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I got in trouble yesterday with my better half. We received a very nice shipment of "ikra", Ukrainian or Russian for fish eggs, or caviar. It was packed in a very nice insulated container with my favorite thing of all time this side of liquid mercury, two big blocks of dry ice. Dry ice, frozen CO2, runs right at about -109.8 degrees F. Coincidentally, I've been meaning to get to the dermatologist to get a could of skin tags taken care of and a "light bulb" went off in my head like a cartoon balloon over Wile E. Coyote in one of his ACME moments. Why not take a piece of the ice do do some cryosurgery on my own? I made the mistake of telling my wife what I was about to do and she said, "You attempt that and I'll divorce you!" I decided not to proceed but it was a really good idea don't you agree!
Now at least you know a way out……
Redguard is the waterproofer of choice. Over thinset, I'm confused?
Do you mean instead of thinset or on top of thinset? The mfr for hardieboard said to use ANSI A 118.4 or better modified thinset over the tape.
Will Redguard go on smoothly enough to not show through paint? I need to paint over some portions.
To clarify, Redguard and thinset are not designed to be painted. Don't try it, it'll look horrible. Redguard is real thick, and designed to be a waterproofer. It is also great when rolling it 4 tile widths from any foundation crack. It will allow slight concrete movement without damaging floor tile. It is a great product, but very pricy. You normally roll in on the backerboard using a 4-6" mini roller.
Thanks, Havasu. I wonder if I can use a different type of mud or something over the tape because I will need to paint over. I was reading that the panels I want to put up can NOT be glued to drywall as the paper on the drywall will peel off. They said the hardieboard was right for glue up surrounds. I wonder if using primer will make it paintable. I wasn't planning to use redguard on the paintable areas. Now I'm thinking a latex paint that seals and waterproofs might be the best bet over whatever I put over the mesh tape.

As an aside, my friend kicked his gf out again. She cried, begged, guilt tripped him, and then called him a creep & finally left because he let her use his car. It's a beat up junker. He's on a date tonight with someone else. It's been a longtime coming. I think the person he's on a date with just dumped her boyfriend today. They have been friends for years & her ex-boyfriend is a narcissist & she's finally fed up with him. He always puts her down and all he ever does is play video games when he's not working. Has no interest in anything she's interested in. Has zero sympathy for her having about 5 miscarriages & told her if she couldn't give him a bio kid he'd dump her.

I went to the post office today & found my box was locked. They never put the slip to renew it in my box (I checked) but the clerk swears she did- but said she couldn't remember when. Told me I had to bring in a recent electric bill to show my physical address to justify getting a free box. Wouldn't let me just pay for a box. Said I had to bring that in and pay a $25 late fee. Late fee for a box that is free because they won't deliver to my home... I didn't argue. Just brought my bill in and she unlocked my box and gave me my package. Postmaster told her not to give me my packages until I paid the late fee. He's kind of a dick.
I got in trouble yesterday with my better half. We received a very nice shipment of "ikra", Ukrainian or Russian for fish eggs, or caviar. It was packed in a very nice insulated container with my favorite thing of all time this side of liquid mercury, two big blocks of dry ice. Dry ice, frozen CO2, runs right at about -109.8 degrees F. Coincidentally, I've been meaning to get to the dermatologist to get a could of skin tags taken care of and a "light bulb" went off in my head like a cartoon balloon over Wile E. Coyote in one of his ACME moments. Why not take a piece of the ice do do some cryosurgery on my own? I made the mistake of telling my wife what I was about to do and she said, "You attempt that and I'll divorce you!" I decided not to proceed but it was a really good idea don't you agree!
If it results in divorce I would not agree. The stress and expense is just not worth eliminating a skin tag.
If it results in divorce I would not agree. The stress and expense is just not worth eliminating a skin tag.
Yep, the use of frozen CO2 was a silly idea but then I found a liquid nitrogen cryo sprayer on eBay................... I could use it to troubleshoot electronic components that have become sensitive to heat and other uses.
I went to the post office today & found my box was locked. They never put the slip to renew it in my box (I checked) but the clerk swears she did- but said she couldn't remember when. Told me I had to bring in a recent electric bill to show my physical address to justify getting a free box. Wouldn't let me just pay for a box. Said I had to bring that in and pay a $25 late fee. Late fee for a box that is free because they won't deliver to my home... I didn't argue. Just brought my bill in and she unlocked my box and gave me my package. Postmaster told her not to give me my packages until I paid the late fee. He's kind of a dick.
Why won't they deliver to your home? I remember their motto "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" and should not that still apply to you?
They abandoned that motto a very looong time ago. In some places they refuse to deliver if it means they have to get out of their vehicle.

