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Fox had a video of an Oklahoman kitchen sink where the tap was running water into a sink so cold it was freezing instantly into a stalagmite. "Believe it or not.":

(PS. It's currently 6.8 degrees F here in Northern Virginia but we dodged the "bomb cyclone" because all we got was rain. Stay safe and warm and have a Merry Christmas)


  • Water freezes straight from the tap in Oklahoma_1280x720(2).mp4
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Blueskyhigh, oh, I know they ripped me off-- and they didn't even do all the work that needed to be done. Left a notice that I need timing belt changed and something with the engine (but not specific). Marked as "critical". Never addressed the "check emissions" error message. Also, my wheel is still squealing like there's a bad bearing.

Yesterday, I ate some popcorn & it got stuck in my teeth. I went to clear it with some dental floss and a chunk of my back molar came out. Then it got down in the 20s (very rare for her) so we ran the taps but the water stopped working. Went out & saw that some of the insulation had come off the hose bibfor the outdoor water trough & water was spraying everywhere. Had to shut the pump off. It was the only outdoor hose big with no shutoff (I have no idea why). I'd been meaning to put one on but hadn't gotten around to it. But none of the stores within 100 miles have the All Weather PVC cement and it never even got up to 30.

So I had to wait until today when it warmed up enough for the PVC cement to work. I trimmed insulation out of the way, cut the pipe, and went to solvent weld the shutoff on-- 2 problems. 1. I could not for the life of me get the damn lid off the pvc cement. I took it to my brother and he couldn't get it. Used a rubber gripper.. Could not find a single one of my adjustable wrenches and I have a full set. Finally found a rubber work glove in the truck but it was for left hand. Put it on my right hand wonky and managed to get the cap off. But water wouldn't stop coming out of the pipe. So, I went to the pump house to turn the shutoff. The shutoff before the pressure tank was removed by the well service guy after a break in stuff so the only shutoff I had was the house one and half of the wing thingy broke off. I could not for the life of me get it to turn. It was jammed, and while I was trying to turn it, I lost my balance and fell onto the pipes and they broke off -- snapped off below the vertical tee to the pressure tank, horizontally before a shutoff to the barn, and vertically underground to the pipe supplying water to the house.

Water stopped coming out of the pipe for the hosebib so I was able to install the shutoff (will have to address the leak in the near future). Heard from my friend that the water froze inside his shower valve and broke something inside-- something plastic in the cartridge area but he didn't send pics.

Local stores were closed/don't have right supplies so I went to HD & looked for parts. Had to use the bathroom so I left my brother with instructions. Managed to tip and slam my shoulder into the tp holder inside the bathroom stall and couldn't move my arm (its the injured one). Grabbed a wet/dry vac with rechargeable battery from Lowes-- the dustbuster kind-- and hope I can figure out how to use it to suck dirt out of the water pipe (if anyone has better suggestions I'm open to it, but I can't get a shopvac plugged in as there are no outlets for it). By the time I got back, it was almost freezing-- too cold for the pvc cement (and too cold for my hands). Only shutoffs they had were the threaded kind, which doesn't bother me because I can re-use them if I cut off the adapters. I made sure they could turn bc I've bought some that were jammed before. I bought extra elbows, tees, & such just in case I have problems. If we didn't need water back asap & it wasn't so damn cold I would take this opportunity to raise the jet pump up and adjust the pipes to it so the inlet pipe doesn't go above the level of the pump (that is a future project). Although, I am thinking of moving my pressure tank to a more convenient spot and reworking the plumbing for it a bit. I could possibly set it up on a block. Or maybe just take time to raise it up higher to have fewer elbows or something. I'm thinking of turning it 90° and having a tee coming out of it horizontally instead of vertically. I'll have to see how much space I have in there though. That is something to mess with tomorrow when hopefully it will get warm enough.

I called a plumber and left a message but never got a callback so I don't think he'll be coming out. Especially not with tomorrow being a holiday.

I hope everyone else is having a better week.
Yesterday I dropped Mom off to watch my friend's kids and brought friend out to fix the pipes. Required digging up a whole cinderblock that had the cavities filled with dirt (making it heavier). Then found out I derped bc I looked at the pipes coming out of the jet pump and the ones going in to the pressure tank (seeing they were 1") so I'd bought 1" parts-- but I failed to notice that they downsized to 3/4" and most of my 1" parts are useless (but I will keep them for future use just in case). I had a 3/4" shutoff and a few 3/4" fittings in a plastic bin & had some 3/4" lying around (literally) in the shed. We were one elbow short of the goal but I found an old hose bib pipe still connected to the old stuff under the house. I cut it off (leaving enough room for couplings) and friend cut off the other end with the hose bib on it. Had just enough couplings. I need to get my phone out of my bag and upload the pictures, but for now just the house water is connected. The plan is to add a tee to one of the lines (before another shutoff) and run some PEX to the outside lines. I don't care if they reduce water pressure a little so long as water can work once stuff gets fixed up better. I capped off a lot of the broken stuff in the barn/workshop & yard. I do need to see if the other hose bib on the back corner of the house (that I keep forgetting about) still works. Need to get the one in the front working.

