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The body of the person who died in Pompei? Or the shell of it bc it sort of fossilized. I'm trying to figure out if the person had boots on or something. Couldn't make out the texture/lines.

The cats and dogs have been hunting the roaches but there are too many of them and they go places the cats and dogs can't reach.

Yesterday sucked. I was sick most of the day. My sister called for my birthday but my brother also picked up and then interrupted me, talked over me, and screamed at me for trying to talk so I hung up and messaged my sister an apology but said I didn't need to have him screaming at me. I took a nap. After the phone call my brother barged into my room to yap at me while I was taking medicine and I didn't respond. He called me an a$$hole and left. Haven't spoken with him since.

I then napped until after midnight. Mom hadn't realized it was my birthday and apologized. I got her something to eat and went back to bed. She made up for it today by going with me into town. We hung out at friend's house for a bit and I played with the kittens. Even got Mom to hold little Kelebrimbor. He's such a sweet little kitty. Friend's grandfather rolled up and laid on the horn trying to get him to come out and then drove off. He did that about 3 times while we were there. If my friend gets the house deeper into town the old man won't be able to get away with that. Too close to the police station. If he rolls up and pulls that crap like he usually does, the cops will be able to hear it from the station. It can also be heard from the library, post office, high school, banks, etc.

Friend's mom had been there before we got there. She'd come into his house, went to the laundry room, took his wet clothes out of the washing machine, threw them on the floor, and then put her stuff in the machine. So now my friend has to wash his clothes again. Hellbeast couldn't even be bothered to put his stuff in the dryer. She doesn't even knock before entering, just barges right in.

Went into Walmart for a couple of things, grabbed Subway sammich for Mom, and then headed home.

Just ate and am resting.

pyroclastic flow. scary stuff.
Most in Pompei were killed immediately by the gasses, which sucked the oxygen from the 350 degree heat. The Ash, some up to 30' deep, then encased their bodies where they cooked in the "oven" until they were just bones. Many of the bodies were x-rayed to determine if it was a human, then it was drilled and pumped with plaster of paris to reveal the exact shape of the body before the event. That girl in the picture was a late teenager, confirmed as a woman because of the pelvic region. I heard hundreds of molds were made, but most went to outside museums.
They are still excavating the property, and only have exposed about 1/10th the total city.
I hope they died too quickly to process any pain from it, but it was obvious that there was fear from some of the body positions. Some of the ancient graffiti in Pompei is rather funny. People used actual walls for proverbial crap-posting.

Can't remember which day of the week it was, but the night before Mom's appointment I got sick. Was lightheaded, nauseous, headache, and chills. Woke up overheated and sweating and then got chills again, alternated through that most of the day. It was in the 60s temp wise and I was sweating. 2 minutes after getting dressed I was almost drenched in sweat. My 72-hr antiperspirant failed within 5min. I felt like garbage. Been feeling meh since, but today was better.

I did some cleaning in the kitchen, still am battling the roaches. Need to use something more aggressive inside the cabinets.

I think I may have mentioned that the lever came off my front door (on the inside). I think the set screw either broke, fell out, or slipped or something. Anyway, the little button thingy that you turn to lock and unlock is missing. So I bought a new lever and got an identical one for the back. I picked that up yesterday from homedepot. I asked the curbside guy about rekeying service and he said they don't officially offer it anymore, however Cynthia at the pro desk has a schlage rekeying set (those things are expensive-- I looked them up). He told me her hours and said to come in and ask if she would rekey some handles I bought from there. We'll have to see if she's willing to do it. Those rekeying sets are expensive.