But the reason they gave for not delivering out here was that they claimed there weren't enough people to justify sending a carrier down substandard roads. One of the people in the area tried to get a petition going to get them to deliver but there aren't many homes out here. Maybe 5 or 6 houses if that.

My plan for today was to go out and clean out the truck but it was too cold for me & I ended up getting distracted by the mess in the kitchen and hallway. With my back problems, shoulder problems, fatigue etc I had not kept up with trash (which is supposed to be my brother's job). So, I started sweeping stuff up. Had to use my foot to dislodge stuff that was stuck to the floor. Filled a couple of trash bags & then took a nap for a few hours. Got back up and started cleaning again. I cleaned for a few hours. I got 99% of the hallway cleaned and about 45% of the kitchen before I ran out of steam & body protested too much. Filled five 55 gallon trash bags. In fairness, one wasn't full but it was heavy so I tied it off. I dragged most of them outside but it got dark so I have one in the front room to take out when its daylight again. Lights in front room don't work, nor does the porch light. 80% of the trash was my brother's stuff.

The cats were confused about what was going on and I had to keep getting empty water bottles away from the dog because she thinks they are toys. Tomorrow i'll clean the truck first and then continue working on the kitchen-- if my body cooperates.

My left shoulder is so bad I can't lift my arm 90 degrees. I get maybe 88 degrees and it just stops. Can't go any higher.

I need to figure out how to get the paper & cardboard that stuck to the floor from getting wet to dislodge from the floor.

Going to do some daily quests in my Elder Scrolls Online game and then get some sleep.
They abandoned that motto a very looong time ago. In some places they refuse to deliver if it means they have to get out of their vehicle.

But the reason they gave for not delivering out here was that they claimed there weren't enough people to justify sending a carrier down substandard roads. One of the people in the area tried to get a petition going to get them to deliver but there aren't many homes out here. Maybe 5 or 6 houses if that.
Our country is going to hell in a handbasket. On a positive note, the entire family donated whole blood yesterday. The family that bleeds together, succeeds together.
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BSH. How is your family doing in Ukraine. I can't remember is this your mom and dad ?? Did their house get damaged.
You probably already answered this before but some of the post here are so long I just don't read them all the time.
BSH. How is your family doing in Ukraine. I can't remember is this your mom and dad ?? Did their house get damaged.
You probably already answered this before but some of the post here are so long I just don't read them all the time.
Hi Tom and thanks for asking. My wife's parents and several other extended members of the family live in the capitol city of Kyiv, None of them have experienced direct hits but the infrastructure, AC power and running water (they call it "technical" water and is used for bathing and washing clothes and dishes, etc.) , is out about fifty percent of the time. Drinking water is still available buy purchasing bottles of water or from any one of a number of open spigots in and around the city in parks, etc. The internet, save for what you can get via cellular service is also down and has been that way for several weeks. They are still able to eat because they grow their own and have canned much from seasons past.

She also has relatives in the Donbas and Kharkiv areas which are much worse than Kyiv and she has not heard from them in a while.

Again, thanks for remembering! My wife appreciates it very much! God bless!
The issue is the fact that today, it is Ukraine. Tomorrow, Britain? Then the USA? At what point are the aggressors stopped in their track, just as the Nazi Regime had to be stopped?
The issue is the fact that today, it is Ukraine. Tomorrow, Britain? Then the USA? At what point are the aggressors stopped in their track, just as the Nazi Regime had to be stopped?
Ukraine isn’t a nato country. It was part of the Soviet Union. I imagine Russia didn’t like that being on their border. They didn’t like the possibility of it becoming a NATO country.

I have a feeling a lot of bad things were happing in Ukraine that no one knew about. The wild Wild West…..no man’s land.

Were we the aggressors when we invaded Iraq ? The 911 bombers were mostly Saudi I believe.
I hate it for the good people in Ukraine but America can’t fight WW3 over Ukraine and we have enough social problems here that we need the money for, none to give away.
I agree. It is a complex situation.

Are we considered as meddlers in other people's business? Do we, as the protector or the world, get subsidized by the world to protect others? Do we sit back and watch a bully annihilate another country?

I do agree, there is much the American people don't know, and how crooked is the president of that country? Then again, how crooked is our sitting president?