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It’s easy to be cheap when you don’t have a legitimate business.

I could do things cheap if I didn’t have insurance, business licenses and all of the associated expenses with operating within the law.
Yes, I understand the dilemma. I guess the bottom line is your votes do make a difference.
Made the mistake of going to the mailbox this morning only to be greeted from an official looking letter from the neighboring state of Maryland. Looks like one of Montgomery County's third party speed camera operators nailed me , again for the third time, for going five (5) miles per hour over the posted speed limit. I guess I'll never learn!:mad:
Your mistake was going to Maryland. 😉
@Zanne, I have a question for you regarding cats: We live in a townhouse community with an HOA. Dogs must be on leashes and their owners must pick up after them if you get my drift. Over the past several months, we have been visited by a cute B&W cat with what appears to be a geo-location type of collar on it. The cat does its "business" in our yard and scares away the creatures that we like including birds and lizards.

Any recommendations of what to possible do to deter the cat from liking our back yard so much and, of course, I am only talking about humane suggestions.

Please help!
@Zanne, I have a question for you regarding cats: We live in a townhouse community with an HOA. Dogs must be on leashes and their owners must pick up after them if you get my drift. Over the past several months, we have been visited by a cute B&W cat with what appears to be a geo-location type of collar on it. The cat does its "business" in our yard and scares away the creatures that we like including birds and lizards.

Any recommendations of what to possible do to deter the cat from liking our back yard so much and, of course, I am only talking about humane suggestions.

Please help!
We have the same trouble with our neighbor and her 6 or 7 cats. She adopted a wild pregnant cat, and now she has 7, with no end in sight as she is not having them fixed. But the spray can be bad, it's a good thing that doesn't happen to often.
@Zanne, I have a question for you regarding cats: We live in a townhouse community with an HOA. Dogs must be on leashes and their owners must pick up after them if you get my drift. Over the past several months, we have been visited by a cute B&W cat with what appears to be a geo-location type of collar on it. The cat does its "business" in our yard and scares away the creatures that we like including birds and lizards.

Any recommendations of what to possible do to deter the cat from liking our back yard so much and, of course, I am only talking about humane suggestions.

Please help!
Coyote urine
Wonder how stinky that stuff is, and if it really keeps them away.
And how much to use
Instructions are on the bottle or container. Comes fresh, in pelletized form, etc. Twowaxhack is an Encyclopaedia Britannic of knowledge!

I ordered some and will let you know if it passes the "smell test" or not. And if it doesn't work, I wonder how Amazon would like you to get the unused portion back to them?
@Zanne, I have a question for you regarding cats: We live in a townhouse community with an HOA. Dogs must be on leashes and their owners must pick up after them if you get my drift. Over the past several months, we have been visited by a cute B&W cat with what appears to be a geo-location type of collar on it. The cat does its "business" in our yard and scares away the creatures that we like including birds and lizards.

Any recommendations of what to possible do to deter the cat from liking our back yard so much and, of course, I am only talking about humane suggestions.

Please help!
Since I welcome all cats to my home, I really don't know much about deterrence. I feed strays and even cats I know belong to other people. Wish I could help.

The coyote urine thing reminded me of an incident in my father's office back in the 80s. Apparently they sell deer urine from females in heat for hunters to attract bucks to shoot. One day one of my Dad's employees named Scott came in with some perfume and sprayed a co-worker named Jerry with it and said "Explain THIS to your wife!" Jerry was fuming. He tried to wash it off and on his lunch break he went and got the doe urine from a hunting store. He came back, dumped it on Scott and said "Explain THIS to YOUR wife!" When I got there the place reeked of rose-scented air freshener and the secretary explained to me what happened (I was visiting Dad's office after school since I could walk there from the school).

Yesterday I picked up mail, went to Samsclub for curbside order, went to HomeDepot for curbside order, unloaded some OSB and groceries, took out the trash, cleaned some counters, cleaned the hallway, took every single litterbox outside and dumped it (sometimes scooping is just not enough), put fresh litter in, set the OSB near the ladder under the attic access panel, paid my BS traffic ticket online (fortunately it came out to $55 with the "online convenience fee"-- bc I did the math and it would have cost more than $5 on top of the $50 to drive and get a cashier's check or money order and then drive to the police station to pay it and then drive back home), got Mom logged back into her credit card account (she was having trouble with it), brought my friend over to help me put the OSB in the attic without touching the asbestos insulation, got coffee for Mom from McDonalds, ordered a chair on lightning deal for friend's wife, and... just lost my train of thought because Rupert pounced on me and started waving his paw in my face. LOL. I got fur unstuck from Itsy's lower canines. Hung out with my friend and his wife for a little bit. Got back home and cooked for Mom. Took meat off of rotisserie chickens so I could have chicken burritos.

