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Well in twenty-one (21) days many of us will be going to the polls to try and steer the country in the right direction. My wife and I have decided to vote early and will be going to an early voting location in our county! Get out and vote regardless of which way you are leaning! It's the American thing to do!
Shutting down pipelines does not affect the current price of oil. We have a surplus of unrefined oil. They limit the refinement as an excuse to raise prices. It's a trick they've been pulling for decades. Also, we were getting oil piped in from Canada instead of using oil from the US. Oil prices are even higher in other countries right now.

I agree with creepy instead of sleepy. The sniffing thing is very creepy. We need wsome reform to our laws so that no elected official can even run for office unless they can pass the naturalization test immigrants have to take AND pass a security clearance background check. They need to show they have basic knowledge of how our country works. If immigrants have to know this info to become citizens, our elected officials should have to know it too. If they can't pass a background check, they should be disqualified from running for office. We also need to revisit Citizen's United & take out the bribery.

Blueskyhigh, to clarify: I called my doctor's office & the pharmacy to get the medicine switched. But it wasn't really necessary because we were all taking a generic of synthroid called Levothyroxine. The pharmacy for some unknown reason switched us without any notice or request to Euthyrox (which was more expensive than Levothyroxine). The pharmacy policy is that you can choose if you want the brand name or the generic and you can choose which generic. Every member of my household had a bad reaction to Euthyrox. It gave my mother stomach issues so she had them switch her back to Levothyroxine. My brother was on it for months and was having stomach issues and feeling sick. I took the euthyrox for a week and not only did I have stomach issues, I was absolutely exhausted to the point I could barely get out of bed, and I started having arrhythmia. All known symptoms of Euthyrox. So I called my doctor's office and told the clerk what was going on and asked for approval to get switched back to levothyroxine. I then called the pharmacist to report that I needed to switch as I was having bad side effects. When I spoke to the pharmacist in person I described the symptoms and had them put it in my file to never give me euthyrox again and that levothyroxine is what worked for me. I also asked for the doctor to switch my brother back to levothyroxine as well-- small town so they let family make requests like that, but they did call him back to confirm. His stomach issues haven't been as bad now.

Not doing much today. Finally got around to watching Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I really wish the previous movie hadn't been so badly written. Only good thing to come out of that was they had some extra footage of Carrie Fisher that they were able to use in the last film.
It is Biden and team who are complicit in repressing the refineries! Limiting drilling permits, etc. Not satisfued with that, those greedy traitors sell our National emergencies oil reserve to China and others!
Blame the oil companies and even the gas station owners. is ludicrous. Where were such myths when Trump was in office? Completely silent as gas was plentiful!
It got down to 28°F last night and its supposed to get that cold again. Already down to 36°F tonight. It rarely gets below 40 here and never this early in the year. Usually not until December. I have to get up early to meet up with my friend. I still need to look for the battery for my ground auger.
It is Biden and team who are complicit in repressing the refineries! Limiting drilling permits, etc. Not satisfued with that, those greedy traitors sell our National emergencies oil reserve to China and others!
Blame the oil companies and even the gas station owners. is ludicrous. Where were such myths when Trump was in office? Completely silent as gas was plentiful!
Yep, shame on us if we let another election be compromised by the cabal that is pulling his strings and the mainstream media that is trying to sway yet another election cycle. It's ours to lose so let's not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ever again.
Biden wouldn't have been my first choice...but he was the only choice when the alternative was a traitor. Remember nearly all of the people testifying in the Jan 6 hearings were Trump's own people and the testimony makes it pretty clear....

Oil price per barrel goes way up...pump prices go up. Price per barrel comes down, pump prices don't come down...do the math.

Duty as a citizen is to find the real TRUTH!!
Biden wouldn't have been my first choice...but he was the only choice when the alternative was a traitor. Remember nearly all of the people testifying in the Jan 6 hearings were Trump's own people and the testimony makes it pretty clear....

Oil price per barrel goes way up...pump prices go up. Price per barrel comes down, pump prices don't come down...do the math.

Duty as a citizen is to find the real TRUTH!!
Are you represented by Ilhan Omar?
My in-laws in Kyiv, Ukraine, are having to deal with a plumbing nightmare that occurred after the water supplier began restoring water to a system damaged by one of Putin's "gifts". Their apartment is on the fourteenth floor and the water ran for ages as they were sixty miles out of town when they got the call. Apparently water damaged apartments seven floor below. Also, the power was out due to the same reason as the water was being restored so there was no elevator service either so they had to walk up and down. Attached are a couple of pictures of the fitting that was damaged either by runaway pressure or simply got too old, etc.


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Biden wouldn't have been my first choice...but he was the only choice when the alternative was a traitor. Remember nearly all of the people testifying in the Jan 6 hearings were Trump's own people and the testimony makes it pretty clear....

Oil price per barrel goes way up...pump prices go up. Price per barrel comes down, pump prices don't come down...do the math.

Duty as a citizen is to find the real TRUTH

Biden wouldn't have been my first choice...but he was the only choice when the alternative was a traitor. Remember nearly all of the people testifying in the Jan 6 hearings were Trump's own people and the testimony makes it pretty clear....

