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I could have sworn we got Fippy in 2009 but vet records say 2010 but they could be mistaken. He is half blind-- cataracts in his eyes, but is still able to see enough that he can walk around. But he's super crabby. Right now he's next to me. He found some of my fuzzy pants to curl up on.

Yesterday I picked up mail from the post office, popped in to Walmart to get stuff that had been out of stock previously, put seafoam in the tank and then filled up on gas, refilled wiper fluid reservoir, grabbed some McDonalds, and headed home. I recorded some of the drive to document the sounds the truck was making. Need to get that all uploaded. But it sounds rough.

I took the meat off some rotisserie chicken and cooked for Mom.

Got up very early this morning to get something to eat, walked into the living room with my bowl of soup and Mom grabbed her lap tray and looked at me excitedly. I heated the soup up more (she likes her soup hot and I like mine lukewarm) and gave it to her and then went and grabbed a salad for myself.

Looks like its time to change Mom's canula today. I've been marking the dates for her infusion set changes so I know when its time to change stuff. She has an appointment with the dr today at 3:15 and an appointment with the NP (diabetes specialist) tomorrow at 2:45.

Been researching more about how to not get screwed over at dealerships and saw people in comments (replies to videos) about bad experiences and saw some had the same things happen-- like dealership refusing to return driver's license after handing it over to be copied for a test drive.

I sent an e-mail back to the dealership that has the truck we are thinking of getting. Refused to give a phone number. I HATE phonecalls. I asked for the out-the-door price. Will see if they respond.
I could have sworn we got Fippy in 2009 but vet records say 2010 but they could be mistaken. He is half blind-- cataracts in his eyes, but is still able to see enough that he can walk around. But he's super crabby. Right now he's next to me. He found some of my fuzzy pants to curl up on.

Yesterday I picked up mail from the post office, popped in to Walmart to get stuff that had been out of stock previously, put seafoam in the tank and then filled up on gas, refilled wiper fluid reservoir, grabbed some McDonalds, and headed home. I recorded some of the drive to document the sounds the truck was making. Need to get that all uploaded. But it sounds rough.

I took the meat off some rotisserie chicken and cooked for Mom.

Got up very early this morning to get something to eat, walked into the living room with my bowl of soup and Mom grabbed her lap tray and looked at me excitedly. I heated the soup up more (she likes her soup hot and I like mine lukewarm) and gave it to her and then went and grabbed a salad for myself.

Looks like its time to change Mom's canula today. I've been marking the dates for her infusion set changes so I know when its time to change stuff. She has an appointment with the dr today at 3:15 and an appointment with the NP (diabetes specialist) tomorrow at 2:45.

Been researching more about how to not get screwed over at dealerships and saw people in comments (replies to videos) about bad experiences and saw some had the same things happen-- like dealership refusing to return driver's license after handing it over to be copied for a test drive.

I sent an e-mail back to the dealership that has the truck we are thinking of getting. Refused to give a phone number. I HATE phonecalls. I asked for the out-the-door price. Will see if they respond.
I have bought several cars that way, found the vehical I want, find a place that has it, call and talk to the sales manager and tell them this is the car I want, I'll give you x dollars out the door. Let me know when you decide to sell it to me.
I'm not playing the sitcaround for 4 hours game anymore.
Before I started doing that, I was making a deal for a Nissan (I think, it's been a while) we got to within 100. They wouldn't budge, I said give me my keys, manager came out and started talking about me taking food off his employees table... I said keys, and then walked out.
Had another one stand up in the middle of the showroom and start hollering about me not wanting to pay the doc fees... saying I was to cheap. I walked out of there... that was a toyota.
So what happens to the people that got scammed ? There o viously not going to getvany money returned... I guess there just out of luck and out of pocket to fix what got screwed up ?
It depends if the illegal contractor has any assets that can be seized and sold but the judge will impose some sort of restitution to be paid. Just like any other fraud case.

The point is that illegal contracting has consequences.
Seems they are now "Crap Outta Luck!"
I seem to have a little sympathy for these situations. What kind of person advances $19,000? Even a contractor asking for that is a red flag. Doing a little research on a contractors license and insurance is really really simple.

The other part of this which warrants little sympathy is people searching for contractors on social media sites. Could be a Facebook group for your subdivision, or the Nextdoor app or something similar. Everybody asks for a specific kind of contractor and prefaces their search with “reasonable.” Big red flag that you probably don’t want to work for them.

