Sad details of the Vietnam War

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I'm not sure what strong opinions you are referring to. Upon graduation from college in 1972, I joined the Navy. The War was starting to wind down. A peace agreement was signed the next year, while I was training to be a Naval Flight Officer. I never had to go to Vietnam. I had friends and classmates who died over there. The government considers me and everyone who served during that period Vietnam Era Veterans. I have never considered myself a Vietnam Veteran, since I never served in country.
Thank you for your service!
I did. (saw the Wall). I think it's important that we honor people who serve. But all I can think about most of the time is how we learned nothing from Vietnam. We have not listened to the warning from Eisenhower that there would be a great push for war due to privatization of defense contractors and their obscene profits. We have former Pentagon brass guys who go on the news and scare us about Iran because they have a vested interest as lobbyists to the defense contractors. Just yesterday, there is a start up company trying to go viral that is saying we need AI (artificial intelligence) funding for military when we already spend more money on military than the next 20 countries combined. So while I love the monuments we have and I'll always honor the men who served their country, I can only help but weep that we have learned nothing even after 20 years of war with Afghanistan. A total waste of blood and treasure.
So to me the Vietnam Wall serves two purposes (as will a 20 year Afghanistan war wall)....that the men and women who serve should be honored....and that America needs better leadership. Our citizens deserve better.
Born 1955 in Massachusetts USA, got a high draft# myself though my HS classmates were spared, my older brother was a hippie and peacenik who hit the road early at (hitched, even camped in woods (N.Carolina?) near a military base, selling pot to soldiers and he was absent the day the police?MPs raided camp. He threw a dart and landed in Wisconsin. I only learned all this later, but I surely felt incapable of serving (wimp). Fast forward to this decade, now I read a lot (retired) and a JFK biography enlightened me a bit on Vietnam, Cuba,etc. I don't blame president Johnson too much for not yanking troops... listening to the military advisors... it's complicated just like Afghanistan and I feel so middle of the road, not always a blind peacenik. Sending our arms/missiles to Ukraine? I can't say no. I also sent a dozen $100 donations to food/relief orgs in 2020. But we need less chaos in general, and while having an arrogant madman at the helm might be good for scaring our enemies, (no one's ALL bad)... I'm for transparency and open minds.
I may have mentioned my neighbor enlisted in the Marines during Viet Nam. Was at Camp La Jeune for 3 years on the east coast, and one year in Okinawa, Japan He was in the Marine Band and played the flute. He only shot a rifle for one day, and never even touched a pistol. He gets his 10% discount at Home Depot, parks in the veteran specific parking spot, and works it all to his advantage.

Me, I worked the streets out of Los Angeles for 25 years. I was involved in countless firefights, pronounced 30+ people dead, and was forced to retire from the police department after blowing out my knees after being in a ground fight for my life.

I am not eligible for any discounts, I am not allowed a closer parking space, and nobody thanks me for my service.

Now taking anything away from our great military, but let's just once, match apples to apples.
I may have mentioned my neighbor enlisted in the Marines during Viet Nam. Was at Camp La Jeune for 3 years on the east coast, and one year in Okinawa, Japan He was in the Marine Band and played the flute. He only shot a rifle for one day, and never even touched a pistol. He gets his 10% discount at Home Depot, parks in the veteran specific parking spot, and works it all to his advantage.

Me, I worked the streets out of Los Angeles for 25 years. I was involved in countless firefights, pronounced 30+ people dead, and was forced to retire from the police department after blowing out my knees after being in a ground fight for my life.

I am not eligible for any discounts, I am not allowed a closer parking space, and nobody thanks me for my service.

Now taking anything away from our great military, but let's just once, match apples to apples.
I know that you weren't fishing for anything with your comment, but I agree it's damned unfortunate that people who choose public service professions like law enforcement, etc. don't get what they truly deserve both financially, other benefits and respect.

I, for one, always thank our local law enforcement Sheriff's Office deputies and management teams whenever I see them on duty. Heck, we even take to local office COSTCO donuts and pastries from time to time.

It's not much but, Havasu, I thank you for your service!
:rolleyes:Thanks Blue Sky, but I sure don't want or need accolades for doing a job I chose. There are just so many jobs that are vitally important for everyday living, which include plumbers, but seems only our military get recognition, even though one guy played the flute for 4 years.

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