A high school friend of mine is just leaving Ukraine to take some more people to Poland. He posted some pics of the devastation over there. He was there with an organization providing food for people and he's been helping people evacuate to safety.
I think my thermostat can probably do some fancy stuff but right now all I care about is that it controls the temperature. LOL. Hopefully our power bill may go down now that the HVAC is being controlled properly.
I got up, fed the cats, went for early voting, got gas, picked up some groceries, got cow feed, fed the cows, got hooked in the side by an impatient cow, put away groceries, cooked, took my meds, and now I'm relaxing. I really love the air fryer we have. And now that my brother has his own rice cooker, I can use the pressure cooker while he uses the rice cooker. I can run the air fryer, microwave, and pressure cooker all at the same time. So now my brother can make beans in the large pressure cooker, rice in his rice cooker, and I can make something else in the smaller pressure cooker and cook in microwave and air fryer. Oh, and we have an electric kettle so I can boil water while the other appliances are in use.
Brain has been in zombie mode lately. Also, this site was messing up on my browser earlier.
As an aside, there was something on the ballot that was very weird but it was worded differently than this:

So, Slavery is illegal except when it's legal. The people in my district can already barely read or comprehend things. LOL.