There is usually a large group of reputable contractors responding that they can do the job. Sometimes you’ll see 20 responses. Then two weeks later, the person is asking exactly the same question now appearing desperate.

I am sure you professionals out there have run into somebody who would complain you charge too much even if you gave your work away for free. There’s just a subset of people out there that are like this. Not worth working for, they would never be satisfied either with your work or the price.

I learned very early on about this. When I had a paper route, as a kid, I had a number of people who never tipped and also a number of people who tipped me quite well. Over the course of the couple of years that I had the route, I pared it down to only people who tipped. The people who didn’t tip were always complaining, never paid me on time and were just not worth having as customers. The people who tipped were wonderful and I treated them exceedingly well… I had a fundamental disagreement with my manager. He said I should treat the non- tippers better than the tippers so that I could maybe convince them to start tipping. But the lesson learned was there’s no fixing stupid. For those that think expecting a tip was a little outrageous, I made four cents per week delivering the newspapers per home, over six days. Without the tip, it wasn’t even worth grabbing my bicycle. I remember winning an award for getting the most amount of new customers. My boss was not happy because he said you also lost the most amount of customers. He didn’t quite get the concept of “paring” the route down to only good customers.
I seem to have a little sympathy for these situations. What kind of person advances $19,000?
Yep, it’s like the guy who drives around a $150,000 Porsche and wears a $20,000 watch and gets jacked, what does he expect ?

Or the girl who wears short shorts and low cut tops and gets raped……..what did she expect ?

Same with the people that come down to the beaches on vacations and drown in the Gulf’s rip currents. They deserve it because they were warned…….

See how dumb that all sounds ?

It’s a crime to swindle people and it’s also a crime to conduct business without a proper license.

We shouldn’t blame victims.
In my area, a licensed plumber wants $840 to install a vanity faucet. The unlicensed guys will charge $200 for the same installation. Me, I can do it for free with 1/2 hour. Knowledge is power.
In my area, a licensed plumber wants $840 to install a vanity faucet. The unlicensed guys will charge $200 for the same installation. Me, I can do it for free with 1/2 hour. Knowledge is power.
Don’t blame the licensed contractor for jumping through the hoops that California has set in place and CHARGING for it, no matter how expensive it is.
Not today, but a memory from a couple years back I posted on Facebook
Made me smile remembering...

This is a story about Ron and the yellow jacket. This morning while weed wacking in the back yard, i found the yellow jacket nest that Patty Ludington warned me about.. i circumnavigated the nest..but didnt see one of the guards. OOOWeee, yup stung.. but to continue. This evening i gassed the nest...there take that you =%_€=% bees.. Oh.. no another guard.. now its a race.. i run to my storage building (convieniantly with the door left open) jump in and slam the door behind me... whsts that buzzing.. Ahhhheee... jump back out slam the door.. hoping to trap it inside.. Bzzzzzxx.. oh no..run, run, run to the screened porch and into the house.. huffing and puffing. I start telling patty anout this adventure... Bzzzz.. Bzzzz. ohhhh good lord its on patty. She screams bloody murder running around the kitchen and bolts for the bedroom, slaming that door.. I see it now on the window.. thank goodness for the flyswatter hanging by the window.. at last.. bye bye Bee. And thats the story of Ron and the bee.. sorry no pics or video available.
Problem is the licensed plumbers are starving currently. While everyone else increased their priced by about 10% in the last few years, the plumbing trade has increased over 100%.
Problem is the licensed plumbers are starving currently. While everyone else increased their priced by about 10% in the last few years, the plumbing trade has increased over 100%.
It’ll take care of itself. Soon there won’t be any real plumbers and when a real plumbing problems pops up there won’t be anyone knowledgeable to make the repair.

Changing faucets isn’t considered plumbing in my jurisdiction, anyone can do it for the public if they have handyman license.
I agree. Problem is folks that get bit so bad for such a mundane project, they remember it down the road, and why the unlicensed guys are thriving right now.
Made the mistake of going to the mailbox this morning only to be greeted from an official looking letter from the neighboring state of Maryland. Looks like one of Montgomery County's third party speed camera operators nailed me , again for the third time, for going five (5) miles per hour over the posted speed limit. I guess I'll never learn!:mad:
I agree. Problem is folks that get bit so bad for such a mundane project, they remember it down the road, and why the unlicensed guys are thriving right now.
It’s easy to be cheap when you don’t have a legitimate business.

I could do things cheap if I didn’t have insurance, business licenses and all of the associated expenses with operating within the law.