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Can cast iron even be sold for scrap these days?

I strapped the dishwasher hose up (high loop) after the pic. We discontinued the original plumbing and I drilled a hole from inside the sink base cabinet to the crawlspace and replaced all the old cast iron with 2” pvc.
Is that the Weymouth tub spout? Or something like that? It looks familiar. I want to take a vacuum to that entire shower/tub. LOL.
Is that the Weymouth tub spout? Or something like that? It looks familiar. I want to take a vacuum to that entire shower/tub. LOL.

That’s Deltas Silverton collection.

Yeah man this house was being rented and the guy went slap nuts and tore it to hell. He’s in a mental hospital right now.

I’m not cleaning anything, I’m just correcting a lot of the plumbing.

I’ve been working on this house for a couple days going through and rebuilding toilets and replacing tub/shower faucets. Removing disposal. Replacing washing machine valve box and replacing tub drains. I replaced every stop valve in the house.

I have a 10x10 tarp that I haul around the house to cover up the mess so I don’t get it on me 🤣
Oh wow! Can't blame you for not wanting to clean it. Not in your job description. Unless you make the mess, you don't clean it up.

That flange around the tub drain was really messed up!

As an aside, are there any tub drains that come with a rubber gasket so they can just slide into the pipe without needing pvc glue? What is the easiest type of tub drain to install?

Same question for shower drain.
The last two shower drains I installed were the “no caulk” type. They just slip over the pipe and seal with a compression type fitting.


Super easy.
I bought one of those. Are there any videos on how to install them properly?
Slip joint bath wastes and overflows are the easiest to install. Pvc sch 40 wastes and overflows take more precise measurements.

I like brass body no caulk shower drains. There’s a thick rubber piece that compresses and seals against the pipe. I like those for jobs where you have no access under the shower, like on a concrete slab.

I will not use an all PVC drain with the nut. I’ve seen too many of the nuts split. Might be user error, might not be. But for what they cost, I’m using the solid brass drains with brass nut.
Slip joint bath wastes and overflows are the easiest to install. Pvc sch 40 wastes and overflows take more precise measurements.

I like brass body no caulk shower drains. There’s a thick rubber piece that compresses and seals against the pipe. I like those for jobs where you have no access under the shower, like on a concrete slab.

I will not use an all PVC drain with the nut. I’ve seen too many of the nuts split. Might be user error, might not be. But for what they cost, I’m using the solid brass drains with brass nut.
I second the solid brass drains...have used them for years and no problems!
Ron, I'm replacing a bath tub with a shower. Sterling shower pan & surround. The house is on blocks so there is crawlspace underneath. We will likely be replacing the subfloor underneath as well. The shower drain will be close to where the old tub drain is now. Hopefully no joists will interfere. I really need to look underneath to see joist placement in relation to the current drain. Not sure if this tub has an above floor drain as well though. We'll find out when we take stuff apart. I need to find my coveralls to crawl under there and take a look. It's been cold enough that snakes might not be a problem. But I do have to watch for that unshielded wire that zapped my friend. Pretty sure that is to the left under there and I need to crawl to the right.

Thank you for the video! That answered some questions I had about the order of the gaskets and such. I think it will say on the website or on the instructions how far up the pipe can protrude into the drain. I need to make note of that.

I did buy a brass drain for the shower. I didn't trust PVC. I'll have to figure out what box/bin I put it in and take pictures. I think it's an Oatey caulk free one similar to what Frodo recommended to me.
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Ron, I'm replacing a bath tub with a shower. Sterling shower pan & surround. The house is on blocks so there is crawlspace underneath. We will likely be replacing the subfloor underneath as well. The shower drain will be close to where the old tub drain is now. Hopefully no joists will interfere. I really need to look underneath to see joist placement in relation to the current drain. Not sure if this tub has an above floor drain as well though. We'll find out when we take stuff apart. I need to find my coveralls to crawl under there and take a look. It's been cold enough that snakes might not be a problem. But I do have to watch for that unshielded wire that zapped my friend. Pretty sure that is to the left under there and I need to crawl to the right.

Thank you for the video! That answered some questions I had about the order of the gaskets and such. I think it will say on the website or on the instructions how far up the pipe can protrude into the drain. I need to make note of that.

I did buy a brass drain for the shower. I didn't trust PVC. I'll have to figure out what box/bin I put it in and take pictures. I think it's an Oatey caulk free one similar to what Frodo recommended to me.
That will work!