What did you do today?

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Installed two new faucets and two bathroom lights at my sister in law’s home in Palm Springs. One more of each to do today…goodness the water pressure and volume pretty high here!
We used to own a home in La Quinta on the tenth tee of the golf course. A very dangerous place to live “broken window” wise.
What did I do today? I went to bed last night, midterm election day, with high hopes for something wonderful to happen and............. then I got a call from my friend in St. Augustine, FL, saying that a new tropical storm/hurricane was getting ready to head up the East Coast. Please cut those people in Florida some slack! After that I winterized my outdoor watering system in preparation what is supposed to be a very snowy winter here in the Mid-Atlantic.
What did I do today? I went to bed last night, midterm election day, with high hopes for something wonderful to happen and............. then I got a call from my friend in St. Augustine, FL, saying that a new tropical storm/hurricane was getting ready to head up the East Coast. Please cut those people in Florida some slack! After that I winterized my outdoor watering system in preparation what is supposed to be a very snowy winter here in the Mid-Atlantic.
Might not be too snowy this winter. My walnut trees really didn't put out too many this year.
I'd love to have a walnut tree. Instead, I have fruit trees. We had 50-60 beautiful pomegranates, all ripe and ready to be handed out this week, but I guess a neighbor picked them clean, leaving me just two. Teach me for being kind to my neighbors. Our winter oranges are almost ripe, and boy, we have some huge ones. Our lemons all dropped because of our heat wave 2 months ago, but it looks like we will have about 200 pounds of beautiful lemons in the near future.
I have some furniture made of walnut. It's very pretty.
Been tired the last few days. The AC still isn't working and heat saps my energy. Today I got up and fed the kitties, fed the dogs, unloaded the truck (several heavy water cases and some other stuff), took out most of the trash bags, put in new trash bags, overheated & had to lie down, cooked for mom, overheated and had to lie down, then took out the rest of the trash bags. Overheated again and am currently sitting with the window open and fans blowing. It's been 86° and I start to sweat at anything over 70.
What's that?
“Beaucoup” which is French. Slang for “plenty”.

I’m finishing up a punch list of items on a bathroom remodel. Client fired the GC for a variety of reasons.

Someone installed a new vent fan with a 6” connection, but there was only an old vinyl 3” flexible dryer vent in the attic, and it only went over towards the vented soffit. Sorry, wrong vent (should be insulated); wrong size, and should be vented THROUGH the soffit not laying near it. Bad news issue #1.

I went to install the noname but fancy shower trim and handles, only to discover that someone ordered a “wall mount” head assembly instead of ceiling mount. Thankfully Lowe’s had a straight shower arm to use temporarily until the correct one can come from the manufacturer. Bad news issue #2.

Decided to remove all the blue tape covering the shower drain (jeez what kind of plumber uses blue tape instead of a proper plug!?!?) and test it. Oh boy, plugged up solid. Feels like a plug of concrete about 12” below shower floor! Goodness I hope not; it’s all buried in a slab. Guess nobody tested this and/or decided to dump thinset down there. What flipping morons. Bad news issue #3.

The original GC did a massively poor design. There’s a 31” x 70” sheet of glass with no door, yet to be installed. The first 12” of this from the kerb is un-caulkable as it sits just an inch from a senseless or poorly designed bump-out. I dare not attempt installing this until the drain is sorted out.

So many poorly designed and or executed things here. I hope I can help this wonderful client get it all fixed.

The drain and glass have me worried.
Yes, this earth rotational stuff really ruins my plans.

Today I will finish installing my "Rachio" Wi-Fi sprinkler controller in the garage. I spent hours yesterday removing the old Toro manual sprinkler controller, patching walls and painting. Now, I kinda want to relocate the new controller one stud over, which means crawling up in the attic and dropping the wires into the next stud opening. This is alot of work, for just a small aesthetic look.

It will be nice to use my phone to adjust, turn off or increase water times to my 6 sprinkler valves. I see this controller also contains a separate 24 V electronic valve control, so I could install an electronic valve to my incoming water to the house and control it via cell phone.
Today I will finish installing my "Rachio" Wi-Fi sprinkler controller in the garage. It will be nice to use my phone to adjust, turn off or increase water times to my 6 sprinkler valves. I see this controller also contains a separate 24 V electronic valve control, so I could install an electronic valve to my incoming water to the house and control it via cell phone.
I've had two Rachio controllers. Loved them. My current one is mounted outside in a box. The prior one in Michigan was in the garage.
The weather reports from the NWS which it uses to adjust watering was spot-on accurate in Michigan. It's awful here, they say it's going to rain and it doesn't. Or vice versa. I think because of micro-climates in the area. But that's not the controller's fault, they are working with data provided to them.
The controller was quick and an easy installation. So far. I'm loving it.


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Never used sprinklers here bc it rains so much. We did have a soaker hose for the garden at one point but the pigs dug them up and chewed them before realizing they didn't taste good and resumed digging up potatoes and garlic to eat. That was one thing I don't miss about the pigs. But I do miss them wanting belly rubs and cuddles. Had a 400lb hog who would walk up and press his nose against my hand, grunt, then flop on his side for belly rubs.

Mitchell, that sounds like a nightmare for you and the customer. I hope the customer is able to get some $ back from that contractor.

I learned a little bit of French in grade school. I can say hello, goodbye, thank you, yes, no, & count to ten. I can also count to 10 in Spanish and a little higher than 10 in Thai. My dad was fluent in both but I mostly remember Thai.

The lights in the pantry and kitchen went out again. I definitely need to get that fixed. Friend got paternity results back and confirmed what we all knew. Not his kid. So, now we see if he sticks to his guns about kicking her out like he said he was going to. Pretty sure he won't though. We'll see how things go. The gf was messaging me so she must want something. She only messages when she wants money or for me to buy her something- which I say no to and she goes no contact for awhile.
Regarding the drain, they brought in a licensed master plumber, who determined that the trap is filled with concrete… or something very close to it, it’s not just a small plug of grout.

He is going to come back and make a small attempt to maybe drill some of it, but more likely he’s going to tunnel under the footings of this slab house to access the drain from beneath. He really does not want to bust up the new shower, pan and walls. The shower is on an outside wall and the center of the drain is less than 24 inches from the wall and maybe 30 inches from the side wall where it probably connects to the main drain system. The plumber says he’s been digging holes since he’s been 10 years old so he doesn’t seem to have an issue with this. Since the suggestion came so quickly, I want to assume he knows what he’s talking about...

Alas it was not to be. I guess the owner of the firm decided, perhaps wisely, that the integrity of the footing/foundation may be too compromised by this.

So now the homeowner has discovered a variety of different "concrete dissolving" chemicals for sale. So, he's going to try those first. I have no idea how well they'll work if at all.

I feel very sorry for these homeowners...


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