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If we let Putin take Ukraine, he will only be emboldened to attack other countries next. One of the reasons he attacked was because Ukraine wanted to join NATO. He threatened other countries that he would attack them if they joined NATO. He's former KGB & a very evil person. When there was a hostage situation at a school with over 100 children & staff/teachers held captive, his response was to firebomb the school to kill them all. Prior to invading Ukraine, he was going over plans for mass burial sites. They have already been killing innocent people left and right. FDR didn't want to get involved in the war in Europe during WWII because he thought it was none of the US's business, but Hitler kept going and even attacked US naval vessels. It became clear that ultimately they planned to attack the US. There was a comparison made to a house on fire. If you don't help put out the fire on the burning house, it could spread to your house. Putin despises the US- blames it for the downfall of what he viewed as his "great" country. His ultimate goal is to destroy the US and our allies. If we let him take Ukraine he'd move on to other targets, build strength, and ultimately come after us. It's an ugly situation.

I don't buy that Zelensky is corrupt. Especially when we look at Putin's record. I liken it to an abusive relationship where Ukraine is the victim & finally escaped the abuser, but when they tried to move on and join Nato (essentially "dating" someone else), Putin got mad/jealous & decided to brutalize them again and force them to come back. People are suffering over there because he's an egotistical, petty, bitter, violent jerk.

I didn't get anymore cleaning done in the house today. Body is way too sore. I cleaned up in the truck though. Took the floor mats out and dumped the dirt off, cleaned out trash (mostly receipts & empty water bottles), & got it looking halfway decent. Cows came over to see me. The younger one licked one of the floor mats. Older one wanted cuddles. She had a bunch of ticks behind her left horn. I scratched behind her horn for her and plucked them off. She put her head down so I could scratch behind her horns and ears. I used a stick to get in to the area just under the horn that is hard to scratch behind and she was happy.

My body is NOT happy today and is barely moving. Arm doesn't want to function, back is stiff and I'm exhausted. I just accidentally flipped a cat over while moving my leg. LOL. My legs are cramping and naprosyn is not working for me right now. I took magnesium and ate a banana but I need to find where my other vitamins went. I think I should take the stuff Mom takes for joint pain. It works for her knees.
I think Putin knows he can’t invade Florida..

Ukraine with Biden as our President……

Got up early & took my vehicle for some maintenance and to figure out some errors I was getting-- check ABS, check VSA, etc. Appointment was 9am but it took them awhile to get off the phone and let me check in. Friend came along in his car so we could hang out. I figured it would only be a couple of hours. We went to the mall, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Target. Also had chinese food in the food court. Got back around 3pm & truck still wasn't done. Friend had to get home so I told him I'd stay at the dealership. 45min later they said they needed to keep the truck overnight. Ended up getting a rental car from Hertz (which was down the street). Rav 4. It has so many buttons I have no idea what stuff is and it's a total pita. Radio was on so I turned volume knob all the way down as I couldn't find the off button. Backup camera is great. Cruise control sucks. And the brakes are super sensitive. Going to be interesting driving Mom to her appointment tomorrow.

My phone crapped out on me so I couldn't make any calls. Hoping it will sort itself out by tomorrow. I had to take the battery out to get it out of neverending reboot cycle.

Toilets in Bed Bath & Beyond were pretty nasty on the inside. Seat were ok, but good lord, they need some major cleaning inside.
Zanne, I appreciate your position on Ukraine and it's president. I agree that the world should have shut the bully Putin down when it had the chance like Ralphie did when he kicked the crap out of Scut Farkus in "A Christmas Story". I think I'll watch some Christmas movies like the Die Hard series, "A Christmas Story 1 & 2" and, yes, even "Edward Scissorhands" to take my mind off things.
How many of Putin's people are coming in as part of the invasion of our Southern border? Truth be told, his minions are already in the country doing untold damage.
I don’t know.

Our entire government is at fault for the southern border. Republicans, democrat and whoever else is in charge. All of them

Everyone who voted for Biden especially is responsible.

Biden and Harris will go down as the worst President and Vice President Ever. They’re the epitome of incompetence.
I don’t know.

Our entire government is at fault for the southern border. Republicans, democrat and whoever else is in charge. All of them

Everyone who voted for Biden especially is responsible.