Anyway, after patching the pipes up I took my friend back to his house & then to a local gas station that had some food so I could have food for Mom. We hung out for a few hours. The toddler got fussy so we put on some Geoff Castellucci music. He's been obsessed with that man's voice since he was a few months old. He stops whatever he's doing and watches his videos. Mom & I stayed with the kids (the 10-yr-old is well behaved & very sweet) while my friend went to go pick up his new gf. We hung out for awhile and she was very happy. We've all been friends for many years & the 10-yr-old adores her. The toddler really loves her too. He finally said "dada" for the first time. He normally just babbles "dadadadadadada babababababab" and other stuff. He hasn't said "mama" yet. He's two years and a little over two months old and thus far that is the only word he's said. Hoping he will learn more. I wanted to give the pvc cement some time to set so we stayed over a few hours. Also helped my friend by holding the shower curtain to block water from spraying on the floor because the cartridge in the Delta Monitor 17 trim blew apart somehow. Water was spraying into the wall cavity and all over. He had to unscrew the access panel & turn the shutoffs (which I insisted he install in case of emergencies).

Turned water on when we got home in the evening & everything is working. No leaks except for some drips from pipes before the area that was just fixed up.

Today I remembered I have the exact same trim bought at the same time from a different store (I don't remember why I bought from 2 different stores instead of from the same store). I put in a request from Delta for a replacement cartridge and sent a picture of the one that fell apart. If they don't cover it, we can just buy another one. But, I digressed-- I had the cartridge in the box with my trim so I brought it over for him to put in his shower & it works. Hopefully Delta will consider it under warranty but if not, it's about $40 for a replacement cartridge & I already found it online. Not buying from ebay though.

I brought the cartridge over and helped my friend (mostly by handing tools and stuff) with replacing brake pads on the gf's vehicle. Needed new lug nuts bc hers were garbage so I drove my friend to the stores. One store only had one pack so we had to go to another-- which is where the gf's ex's brother works. He was saying we needed to call his brother bc the brother knew the gf's car was at his house. Friend explained truthfully that he's working on it. Her break pads were literally nonexistent. It was just bare metal. Went to the store to get my RX, groceries, and cat food. Kitties at my friend's house had been out of food for awhile. Getting some table scraps that were not enough. They were losing their minds when they saw I brought food. I fed them and they were gobbling it up. Can't really blame them. At least I know the new gf will take good care of them.

Got home and cooked for Mom. I bought her some stuff she'd requested so she was happy. I was too tired and sore to cook on the stove (need to catch up on dishes).

In a bit of happy news, I discovered my old vent/light/heat ceiling thingy in my bathroom still puts out heat. It isn't too far from the toilet so I had it blowing warm air on me.
Although not plumbing related, it is a dilemma for us. We have an old side-by-side GE reefer installed in the detached garage that is nearly 25 years old and still going strong. Because of the recent deep cold snap, the temperature in the garage is such that the compressor never has to run to keep the fresh food part at the proper temp. Hence, the freezer portion's temp has risen to the same temp as the fresh food and is no longer really a freezer. In previous years, I used to keep the fresh food door cracked open to make the compressor run and the frozen food section also kept the proper temp.

I guess the only thing to do is hope that Global Warming and/or climate change kicks back in or install a space heater and have it blow on the refrigerator. Oh woe is me!
I have an upright freezer and it has been developing snow/ice inside. It's frost free so I think the seal is going. It's at least 20 years old at this point. It actually quit working for awhile before but then started working again. I really don't want to replace it bc its very expensive now and it is hard to find one that large.

Trying to motivate myself to get up and go outside but my body is telling me no. I'm exhausted.
I have an upright freezer and it has been developing snow/ice inside. It's frost free so I think the seal is going. It's at least 20 years old at this point. It actually quit working for awhile before but then started working again. I really don't want to replace it bc its very expensive now and it is hard to find one that large.

Trying to motivate myself to get up and go outside but my body is telling me no. I'm exhausted.
Thoughts and prayers to that freezer of yours. I suspect the defrost timer, usually a clockwork timer motor, may have given up the ghost. Glad it started working again!
I honestly don't know, but I think the seal is going bad.
My plans to rest the whole day were shot. Mom woke me up and insisted I had to go get her RX and that the pharmacy said it was ready. So, I got up and went only to find it was NOT ready. I had to wait in line awhile before even finding that out. Then I limped around the store grabbing a few things. Found the last container of heavy cream. $6 for it and its not even a gallon. Went back and waited in line again. Finally got the RX and got the hell out of there. Dropped off a suction cup grab bar and nonslip bath mat at my friend's house. The tub is very slippery and I nearly fell in it before. My brother did fall and injured his right rotator cuff. I want to go over and take a shower there soon and want to have something to grab onto in case I slip-- hoping the mat will help too.

