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I hope you all have a really great 2023. Must better than the 2022 version. And today we were up to 69*F and over Christmas weekend it didn't get about 32*F. And some water froze for people and lots and lots of car fender benders due to black ice and not being use to it here. I stayed home and did not become a target for it.
Wrench, I'm glad you stayed safe.
I didn't go anywhere on Jan1. I slept most of the day due to chronic fatigue.

Monday I put together the shutoffs with some short pieces of PVC and got the fittings to be able to convert over to PEX put on. Had some issues with something not fitting bc the parts were in the wrong bin at Lowes. I grabbed some of the pipe cleaner and some primer. Odd thing with the primer that I never had with just the glue was some pushback. The pipes kept trying to come apart instead of stay in. Fortunately, my friend was over so he was able to hold everything together tightly-- I can't exert much pressure with my left arm. Friend got it all hooked up & added a shutoff between the pressure tank and the rest of the plumbing (because with the pumps off and shutoff after the pump turned off) the pressure tank was pushing water out. Had to wait for it to completely drain, which took awhile. Also needed a wrench to open the containers for the cleaner and primer. After everything was hooked up we left it to cure and went to go help my friend's new gf get her stuff from her ex. But he had her in the trailer gaslighting her and manipulating her for 30min while we waited and then I went and knocked on the door (I'd knocked on the door before and been asked to wait a few minutes-- I figured 30 min was enough). Her ex was nice to us to our faces and was being very helpful. It wasn't until we left that we found out he'd been trashtalking our mutual friend and making the gf have doubts.

She needed a few hours to calm herself down but things are good between she and the friend now. Friend was really feeling anxious about it bc he was afraid she'd dump him. When I got back I found there was a leak in a pex fitting (I'd grabbed an old one that sat in a wheelbarrow outside in frozen water so it had cracked). Friend said he'd come over when he knew what was going on with the gf. So I took a nap. Woke to him calling out to me trying to find me. I got up, got some flashlights, and tools and went to see what the problem was. He thought it was the ring but saw it was the fitting. I got a brand new fitting out of my truck and he fixed it. No leaks thus far. In the morning I'm going to clean out the trough and see if any of the outside lines carry water to it. If not, I'm going to have to run some new pipe to it somehow.

I'll get pics later.
Power went out last night & it was miserable without my fans blowing. Since it started raining again the weather turned warmer & the cooling part of the AC doesn't work. It will only heat. Compressor won't come on. Still trying to get an AC guy to call me back and come out.

Upside is I went out and and turned the shutoff that I suspected supplied water to the trough. I was right and it is filling up now. It's slow, but it still works. The shutoff for that had been off so the shutoff itself must have been broken inside to allow water to pass. I need to figure out if anything that leaks is still on the other shutoff for the front hose bib because it is not working.

Didn't take my phone with me to get pictures, but I will get pics later.

Arm/shoulder were being hateful all night and this morning. All this sweating from the heat is not helping. I can't use antiperspirant because it makes the armpit irritation much worse.
Oops, I forgot to say Congrats on the grandbaby.
Haven't been able to get back to sleep for my nap. Brain won't let me. LOL. I'm too tired to really do anything but I know I need to go to the store and get groceries. Need milk and some other stuff. I wonder if I can get my brother to go with me and see if he can help carry stuff. Driving sucks because it hurts to reach the steering wheel, but it could be worse. I'm going to look at some vitamins for joint health. Might find something that helps with this stupid shoulder. I've been doing the recommended shoulder exercises (well, the ones I'm able to do- some I can't because the shoulder is partway frozen and won't move certain ways). I've noticed that its the bicep that seems to be giving me a lot of grief when I try to move certain ways so I wonder if I pulled a muscle or something or if its just related to nerve endings in the shoulder. I remember the time the dentist was injecting something into my gums and hit a nerve that made if feel like the needle passed through my tongue (but my tongue wasn't anywhere near it. Felt really weird (but didn't hurt).

I'm going to try to get some pictures of the plumbing in a bit.
Had trouble getting to sleep last night. Shoulder and arm were throbbing. I wrapped my arm & shoulder as best as I could in a heated massage pad but it didn't help. Slept most of the day except to get up to feed mom and the kitties. Back to napping when a friend's ex called me and tried to drag me into his drama. He would not listen to a word I said. Classic narcissist only thinking about himself and what he wanted to hear. I really hate relationship drama.
Cooked more food for Mom and sat with her for a short while. Feeling exhausted.
At least I got some parts ordered for the tuneup on my truck. PCV valve, 6 spark plugs, and 6 ignition coils. They haven't been changed since I bought the truck so I figured it's time. Dealership recommended it but the labor was triple the cost of the parts. Friend and I are going to install them. I can at least do the front ignition coils & spark plugs. Possibly pcv valve. Friend will have to reach the stuff at the back for me. Also need to replace engine air filter and cabin air filter.
Friday my brother and I went to Samsclub to get water, milk, cat food, and some other stuff. My arm was not cooperating so my brother actually did most of the heavy lifting. Didn't bring the water or cat food into the house but I'll have to do that later.
Saturday I was exhausted and slept all day. Internet was out bc of a huge thunderstorm. I did cook for mom a little using the microwave and air fryer but I'm not up to cooking on the stove because of my arm not cooperating. I really need to do some major cleaning though. Mom's computer wouldn't turn on after a power surge and she was upset. I went and checked that all the plugs were tight and got it turned on so she's happy.
It has to do with that OCD characteristic that both you and I have been told we display. I've noticed absolutely no discernible difference in network performance, truth be told, but I do feel better about it. But, I've been told, that CAT6A has future-proofed my network for the foreseeable future.
Cat5 and Cat6 both carry up to 1,000Mbps but Cat5's bandwidth is only up to 100MHz frequency while Cat6 can go up to 250MHz. So Cat6 has more bandwidth. (I googled it).

Went to Walmart with my brother to pick up his RX and grab some groceries. Still dead tired. Stopped at a friend's house afterward so my brother could take a shower. I'm going to take one there tomorrow after he puts the suction cup grab bar up for me bc the tub floor is super slippery. Chatted with my friend and things are going well. His ex found out about his new gf and was ok with it bc she likes her (or at least claims to be ok with it). The ex's bf is happy and is being nicer to friend now bc he realizes he's no longer competition AND he realized that the gf was lying to him about my friend. The new gf's ex found out as well and did not take it well. He tried to blame me somehow and claimed that I had told him (which I didn't) and tried to get them mad at me but they didn't fall for it. He accused her of stealing his best friend from him. Made everything about himself & then got on his knees crying and begged her to take him back. She put up with his verbal & emotional abuse for 9 years and she's very happy with her new bf. They have been friends for years & secretly had crushes on each other for years. So, that other ex will probably not be speaking to me -- although, I'm not bitter so I'm still willing to go do some painting for him & help him fix his plumbing if he can get over himself and refrain from being a d-bag.

Other friends are very happy together and since my friend's 1st ex (with whom he has a daughter) is so useless the daughter is no longer safe over there unless the ex's bf is home so the daughter has been at my friend's house. She's been interacting with the toddler. The toddler finally said his first sentence. He said his first words last week. He's getting the affection & interaction from his big sister and from my friend's gf so he's much happier and starting to interact with people more. He's still way behind, but he's showing progress.

I keep procrastinating on some much-needed cleaning bc of my exhaustion and my stupid arm not cooperating. I really need to push myself to get things done. Clean stuff up and throw diatomaceous earth all over bc the roaches on mom's desk are insane right now.