Biden and Harris will go down as the worst President and Vice President Ever. They’re the epitome of incompetence.
I don't know...they are pretty competent about screwing things up!
So, today I got a call from the dealership saying I needed a new wheel bearing. What pisses me off on this is that I took my truck in to the local tire place 5x & asked them to check the wheel bearing & each time I had the same employee blow me off, give me attitude, and generally be rude about it. Apparently he either sucks at his job or he didn't do it. I was told it would cost $810 before taxes for the replacement. That sure as hell better include labor. I looked up what it should cost for that and its between $320 to $430 or so. I'm hoping that is the total price (pre 9.95% tax) for the diagnostics. Good thing I asked for an extra day in the rental. They said it *should* be ready tomorrow by 1 or 2 pm. I really hope it will be. I don't want to pay for an extra day of rental. Gonna have to talk to the rental company about why they overcharged me. It says $30/day but charge was $150 for 3 days. Nothing else on the slip explains where the extra $60 comes in. The Hertz employee was rather rude but I needed a car to get home. Rav4 turns great & has good brakes. Has some cool features but is super annoying. LOL. I miss my truck. I want my heated seats back.

Anyway, I took mom for an eye doctor appointment. She griped about the seats and messed with controls on the center console dash. "What does this do?" "I don't know?" "What about this?" "I'm trying to drive here!" LOL. Eye checkup was good. Then samsclub but they had no working riding carts so Mom sat down in a recliner most of the time. Grabbed food at Wendy's and went to pick up mom's RX but they haven't gotten it in yet-- still waiting on shipment. Went to post office to get mail- package says it was dropped off yesterday but they haven't processed it yet.

Tomorrow I'm hoping the truck will be ready so I can return the rental and get my precious truck back.
It ended up being a little over $1k with taxes. They did diagnostics, changed the oil (but I supplied oil & filter), & were supposed to check the emissions but didn't. They didn't charge for that. But the labor just to diagnose was over $200. Apparently it takes about 3 or 4 hours to change a wheel bearing.

Finally got my truck back and was so happy. When I dropped off the rental at Hertz the lady inspected it and asked if I lived on a gravel road. I told her it would come back dirty but with a full tank of gas. I got gas at a nearby station and left it with more gas than it started out with when I got it. Only had to put about 6 gallons in. That thing gets 40mpg. Mine was only getting 9.3mpg after the oil change but gradually went up to 18.1 as I drove home. Not sure if its a sensor issue or what.

My good neighbor dropped off a roll of hay and refused to take payment for it but I made him take money as a christmas gift. The black cow started ramming the roll and rubbing her head and neck on it making it roll several feet. No idea what she was doing. I *think* she may have been trying to break it up and she's watched her mother tear the hay off with her horns but this poor thing doesn't have horns. I scratched behind the red cow's horns and made her happy.

I'm going to pester my brother now that he just got home.
It ended up being a little over $1k with taxes. They did diagnostics, changed the oil (but I supplied oil & filter), & were supposed to check the emissions but didn't. They didn't charge for that. But the labor just to diagnose was over $200. Apparently it takes about 3 or 4 hours to change a wheel bearing.
Zanne, I hate to say it but you got taken to the cleaners much as I did when I paid $8k to get the condenser and evaporator in my home A/C replaced. The stuff they sold me must have been plated in "unobtanium" for sure.
So I took my car to the dealer for an oil change and tire rotation. I have those stupid McGard Wheel Locks on the wheels so I always have to remember where that dumb wheel lock key is hidden in my car. I asked the service writer if anyone ever asks to have the wheel locks removed and replaced with a lug nut, and he started belly laughing. He said wheel locks are the stupidest idea of the 20th Century because these days, they just steal the entire damn car. He said it was very common to pull off the locks and he said "no problem!"
So I took my car to the dealer for an oil change and tire rotation. I have those stupid McGard Wheel Locks on the wheels so I always have to remember where that dumb wheel lock key is hidden in my car. I asked the service writer if anyone ever asks to have the wheel locks removed and replaced with a lug nut, and he started belly laughing. He said wheel locks are the stupidest idea of the 20th Century because these days, they just steal the entire damn car. He said it was very common to pull off the locks and he said "no problem!"
When I lived in Alexandria, Virginia, back in 1970, one morning I found my 1968 Corvette, 427c.i. 435hp tri-power convertible, on blocks with all four wheels gently taken off with broken wheel locks. The convertible top was slit and my Craig 8-track tape player was also removed.

We are getting ready for one toad-strangler of a rain storm and hope the cold stays far enough north that we don't get any of the white stuff in spite of always wanting a white Christmas.
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I found my 1968 Corvette, 427c.i. 435hp tri-power convertible, on blocks with all four wheels gently taken off with broken wheel locks.
As the story went, c.1980, my friend's father stopped in Brooklyn to buy some cigars.
He leaves the store, and sees his Mercedes is jacked up, and a guy is removing the wheels.
He yells at the thief to STOP!
The guy turns to him and says: "Ok, Ok, you can have the other two wheels."
ca. 1965 or so we drove to NYC (from Cape Cod) to feed my camera collecting bug--just below the big "WELCOME to New York" overhead sign was a newish Riveria (nicest looking one they ever made), on fire and on blocks with no wheels--they did not need the sign...