Today I went to Walmart to pick up RX but they got it wrong and it can't be returned. I was supposed to get 1,000mg 90 day supply. I got 500mg 60 pills. Got McDonalds breakfast for Mom. Fed kitties. Put gas in the truck.

And I've been playing around on my computer.

Rupert has now climbed on my shoulder and Gravy Jones is on my lap.

As an aside, I normally wouldn't buy OSB but it was $5/sheet vs $20/sheet for plywood. And its going in the attic with the asbestos. My friend has said he doesn't want me going up there bc he knows how clumsy I am. So I have a full disposable coverall suit with hood, gloves, boot covers, and a respirator. Staying on top of the boards and with it being so humid up there it hopefully won't have any asbestos fibers in the air. But the only insulation that will get touched is the soaking wet stuff that will be put in a trash bag, tied up, and then hauled out to the trash pickup area a mile away. I don't know about the rules on asbestos disposal here but I know it can't be burned and I know people in the area throw asbestos stuff in the trash regularly.
Today I went to Walmart to pick up RX but they got it wrong and it can't be returned. I was supposed to get 1,000mg 90 day supply. I got 500mg 60 pills.
What a PITA! Sounds like they gave you a 30-day supply for 1 gram a day. Any refills available?

Recycled asbestos can be used for a number of things including making ceramic tiles, etc. Pardon my ignorance, but what is OSB?

I'm off to get a new tooth!
What a PITA! Sounds like they gave you a 30-day supply for 1 gram a day. Any refills available?

Recycled asbestos can be used for a number of things including making ceramic tiles, etc. Pardon my ignorance, but what is OSB?

I'm off to get a new tooth!
What a PITA! Sounds like they gave you a 30-day supply for 1 gram a day. Any refills available?

Recycled asbestos can be used for a number of things including making ceramic tiles, etc. Pardon my ignorance, but what is OSB?

I'm off to get a new tooth!
OSB. Oriented strand board. Typical use, sheathing walls and roofs in place of plywood.
I have 5 refills left. I think the reason for the switch was that the 1,000mg version is super expensive. I'll have to talk to my doctor about the change. I'm supposed to get the extended release kind. Got an appointment on Aug 2.

Today my brother woke me up early. It's his day off and the CRV needed an oil change. He wanted to know if I wanted something from Walmart. I was getting school supplies for my friend's daughter bc he couldn't afford it. The school board gets 3% of the 10.45% sales and service tax here but the school demanded over $70 worth of supplies plus $15 cash for "activity fee". I remember when they used to only ask for pencils. Now they want pencils, colored pencils, binders, binder dividers, paper, paper covers, glue sticks, highlighters, pens, clorox wipes, kleenex tissues, etc. I don't know how people with multiple kids can afford it. Hell, with the income in this area, even with one kid the parents can't afford it. It's not like they give the teachers decent wages to make up for it. All the $$$ goes to school board officials.

Anyway, the CRV also needed registration renewal and inspection sticker. The Ridgeline (which I drive) also needed inspection sticker. Brought Mom along for the registration renewal. Since she's disabled it was only $13. Melvin does the inspections and said my driver side headlight was out but he'd pass if I promised to get it fixed right away. So I got the inspection sticker, gave the registration paperwork to my brother (who had gotten an oil change on the CRV) and went and got a new set of bulbs from Autozone. $110. If I hadn't wanted it done right then I would have bought online but it would take too long. Got Sylvania LEDs. Autozone guy put the new bulb in for me. Will have to see how it looks next time I turn the lights on at night. But I confirmed it worked.

Both vehicles are now taken care of and my brother renewed registration on his truck. Now he needs to get it fixed. And we need AC fixed in the CRV. We have all the parts for it but need time where my friend can fix it.

Other than that, I cooked for Mom and then fell asleep at my keyboard.

As sawsaw said, OSB= Oriented Strand Board. I don't like it very much but it was cheaper than plywood.
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