I'm actually worried that Fippy is being so grumpy and not wanting to be petted. He used to love to be held and petted. Now he gets pissed off if I accidentally brush my hand against him when reaching for something. If I start petting him he snarls. He will randomly jump up and lunge at cats that are doing nothing. I hope its not because he's in pain or anything. Princess loves to be cuddled. If I say the word "cuddles" she will pop up and run over to me and climb on me. She'll smile at me and lick my face. She spends hours sitting on Mom's lap. Fippy used to like sitting on Mom's lap but lately he hasn't wanted to be held.
I was talking with Spicoli about the crime rate over here. This isn't where I live, but it's a place I've driven through multiple times.
People are idiots.