As for the elections-- I have no earthly clue. These legislators are morons. One of them tried to pass a Stripper Bill that limited the size/weight, and age of strippers. Bunch of clowns. I voted against all of their amendments bc I didn't want to give them more power but they all passed. These clowns also previously passed a bill to allow a voucher system for religious schools, but when non-Christian schools applied the legislators proverbially crapped bricks & said it was only for Christian schools & denied vouchers to any other group. I don't know if they got sued over that or not. The worst part is, they don't even have the same standards for voucher schools as they do for public schools. And public schools already suck badly enough here. They have rampant abuse (physical and sexual) at the private schools & many of them would not pass safety or accreditation standards. It's

Doctor said not to use a sling as it would only make it worse. Said I need to keep doing rotation exercises. Sling still wouldn't stop the bicep muscle from spasming either. And the past couple nights my cats have decided that my arm is a wrestling mat. First it was Aminatu jumping from behind my headboard landing on my head and then on to my arm and using it as a springboard. Then Senator Snugglebum chased Yasuke and Yasuke pounced on my arm and used it as a springboard to the tv stand. Snugglebum then pounced on my arm and stopped. Then Snugglebum chased Sir Hammington & he pounced on my arm. Then when I was in the living room, Itsy grabbed my fingers with her claws because she wanted treats & I twitched my arm wrong in response. Then I stumbled walking through the doorway and hit my shoulder on the door frame. Later on I rolled a little to get my medicine and hit my shoulder wrong. So, my whole arm is sore and I didn't get much sleep.
Still managed to take Mom for her morning appointment with the doctor and then take my brother for an afternoon appointment. Mom's A1C is down to 7. Weight down to 225. Sugar was good. She misplaced her thyroid meds & didn't mention it to me until yesterday so she hasn't been taking it & her thyroid levels were bad. But otherwise she's doing fine. Bro still needs another round of antibiotics but he's cleared to go back to work this week. He's scheduled for bloodwork before his next appointment. That's gonna suck for him bc they have a hard time getting blood from him on the first try.
His right rotator cuff is still giving him grief & he's not up to any heavy lifting.
I'd never heard of an induction cooker being able to zap someone but the top is cracked and water spilled in it at one point. My doctor said he'd heard of it happening before. My guess is that with the top it is allowing the electricity that powers the coils to pass into the pan. And I can see it has visible coils underneath the surface.
Yeah, Avenatti went down for fraud & stealing from clients. It's why Stormy Daniels fired him (well, she fired from him bc he scammed her before he got arrested).
Yesterday we got in the updated navigation dvd for the Honda. Ebay money back guarantee. Seller advertised as new. Then changed the listing to "used" after purchase. Also listed as returns accepted before buying. Seller changed that to no returns/no refunds afterward. I am currently checking ebay's policy on whether or not they return $ in that case if seller provided fraudulent or faulty product. Bc I took old navigation DVD out, popped new one in: Disk Read Error, not valid DVD, contact dealership message. Popped old one back in- works fine. Tried it again a few times. Contacted the seller who then changed the listing AGAIN to say if it says that message it means the navigation system is bad, dvds don't go bad, all sorts of bs. So I called the dealership & a guy who works in service department told me seller was full of crap-- only reason for that error is bad disk. He said when I bring my truck in, he will verify the disk is bad and write a note for ebay that I can submit to affirm that it's a bad disk. Gave me his personal cell # to call when I'm ready to schedule maintenance and make sure he's available to help. He was offended that the seller was that much of a jerk.
Called AC guy again and finally got him to answer the phone. Said I was out at the house his uncle used to own, gave him phone numbers, and he said he'd call back when he was ready to send someone out. Hopefully it will be soon. But I'm holding off on going to the dealership with my truck until I know when the guy can come out. But, I will send the seller a message saying dealer said the disk is bad and I will give him a one star review and take it up with Ebay to get a refund. As of yet, no response from the seller.
At least the neck pillow I got is super comfy. Bean bag type-- supposed to massage but I haven't put batteries in and am enjoying how soft it is.
I wanted to do some cleaning but mom said "No, not with your arm like that!" I was surprised at that. She normally has no sympathy but she can tell my arm is bad. I can still use one arm though. So I will try to get something done.