Garbage disposal overheats when using dishwasher

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What JeffreyWisc said, tell him what you told us at the beginning, that the disposal overheats when the dishwasher runs, other folks in your building have gotten shocks from similar setups, and that people on the net have told you it's a serious wiring problem, that you are concerned about electric shock and overheating, fire, etc. He'll figure out what the actual problem is within 15 minutes and (assuming no wires need to be run) will sort it out in another 15.
It depends on your jurisdiction, a master electrician usually worked as a journeyman for X amount of years before moving on to apply and test for license as a master. There are a lot of guys doing electrical work and claiming to be electricians, I will only work with licensed master electricians, that way I know they have the experience and diagnostic capabilities.
This is helpful. So, if I'm understanding you correctly, you can be licensed, but not a master electrician, or is the term master electrician synonymous with licensed electrician?
What JeffreyWisc said, tell him what you told us at the beginning, that the disposal overheats when the dishwasher runs, other folks in your building have gotten shocks from similar setups, and that people on the net have told you it's a serious wiring problem, that you are concerned about electric shock and overheating, fire, etc. He'll figure out what the actual problem is within 15 minutes and (assuming no wires need to be run) will sort it out in another 15.
Made me smile. I will pray for this scenario!
He's coming good people, on April 5th, a local, licensed, master electrician! I'm not ashamed to say, I broke down with relief after I hung up that phone!
Well done Girl of Sim. And the good thing is that the master electrician is, probably, not burdened by the heavy debt load of paying for a four year degree from an Ivy League university and the indoctrination that and institution like that afforded him.
Well done Girl of Sim. And the good thing is that the master electrician is, probably, not burdened by the heavy debt load of paying for a four year degree from an Ivy League university and the indoctrination that and institution like that afforded him.
I am "Girl of Sim," she exclaimed, with her fist in the air! fist.jpg
Ok, friends, you are cracking me up, but you are ALL winners in my estimation, for caring enough to give me some damn good input. First thing out of his mouth was, "this is not code!" Seems I've heard that before, LOL. He was flummoxed by the BS they put me through, in order to get an electrician ok'd to come. This is not the official write-up, that he will supply the office with, along with his bill, but he wrote some basic things down for me, since I know the office will not share the official one with me. 1) Definitely found a mis-wired split, in the outlet that services the disposal and dishwasher. 2) 66 volts were present. He used a term, "voltage starved." Neutral wire was "not present." That's what he wrote, but I think he said it was wired to something else than what it should have been in there? I'm still a bit confused about that. 3) He rewired the outlet, correcting the problem. 4) It is safe to use my disposal and dishwasher, but the appliances may not have the life span they would have had, had they had the proper voltage. I am running/testing my appliances post visit. I set the dishwasher on the quickest cycle, 48 minutes, and it completed the full cycle with no problems, and no overheating of the disposal. YAY! The disposal worked fine. The only thing I forgot to do was momentarily flip that disposal switch on/off while the dishwasher was running, just to make sure it didn't shut off the dishwasher control panel, which it did previously, before the fix. I do not have the means to become a supporting member of this forum, though it is EXACTLY the sort of thing I would support! I have been saving the bit of birthday money that my son gave me in July, and I am donating it to the site, if you'll direct me to the right page or wherever I can do that. So many thanks to all of you! Now, I'll watch to see what you have to say, or ask me.
The electrician I am using for the house I am doing is like a freakish savant. It is so interesting to see an experienced guy look at wires and just point out all the issues from memory and then know exactly what to do without really thinking about it.

Glad he was able to fix it, I knew he would be.

Send me a message as to how much you are going to donate to the site and I will do it on your behalf. Keep your birthday money.
The electrician I am using for the house I am doing is like a freakish savant. It is so interesting to see an experienced guy look at wires and just point out all the issues from memory and then know exactly what to do without really thinking about it.

Glad he was able to fix it, I knew he would be.

Send me a message as to how much you are going to donate to the site and I will do it on your behalf. Keep your birthday money.
All right now, don't make me report you for making me cry! ;) They're very good tears! :) I SHALL donate the money, which is only $50 dollars, because I know that in the future, I may need help again, and it could be the very NEAR future, the way things are going here, less than a year in. :rolleyes: Thank you so much for that offer though!
We're very happy to hear this outcome. You are the reason why I volunteered to admin here.

People helping people.

I can't thank all you experts who provide your valuable input. You all are appreciated immensely!

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