I picked up some large backer rod while I was there. Good thing I got 2 packs of them because I used up the first one quickly. There were some large really big gaps. I had to put a large and a small together with toothpicks to make them larger enough. Even with backer rod I still ended up using up an entire can of door & window great stuff on just the top and upper sides. Got the rest of it done with the 2nd can but might need to fill in a bit more still. I'm going to have to trim the stuff that is sticking out more and I may do some caulking in other gaps where foam can't fit. But I could feel that it reduced the amount of air coming in at the bottom right corner of the door. I may add a little more of the foam on the right side. Top looks pretty good although the shadow makes it look like there are more gaps than there really are. I'm going to clean it up later.
I think I may have mentioned that the lever came off my front door (on the inside). I think the set screw either broke, fell out, or slipped or something. Anyway, the little button thingy that you turn to lock and unlock is missing. So I bought a new lever and got an identical one for the back. I picked that up yesterday from homedepot. I asked the curbside guy about rekeying service and he said they don't officially offer it anymore, however Cynthia at the pro desk has a schlage rekeying set (those things are expensive-- I looked them up). He told me her hours and said to come in and ask if she would rekey some handles I bought from there. We'll have to see if she's willing to do it. Those rekeying sets are expensive.
Our Home Depot still rekeys so it must be a local thing at your store. We changed all our locksets to Baldwin Brass from Schlage and come to find out that Baldwin uses the same seven-pin locking system as does Schlage and, therefore the same keys. I don't know if it was smart or not to do so, but now all of our door locks, five of them, use the same key.

We here in Northern Virginia are fighting an infestation of another damaging pest imported from China: The Lantern Fly. They destroy crops and trees and all sorts of vegetation. Apparently, they hitched a ride on a shipment of stone from China that made it all the way to Pennsylvania and from there it has spread like wildfire. I thought the 17-year cicadas were bad, but these beasts are much scarier IMHO.

Got another root canal and a crown and this makes two in about three months. My father had all his teeth removed back in the day, the uppers one week and the lowers two weeks later and cursed his dentures until the day he died. I refuse to do that.
Root canals are not fun. I had one done and the dentist was struggling. I have extra roots and they were twisty. I never did get a cap on it and that tooth broke again so I will need it fixed. Tooth behind it had to be pulled. It was broken too much to put back together. The root canaled one is chipped but I need to get to the dentist before it gets worse. Unfortunately, I also need new tires on the truck. Had one die on me on the way home and the spare tire was also toast. It was so bad it wouldn't air up. Had to wait for a tow truck.
Root canals are not fun. I had one done and the dentist was struggling. I have extra roots and they were twisty. I never did get a cap on it and that tooth broke again so I will need it fixed. Tooth behind it had to be pulled. It was broken too much to put back together. The root canaled one is chipped but I need to get to the dentist before it gets worse. Unfortunately, I also need new tires on the truck. Had one die on me on the way home and the spare tire was also toast. It was so bad it wouldn't air up. Had to wait for a tow truck.
I, too, have one molar with five roots that was "canaled". What now takes a single visit of about two hours, back in the day when I was in the Navy the root canal process took many visits to the Navy dentist over a period of a couple of months. Long gone are the trays full of goop stuck in your mouth taking impressions for the lab to craft a tooth. Handheld digital scanners that can provide images that are fed into the system (3D printing?) that makes the crowns are amazing!

And, yes, I have had root canaled teeth crack because they do become brittle once the nerve is removed. I hope you have insurance, Snoop's MetLife here, because a root canal and a crown ring up at about $3,000 per tooth in my neck of the woods. I still am on the hook for about half the cost.

Yesterday was spent with the dermatologist and her LN2 sprayer zapping precancerous lesions that has become a twice per year adventure for me. Not the most fun way to spend a morning but definitely better than a root canal.
Speaking of teeth, I went in to have a crown replaced. He struggled to get it off, it was glued on so well. After that some drilling to get some decay out. Then.. I can't save it, you need it pulled. Off to the oral surgeon, he drilled and cut it into 3 pieces , pulled each out like a rusty nail out of a board. (It had been root canalled before also) stitched it and sent me on my way. Cigna insurance, 168 to pull or 750 to crown (if I had had that done ) now a hole , but it's healing.
I also need new tires on the truck. Had one die on me on the way home and the spare tire was also toast. It was so bad it wouldn't air up. Had to wait for a tow truck.
Brings to mind that line from the great American classis "A Christmas Story": "My old man's spare tires were only actually tires in the academic sense."

Get your teeth fixed first if at all possible.