Oil price per barrel goes way up...pump prices go up. Price per barrel comes down, pump prices don't come down...do the math.

Duty as a citizen is to find the real TRUTH!!
You know, maybe Biden really did win the election.
So, got a call from my sister yesterday. Dad went to the hospital the night prior; he had tested + for Covid, and was given Paxlovid. Between that, not eating enough, not drinking enough, the few covid symptoms and oh yeah, he's 100--they admitted him as he had some kind of seizure or reaction to all this at once. Spoke with him today, all is well except the cough. He'll probably be released tomorrow--he's up walking without a cane, eating and drinking properly (probably under the mindful eyes of Nurse Wratched).

Meanwhile back at the ranch, my sister tells me there's no hot water. I tell her to check the circuit breaker. That's not tripped. I was explaining to her how to bypass the tank I just installed, and go back to the oil burner system, when it dawned on me...

"Were you doing a lot of laundry?" Yes came the reply, multiple loads on the hot/sanitize setting.

I said wait an hour.

Hot water returned.

My sister hasn't apparently ever lived with an electric hot water tank. Her demand exceeded the supply. All is well.
Of course he won it. But the reason why he won it is the real crux of the problem. Kristi Noem for VP!
No way a mentally challenged, question avoiding crook won it. Unconstitutional voting methods were in full play! Ballot stuffing and harvesting ran amok. At the few campaign joe had, maybe an average of 75 people showed. Proof of his being bought by China & Russia sits in the hands of our politicized FBI, j while they do nothing. Political arrests by swat teams for low ti no charges. The jan 6 event was a joke, as is the hearings on it. The panel all libs except for two trump hating Rinos. No questions allowed by Trumps legal reps. No questioning, no defense allowed to Trump. There’s much more, but tuis is enough.
We will have to agree to disagree about the election results. The Eastman e-mails speak volumes. I'm not going to argue with people who I know won't change their minds.

I went over to my friend's house when he got off work. He is back on speaking terms with his gf's brother and the brother came over to help us assemble the playset. My friend's daughter was extremely excited. Unfortunately, we lost daylight, battery ran out on the cordless drill, and the mosquitoes came out, but we got most of it assembled. Need to put the climbing bit on and attach the slide. One of the cats over there was hugging my leg and rubbing his face all over my leg and shoe. He's a very sweet cat.

I want to paint the set as I'm not happy with how the wood looks. Chunks missing, big knots, etc. I want to use some wood filler & paint it with barn paint to give extra protection. The wood feels pretty soft-- its some kind of pine. Also plan to get replacement chains for the swings and a swing for the toddler since he can't use the regular swings.
I caught a bit of the news a minute ago and noted that the city of San Francisco is in the processing of procuring a single hole toilet somewhere and the cost will be $1.7 Million with a scheduled completion date in the year 2025. A little birdie told me that HAVASU and TWOWAXHACK were partnering as primary on the contract. Their proposal is to be a Porta Potty and a NYC tent-city type tent with a heavenly profit margin!
I just read that article. The bathroom is 100 sq ft, and is about the same price as a comparable home in Frisco. In my opinion, they should just flush that disgusting crap hole city completely!
I was born in San Francisco. LOL. The hospital where I was born had illegal immigrants working in the lab and they had failed the tests to qualify for the job more than 3x. They screwed up a bunch of lab results. I almost died & my dad investigated and deported the lot of them & filed charges against the hospital for employing them when they were unqualified AND didn't have proper work documentation.

BlueSkyHigh, I've had my leg humped by dogs, cats, and an emu (when I was working at the zoo). I was raking leaves and the emu came up and started bumping and grinding on me. I don't know if he thought the rake was some sort of neck or if he was just desperate. LOL.

I don't know if something is wrong with the AC or the thermostat, but after Mom turned the heat up for those 2 below freezing days, the heat won't shut off. I turned the fan off but it wouldn't go off. I set it to cool mode but its not cooling. It just keeps getting hotter. I flipped the breaker on and off to see if that would reset it. Bc the fan wouldn't go off I had to shut the whole unit off. I checked filters (which are still good), poured bleach down the condensate line, & made sure the cap was secured. It was up to 87°F but has dropped 1° since I shut it off. But that is in the cooler part of the house. It's actually hotter in the rest. I opened my window to let some cooler air in bc its much cooler outside than inside.

UPS delivered a package. I struggled to get my pants over my sweaty legs. Rushed to the door and he handed me Mom's laptop. It was wrapped in a ton of bubble wrap. I put it in her room so she can use it later.

Went to Samsclub this morning but was feeling awful after being too hot to get much sleep. Binge-watched the entire first season of Obiwan Kenobi. Dropped by my friend's house to give him some food we got for him. The toddler was ecstatic to see me. I almost got him to say "Hi" but he managed a "Ha" and random gurgling and babbling noises. Friend got him to wave but I don't think he had any understanding of what it meant. He's completely nonverbal. Can't even say mama or dada and he's over 2-yrs old now.

Right now I'm trying to cool off.