeling less sore and I'm not feeling as cruddy. LOL. No ceti eels! I did enjoy that movie. "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!"
I recently re-watched The Search For Spock.

No idea on the weight of that safe.

My kitties piled on me to purr for me. I fed them before going to bed and they woke me up early this morning wanting to be fed again. Only the little a-holes hadn't eaten the food from last night. All of their bowls were full but I had to open the pantry and pretend to put food out to appease them.
I took the door off my safe and it weighs 99 pounds... That's making me think that my safe weighs about 600 pounds... What do you think??
So, for some reason the shower controls my friend installed for his neighbors isn't working. No water comes out. I'm going to have to get him to send more pics. He said he made sure the cartridge is in it, no plastic or anything is covering, water does come out of the lines. My guess is a clog or something somewhere inside the cartridge or valve somewhere.

I'm under a pile of kitties again and am about to take my nighttime meds before I try to sleep.
Update to something that previously confounded me and, I know, this is TMI: After several consultations with an expert and wasting about half a roll, I successfully determined how to rip off a clean sheet of Kirkland brand T.P. Rather than pulling it straight down, pull if off to either the right or the left of the roll for sheet perfection. You're welcome!
Update to something that previously confounded me and, I know, this is TMI: After several consultations with an expert and wasting about half a roll, I successfully determined how to rip off a clean sheet of Kirkland brand T.P. Rather than pulling it straight down, pull if off to either the right or the left of the roll for sheet perfection. You're welcome!
Pull it straight down ? It would just unroll like crazy, I've always torn to the left on an angle down. Same for paper towels.
Visited the cryo-surgeon today. It seems to be becoming almost a "triannual", if that's a word, sort of thing. I wish I hadn't worshipped the sun as a kid. Hell, when I was in the Navy, I was given Captain's Mast" for allowing myself to be burned to the point of not being able to work!
There is only one type of person who can get by with just one sheet per “go”.
My paternal grandmother's mother was one of those people. Paternal grandpa called her S#itFingers. He also always said "That old b**** will outlive me!" He was right. She outlived him by 3 days. We suspect she hung on that long out of spite for him.

We use Charmin in my house. If you wrap a couple of sheets around your fingers before tearing, you can get more than one sheet. I do generally have to put a thumb against the roll above the tear-line to get it to tear off. Ultra Strong Mega rolls ftw!

Friend told me he got the shower working at the neighbor's house. The off-brand junk never worked so the neighbor bought a Delta valve and trim that friend installed. No pics as of yet. I'll pester my friend for them later.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to rest up and recover from this ear infection. No more headaches but slightly nauseous still. Can't eat as much. Drinking tons of water bc I still keep sweating. My bursts of energy are not lasting very long. Mom opted to make herself a sandwich for breakfast so I just had to get the stuff out for her and bring her a clean plate. Been putting ear drops in about every 6 hours. I might put a drop in the other ear because its irritated.

Had 4 cats get into a fight- well, first swing came from Mewlatto who was mad that Yasuke put his butt in his face (which was my fault bc I made him back up by opening a door and pushing him away since he was trying to start crap with Senator Snugglebum. So of course Yasuke retaliated. Snugglebum jumped on Yasuke, Mew got away. Gravy Jones jumped on Snugglebum so Snugs was in the middle with a cat on his front and a cat on his back. They were on their sides tussling around on the floor. I managed to extract Yasuke and he took the hint to stay out and move clear. But Gravy did not want to let it go. He and Snugglebum hate each other so much and were too amped up to let me break them up. I got them separated several times but they kept going back at each other. I could get Snugglebum backed away but Gravy would then jump back on him. I lost track of how many times I got them separated but wasn't able to keep them apart. My brother actually heard the commotion so he came rushing out and grabbed ahold of Gravy while I grabbed Snugglebum and we got them separated. They were still trying to swing at each other while we were pulling them apart. Gravy then ran off to hide on a counter. I put Snugs on the cat tree and calmed him down a bit. He climbed on top of the fridge to sulk. I then went and found Gravy, pulled him out of his hidey hole and gave him kisses on the top of the head to calm him down. He started headbutting my face (which he does when he's happy) so I smoothed his fur out and got him feeling calm enough to eat. Snugs was still huffing and puffing on the fridge. I brought out a comb to comb all the dirt and loose fur off of Gravy. Biscuits then wanted some combing. I combed Mew and Yasuke. Finally got Snugglebum calmer by combing his face and neck. I combed Boo to make him feel better (he was hollering during the cat fight to express his disapproval but didn't want to jump in). Well, I don't know if he was hollering at the other cats or if he was hollering at me to tell me to make them stop.

Itsy saw I had the comb so she started cooing at me. I was combing her when Lady Sylvanas got jealous and jumped over and shoved her way between Itsy and the comb. So I combed her and Itsy got so jealous she climbed on my shoulder.

Rupert, Ginger, and Bethesda must have been outside because I didn't see any of them during the fiasco.

After it all I had to get a tissue to stop the bleeding on my leg. I think Snugs accidentally kicked me with his back claws while trying to kick Gravy when I was trying to separate them.

As an aside, I used to have to break up dog-fights because our russell terrier would start fights with the Akita mutt and the rottweiler would jump in to defend the terrier. The thick coat of fur is probably the only thing that saved the Akita's life. I had to actually get down on the ground and almost lay on top of them to get them separated.

I'm back to resting again.

TL: DR? Cats are jerks and my brother had to help me break up a cat fight.
Well, my day yesterday .. I found a new suppliment that suppose to help your nerves regenerate (if you have neuropathy) so I took one along with my other regimen (back to that in a minute) went outside to check on a humidity controlled fan duct vent (used to have an indoor hot tub, but that's a different story) our neighbor cats had destroyed it (like a dryer vent cover) so removed that, repaired it (actually sealed it up) with silicone, duct tape and old plastic crisco can lids. Went in the house and ordered a proper duct seal from Amazon. Patty said, it's Monday, we better go to red lobster and get there all you can eat shrimp special before they close the place up. (After the new owners took over their closing a bunch of them, not sure if ours is one of them, but it's a good excuse to go) so 65 dollars and roughly 70 shrimp later.. (not sure what patty had, but she kept up with me just fine) waddled on out (I can't eat like I used to..) ( I've got a good crab leg story for another day) got home and (here is the suppliment part) and it was a race to the toilet.. it was like I drank some colonoscopy prep.. holy cow....I'll never take that again (acetal l carnatine)
Try that stuff at your own risk.