I grabbed some salads. I gave mom one and I ate mine. Then she wanted leftovers. As she was eating the leftovers I mentioned that I'd found the shrimp spring rolls again. She then asked if I wanted the rest of the leftovers and I could make her some spring rolls. So I cooked them in the air fryer & she was happy. I'm sure she'll want something else later but I'm really having a hard time with my stupid shoulder. Bicep and deltoid are screwed.
Z, you are probably correct regarding the seal. We are paying $6 for half a gallon of 1/2 and 1/2 here. A gallon of heavy cream goes for about $6 per pint or about $48 per gallon and I do hope the leadership of the NUMC, National Union of Milking Cows, negotiated a big pay bump for their membership and this is not simply the middlemen getting rich on the whole inflationary spiral.
A whole bunch of milk was actually dumped out, which is very bizarre to me. I think corporations are just being greedy & jacking up prices & using any excuse they can. "The containers cost more bc China prices" etc. I'm sure the price for the containers didn't go up nearly as much. Although, I do know that fertilizer for hay and the price of hay has gone up so feed for cows is more expensive now. But they are still price gouging.

I argued with myself in my head about whether or not to go fix the rest of the hose bib today or wait until tomorrow. It was a nice temperature outside so I decided to do it today. I scavenged old parts from the pump house and in my plumbing parts bin. Was able to keep the faucet part because there was enough pipe behind it to cut off. I got it all put together & only spilled about 1/4 of the pvc cement (my hand on my bad arm tipped and I didn't notice and it poured out on the ground a bit while I was doing something. Didn't get on m shoes at least. Wrapped it all up in insulation tubing, waited a few hours & went back out to turn it on. Nothing. I now think maybe it was connected to the outside water but not sure how bc the shutoffs were turned. I'm going to get the outside stuff connected sooner. I'm going to replace the old shutoffs though. They suck and are hard to turn. My plan was to cut before them, but now I'm going to cut after them, & add in the shutoffs and use scrap pipe pieces to have enough length to put on some pex adapters. Going to find my crimping tool (well, I use the cinch kind). I know where my pex cutter is at least. Will get all my tools together & make sure I have everything I need before I tackle it.
A proof set of Australian coins for 2023 that I got as a Christmas gift, on the left, caused me to think about cleaning out the refrigerator and I came across something that appears to be almost twenty (20) years old (on the right). Do you think it is still good?vegemite at 80 and 100 years.jpg
A good soak in jewelry cleaner and the ring should be fine.

So, the mount for the pole my satellite is on came loose and let the pole drop horizontally. Lost internet for awhile. Tried to move a ladder closer but bc my rotator cuff is borked I couldn't get it where I needed it & had to leave it on the ground. Hurt my arm/shoulder while trying. Then I attempted to climb the tower the pole is on and hurt my shoulder more. Then while driving I had to make a very sharp turn and hurt my shoulder turning the steering wheel. Then later that day I went to clip my fanny pack around my waist and the clasp thingy caught my finger and cut it. I jerked my arm and hurt it again. LOL.

So, today the deltoid and bicep have been spasming my entire arm hurts all the way down to my fingers. I developed a nasty rash under my arm because I can't lift it. Used rash cream on it, which is helping, but it itches like a mofo. I'm having a hard time pulling up my pants and changing shirts. I'm going to have to talk to my doctor and see if he can help unlock the shoulder. Even getting someone else to lift it, it won't go up. It gets stuck. I've tried the exercises and arthritis cream. Right now I have a lidocaine patch on the arm. It's helping a little bit but not much.

On the upside, I made Mom happy by finding butter flavored instant grits in a 24 pack. Although, she eats 2 packs at a time. I sauteed 2 packs of baby bella mushrooms.

At least the internet is working despite the dish angle being messed up. Got some good rain but cow's water trough is getting low. Friend agreed to come out Sunday or Monday to help with the pipes bc I lack the hand strength to use the pex cinch tool. I'm going to get the fittings set up for him to make it easier. I can probably make some of the cuts before he comes out and put the new shutoffs on.

Any suggestion on a way to anchor the pex pipes better so they don't move or break when I turn the shutoff after I connect the stuff to PEX? Is there some sort of bracket I can use that will anchor into the ground to offer support for the pipe above?
LOL. My mom was raised in California where grits weren't that common. She loves the Quaker instant grits. I personally never liked grits.

I took my lidocaine patch off but haven't put a new one on. I'm fascinated by the texture and feel of the patch. It's so stretchy and I wanted to play with it, but I didn't want to get the stuff all over my hands. LOL. Stupid muscle still keeps spasming for no reason. Doesn't hurt but its annoying. It's like a twitching thing. I keep slapping it and telling it to stop it. LOL.

Bought gas and groceries for my friend bc he hasn't gotten his paycheck yet. He's going to help me fix up stuff at the house and do work on my truck once I get some parts in. He works for free on our vehicles and would do so even if we didn't help him out financially. He's a good guy.

I'm looking forward to when his gf gets her sewing stuff moved over to his house so I can help with projects. I'm not very good at sewing but I want to learn. Plus I have a serger (sp?) that she can borrow. Pfaf brand. Bought it from a 90yr old lady for $75. It retailed for over $700 about 20yrs ago.