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Zanne, I'm sorry for your brother's (and entire family's) loss. It is never easy to lose a pet.

Regarding asparagus, I love them bbq'ed, with a bit of olive oil and some salt and pepper.

My neighbor, who broke his back 2 weeks ago from going to a chiropractor, asked me to take his cars out for a spin, to keep up the batteries.

His main car, a 2000 Chevy Suburban, was fine. I drove it around for 20 minutes, and was fine. His second car, a 2013 Fully loaded Honda Accord, with 1091 miles, had a dead battery. I jump started it, and he asked me to take it all day. What a beautiful new, 10 year old car!
My sister's husband hated vegetables but my sister initially got him to eat some by wrapping them in prosciutto. Eventually he started to like the veggies without it. He now loves asparagus. She cooks them in an oven with olive oil and sea salt. Since our oven doesn't work, I use the air fryer. We do have a Nu Wave oven thing but we lack the counter space to use it. Especially since cats are a-holes and like to knock things down.

I was missing Namir while I was cooking last night. He normally came to "inspect" my cooking and I'd give him a little unseasoned hamburger meat or let him lick spatulas and stuff. Itsy likes to watch me cook but she also likes to step on the controls for the cooktop and change settings.

I fed the cats this morning and went back to sleep. Didn't wake up until after 3pm and I'm still not budging. I still need to get up and take the trash out and clean litterboxes again.
I forgot to say "thank you", Havasu.

My other kitties are comforting me but my brother is still really upset.

Went to the post office (to pickup the microwave) and Walmart for groceries. Lady at the post office couldn't lift the microwave. IT's a 2.2cuft "cyclone inverter" one. I picked it up and carried it to the truck. Used the rail to slide it down while going down the steps. A nice lady outside ran over to help me and put her hands under it when I got off the steps. That was sweet of her. Brother mostly got junkfood at the store. I admit, I got some of the clearance chocolate muffins with chocolate chips because I was hungry and wanted chocolate. Got back home and my brother did help with bringing groceries in but just dumped them and left me to put everything away. I moved the old microwave to the floor (on top of a halfway full trash bag), scrubbed the counters, organized the coffee machine and stuff in that corner, brought in the new microwave (which was a total pita bc I have bottlenecks in the house and that sucker was bulky-- I was wheezing by the time I got it close enough to unpack and put on the counter. Got it on the counter and plugged in. The old microwave had a shallow cardboard box sitting on top (the kind that holds sodas or something) but I replaced it with a drawer organizer that was just short enough to clear. I took the stuff from the cardboard box and organized it in my new little bin thingy on top. Now I can find the scissors! I got another plastic tub thingy that I thought might fit on top but suspected it was too tall (which it was) so I put that behind the air fryer to keep cats from getting behind it-- needed the air fryer pulled forward enough that the handle wouldn't hit the countertop when it opened. That also gave me room to fit the poor beat-up can opener behind as well. I also used some of the little bin thingies to organize coffee stuff. I don't drink or make coffee so I'll let my brother sort that out later after I get the old microwave out. It's in the way right now. Floor is a total disaster in that area from trash can spilling, brother not being willing to pick it up, and me getting winded when cleaning. Doesn't help that my left rotator cuff, deltoid, and bicep are giving me grief.

Anyway, I got that all done by myself. *pats self on back* I also got the full trash bag out of the trash can in the kitchen-- and this is an outdoor trash can so its a large bag. Like 33 gallon or more. I set it down so I can carry it out in the morning.

Cooked for Mom in the new microwave and she was happy. Cat tax. Orange kitty is my one-eyed kitty named Ginger. Lower cabinets need a good cleaning and new hardware. Do they make soft-close ones in that outside mount style?
These aren't soft close but self-close so they might stay shut better. I wonder if thet would work. https://www.amazon.com/glodenwarm-Kitchen-Cabinet-Hinges-Closing/dp/B07S36T2H6
I do need to figure out if mine are inset or overlay though. I think they might be slightly inset but I need to look at them.
Doesn't help that my left rotator cuff, deltoid, and bicep are giving me grief.
I've had fifteen surgeries over the years but the rotator cuff tear repair (8mm gap) was, hands down, the worst pain I've ever had to endure and if it wasn't for "Rush Limbaugh" oxycontin I would not have survived!

I like how well you've used the counter top space and that microwave's the "cat's meow"!
For years I have wondered why this crappy Sterling toilet would leak into the bowl on a random basis after a flush. I noticed that the flush valve would occasionally "land" off center on the hole. I jury-rigged a fix with three #10 stainless steel washers and now it works as it should. (Note: The replacement flush value was installed by yours-truly.)toilet jury rig.jpg
For years I have wondered why this crappy Sterling toilet would leak into the bowl on a random basis after a flush. I noticed that the flush valve would occasionally "land" off center on the hole. I jury-rigged a fix with three #10 stainless steel washers and now it works as it should. (Note: The replacement flush value was installed by yours-truly.)View attachment 37773
You didn’t replace the flushvalve. You installed a repair kit on top of the old one.

I see the ear is broke on your flushvalve that prompted you to install the repair kit. They suck.

The entire flushvalve needs to be replaced. That’s a three bolt sterling which is kohlers hardware store brand.

Similar to Delta and Peerless.

