4.8 Lpf toilet actually uses more water

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New Member
May 22, 2024
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Has anyone noticed this?
I have a 4.8 Lpf American Standard and I carefully filled the tank after flushing it to below the overflow tube. That amount of water is 5.6 L. Why is the toilet flushing more than 4.8 L?
I noticed another 4.8 L toilet I have flushes about 6 L, as measured by the house water meter.
Has anyone done a careful measurement on how much water a HET actually flushes?
I guess until the OP responds to answer questions, we are just talking to ourselves. Another thing I just thought of is the fact that when a toilet flushes, not all of the water evacuates from the tank. Most tanks still retain at least a liter of water at the end of the flush.
I have just the opposite problem, mine does not let enough water out to properly refill after a flush. Have to hold the handle down fir a couple seconds. No real fix that I know of.. chain is as tight as it gets for maximum hight on pulling the center tube up. Don't know why it falls back down that quick.
Get an adjustable flapper. They stay up longer.
Maybe that was the design intent to limit the use of water much like the gosh-darned auto stop/start function on my Jeep allowed them to meet mileage standards. I turn it off every time I get into my car but, unlike other options, there's no way to permanently turn it off!

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