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Well, dad’s kidney blockage is cancerous. Waiting for full pathology report and renal tests to determine a “next step” if any. Surgeon said this 100 year old is unbelievably strong. Said he’s more like an 80 year old. He was released on Sunday AM. Back to normal life with no restrictions.

Meanwhile a client hired me to install a new thermostat on their rather conventional split system HVAC which was only used for a/c since they moved in. Installed easily enough, but didn’t check out. Since they had only recently moved in, I suspected something sorely amiss. I go into the attic and first thing noted was a roof leak. Now I know the inspector didn’t do his job. Taking off the the two panels I discover that ONLY two thermostat wires are connected to the control board! (A/C compressor and common) All the other wires capped off with a wire nut! WTF?? Why? What idiot did this?

Told the owner she needs an HVAC pro to sort out the internal wiring, and while they are here do a cleaning and annual service. Thankfully she got off easy. One $300 service. Everything fixed, cleaned and tested. Told her to try and go back to the seller, the agent or inspector. They all failed her.


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We don't believe at this point, that the cancer has spread anywhere, as there were no "markers" for any metastasized cancer. All blood work normal, no elevated or depressed analytics. They had no idea what they were going to find when they went in. We're told 5-10 days for pathology report.
Oh no! Mitchell, cancer sucks (obviously). I hope they will be able to treat your dad without causing him much discomfort. Sounds like they caught it early enough. Please give your dad a hug from me.

I'm no expert but the wires just poking in and not wrapping around the screws sort of bugs me. Or is it supposed to be that way?

I've been watching videos on how to locate breakers attached to outlets. I saw a kit I want for $50 that will locate the breakers when plugged in. Comes with a lightbulb adapter, alligator clips for bare wires, and a 2 prong adaptor for outlets without ground.

I did a bunch of cleaning up in the hallway and living room. Rest of the day was a blurr. Just watching instructional videos. Cooked for Mom. She won't cut up her own chicken so I have to cut it up for her. She's perfectly capable of doing it but she doesn't want to. She was rude to me while I was cooking for her so I didn't cut it up as small as usual.

Found a Japanese rice cooker-- best brand in the world apparently-- for sale "brand new" on E-bay and sent the link to my brother. He wants a dedicated rice cooker.

I showed wiring diagrams of the house (old ones that need to be updated) to my friend and marked which outlets/lights don't work. He said he thinks he knows where the problem may be. An outlet or switch might be bad or not connected properly. I'm pretty sure I want to replace every single outlet and switch just to have new stuff in case something internal is wrong with the existing ones. I want to swap out all the toggles for rockers. I also want to change out the two 15amp breakers with 20A ones. At least I know from a video that I have SquareD QO breakers. The wires are already 12awg in the 15A breakers.

I'm also thinking ahead to the plumbing modifications. Since I have at least one atmospheric vent on the southeast side of the house, would it be terrible to run the vents for the two bathroom groups on the west side up into the attic and slap AAVs on them?
I heard today that natural gas is up 28% on average this heating season and electricity is up 10%.
@Zanne those wires don’t need to wrap around the screws. There’s a square washer under the screw heads, designed to just take a wire inserted. It’s OK. Just like inserting a wire into a circuit breaker. No wrapping.

Yes as @Twowaxhack noted energy costs are soaring. In Dad’s prior setup, it was the original tankless design with an oil burner. Every time you turn on the hot water the oil burner fires. Great when originally designed and oil was $0.25/gallon. At over $5.00/gallon today, a really bad choice. In his town, the electric company is a non-profit owned by the town, so rates are as low as can be. His total investment in the electric hot water tank and related plumbing and electrical parts was less than filling his oil tank. (When I provided the labor). He’ll have “payback” before spring. Natural gas not available where he lives. It’s suburban no nobody uses propane. Electric was a smart choice…
I heard today that natural gas is up 28% on average this heating season and electricity is up 10%.
My electric bill was up quite a bit more than 10% at almost 18% and that's even calculating in the reduction in use of electricity due to not having to run the AC. My natural gas prices have gone up from $64 per month to $72 per month but I am on the annualized payment plan. I expect the gas to go up quite a bit more with the next year's assessment.

(My bad, but I forgot to pay last month's electric bill so this month it was double with a slight penalty added.)
We use propane around here for lots of things, but primarily for my BBQ and the two pedestal heaters with lava rocks for when we sit outside on cooler days. I have accumulated (7) 5 gallon propane tanks which are kept around the backyard. I filled a few bottles yesterday at the local RV repair facility, and noticed they haven't changed prices in the last 2 years. Better yet, on Wednesdays, they give a $.40 cent discount per gallon, so I paid $3.60 a gallon. What are others paying for propane across the country?
The problem with those "grab and go" propane tanks is the fact that because of pressures and heat, they are instructed to only put 4 gallons of propane into a 5 gallon canister, so this has to be considered when buying them.
The problem with those "grab and go" propane tanks is the fact that because of pressures and heat, they are instructed to only put 4 gallons of propane into a 5 gallon canister, so this has to be considered when buying them.
Yep. I am at their mercy in that regard. My point was that the price for four gallons had actually dropped. Blue Rhino brand here at least.
The beauty of the Blue Rhino and other swap and go propane dispensers is that you get a “certified” tank, and you can swap in one that’s outdated and cannot be legitimately refilled without a new date stamp. Propane always seem to only go up when oil prices rise. I don’t recall it ever going back down! When I lived in Michigan it was generally $16.95 at the low, and over $22.95 at the high. One big reason I went to a natural gas grill. Best place to buy it hands-down was Tractor Supply.

Reading this morning about the ridiculous Texas Pete law suit: Demand for Texas Pete spikes after lawsuit filed against the North Carolina-made hot sauce