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Indeed. Just a couple of days ago they were priced at $20 per pound:

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And to think I throw these things away each fall when I process a few of my ducks. 😆 Then again when I processed 10 of my young Roosters and askes my Mexican neighbor friend if he was interested in a few of the birds ? He declined and asked me what I was going to do with their feet? LOL
That's the paprika we used to get!! Mom got McCormick's last time and its still pretty good. Got a large container of it too. It's about halfway gone now though. The paprikash soup is in the pressure cooker right now.
My brother sort of randomly does the seasoning. Squeezes the paprika container like 12 times, adds some onion powder, sea salt, swanson chicken broth and then the veggies. He gets a California blend. It makes for decent filler and absorbs the seasoning well. I forgot to encourage him to add some minced garlic this time. I love garlic. I cut the chicken up (that's his least favorite part) so he would cook. He hates cutting the chicken up. I put on gloves and use scissors and then wash everything in hot water with soap afterward.

I'm going to try to convince Mom to let me clean up her desk tomorrow or later this evening once she's awake. I want her to look at stuff and tell me what can be salvaged and what I can trash. Her desk is so disgusting and it is ground zero for the roach infestation. We've made progress killing the roaches in the kitchen but the living room needs to be tackled next.

I tried playing a new (to me) game called Nightingale but it keeps crashing and last time it crashed my whole computer so unless they patch it with a fix I'm going to leave it alone. I was doing the singleplayer version but I might try it again if I can play online with my sister. I do really need to focus on cleaning the house more though. LOL.
Got up early and cleaned in the living room. Was going to do more cleaning but needed to rest and body is stiff and not cooperating. Broke up cat fights. Fed kitties. Went to the store, Picked up mail from post office. Unloaded & put away groceries. Cooked for Mom. Now I'm resting because my brain doesn't want to let me focus.

Mom has been borrowing my favorite gloves so I ordered her a pair of her own with a similar fabric. Mine were from a 99cent store in Houston 20+ years ago. Wish I'd grabbed more than one pair. The pair I got for Mom are a bright pink. Not quite as colored online but still vibrant enough that she'll be able to spot them on her desk. She likes them thus far. Her hands get cold easily.

Princess helped me with breaking up cat fights. She's a good doggy. Fippy is getting grumpier by the day. Gravy Jones (who got into a fight with Senator Snugglebum earlier) is sitting on me. His neck that got scratched/bitten is not as sore as earlier. I put some Bactine on it and that seemed to help.
I'm actually worried that Fippy is being so grumpy and not wanting to be petted. He used to love to be held and petted. Now he gets pissed off if I accidentally brush my hand against him when reaching for something. If I start petting him he snarls. He will randomly jump up and lunge at cats that are doing nothing. I hope its not because he's in pain or anything. Princess loves to be cuddled. If I say the word "cuddles" she will pop up and run over to me and climb on me. She'll smile at me and lick my face. She spends hours sitting on Mom's lap. Fippy used to like sitting on Mom's lap but lately he hasn't wanted to be held.

I was talking with Spicoli about the crime rate over here. This isn't where I live, but it's a place I've driven through multiple times. https://www.klfy.com/local/evangeline-parish/shooting-mamou-la-multiple-fatal/

People are idiots.
I ask myself “ what would Havasu do “ then I do the exact opposite and things work out 99.999% of the time. 🤷‍♂️