The other option that’s better than the stick on repair that you did is to find a flapper with the center hole that slides over the flushvalve tube to hold it in place.

They’re not my first choice typically. I replace the entire flushvalve and that requires removing the tank from the bowl.

You’ll need new bolts and a new tank to bowl gasket. Get solid brass bolts and hardware.
Thanks, Blueskyhigh. Sorry about your rotator cuff issues. I hope its all better for you now. If I had panned the camera down you'd be appalled at the floor though. LOL. Absolutely covered in trash and my body has not been cooperating enough to get it all cleaned up. Dad built those cabinets out of red oak-- he got 1,000 board feet super cheap back in the 80s. That one previously held a 3.0 cu ft Montgomery Ward convection microwave with faux wood veneer on the outside. It was ugly but it was great for cooking. This one is a "cyclone inverter". Not sure what that means. That little air fryer is an MVP. We can cook all sorts of stuff in it.

I'm happy having the flush tower thing in my toilets.

Ran out of cat food. Thought I'd had another bag but was wrong. Had to make a morning run to the store because the kitties were about to get pitchforks and riot. They still had some food out but if the food gets low they think its Ragnarok. Walked into the store with my hood up since its cold. Saw my friend chatting with some people so snuck up on him while pretending to be a T-Rex. The person he was talking to saw me and gave me a weird look. He turned to see what she was looking at and I was half crouched down and then popped up pretending my arms were T-Rex arms and waved them around at him. He laughed and said he was just talking about my brother. Saw another friend there and hugged her. We kept seeing each other in the store while shopping. He chastised me for not asking for help with the heavy stuff but I told him I still have one good arm. Afterward I went to Tractor Supply Co for cow feed.

Got home and looked around to make sure cows were not in sight so I could safely get the feed out and cut the bag open. Red cow with horns seemingly materialized out of nowhere and came charging around. I had cut the bag & she pushed it so it spilled in the back of the truck. I managed to push it out of the truck but it landed with the open side down so the cow was hitting the back of the truck with her horns and going nuts. I was having a hard time getting close enough to flip it bc of her horns. She doesn't mean to, but she's not aware of how big her horns are. Got it flipped, unloaded groceries, put stuff away, and cooked for Mom. Gave my older cats some canned food because they were restless. One of them just came in and parked herself on me.
Afterward I went to Tractor Supply Co for cow feed.
Zanne, the last time I was at Tractor Supply they had a mess of baby chicks and baby turkeys. The baby turkeys were $2.50 a head and I was tempted to by one to raise for next Turkey Day but didn't. Baby turkeys are aggressive little things for sure!

Now I am listening to Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and, in particular the song "Comfortably Numb", and am quietly achieving said status.

Ding dong the witch is dead! Which old witch? The Nancy witch! Ding dong the wicked witch is dead.
LOL. I've actually seen mushrooms growing out of the cow dung.

I've seen chicks at TSC before. Tempted to get them but we don't have the setup. I miss having chickens.
LOL. I've actually seen mushrooms growing out of the cow dung.

I've seen chicks at TSC before. Tempted to get them but we don't have the setup. I miss having chickens.
Yeah, me too and I’ve picked them and boil them into a tea. I had a bad experience and swore to never touch them again. I was about 17🤭🤡
Yeah, me too and I’ve picked them and boil them into a tea. I had a bad experience and swore to never touch them again. I was about 17🤭🤡
Magic mushrooms? TWH, is there a flush valve replacement kit, complete, with solid brass bolts that you can recommend and what's wrong with stainless?
Stainless holds up to the hard water here better than the brass does.

I was going to joke that you tried to make tea out of the chicks & it didn't work out well. LOL.

Went to the store with my brother in separate vehicles. He was getting an oil change in the CR-V and thought it was going to take longer. No one else was ahead of him so it went fast. We then went over to our friend's house to hang out. His gf had taken his car (he has a 2nd one for emergencies) without asking and left without saying anything to him. He doesn't know where she is and he said he didn't care. He keeps making excuses on why he can't evict her (even though he told her to get out). Fortunately, his mother dropped by with a toy for the granddaughter. As she was leaving I let her know that my friend had told the cheating little whore to get out & she'd told him to eff off. She was ready to go in and drag her out by her hair. I told her she wasn't there and that friend was saying he couldn't legally evict her bc he's not technically the owner of the house. She got a big grin and said "But I can!" I told her that we would pay the court fees for eviction. She went inside and told my friend that she would happily file to kick the whore out. She said it may take 30 days but she'd be gone. I told her that here it only requires 3 days notice bc she doesn't pay rent and she was violent to our friend & he has it on video. She said even if it was 30, the girl would end up opening her mouth & having to be put out within 3 days anyway.

I also helped my friend take some old barn wood (that someone kindly dropped off for him) and put trim around the door to the kitchen. It actually looks neat the way it is. I'm going to have to sand it later. Had to scrape dried mud off if with a putty knife and dust it off before putting it up. But I figure some sanding & a coat of matte poly would help. The door will get stained a reddish brown color.

I put a kitten on my brother's lap for him to hold. He still really misses his kitty, Namir and this kitten is Namir's nephew. The kitten really likes him.

Got home and cooked for Mom. I'm about to take a nap now.