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The body of the person who died in Pompei? Or the shell of it bc it sort of fossilized. I'm trying to figure out if the person had boots on or something. Couldn't make out the texture/lines.

The cats and dogs have been hunting the roaches but there are too many of them and they go places the cats and dogs can't reach.

Yesterday sucked. I was sick most of the day. My sister called for my birthday but my brother also picked up and then interrupted me, talked over me, and screamed at me for trying to talk so I hung up and messaged my sister an apology but said I didn't need to have him screaming at me. I took a nap. After the phone call my brother barged into my room to yap at me while I was taking medicine and I didn't respond. He called me an a$$hole and left. Haven't spoken with him since.

I then napped until after midnight. Mom hadn't realized it was my birthday and apologized. I got her something to eat and went back to bed. She made up for it today by going with me into town. We hung out at friend's house for a bit and I played with the kittens. Even got Mom to hold little Kelebrimbor. He's such a sweet little kitty. Friend's grandfather rolled up and laid on the horn trying to get him to come out and then drove off. He did that about 3 times while we were there. If my friend gets the house deeper into town the old man won't be able to get away with that. Too close to the police station. If he rolls up and pulls that crap like he usually does, the cops will be able to hear it from the station. It can also be heard from the library, post office, high school, banks, etc.

Friend's mom had been there before we got there. She'd come into his house, went to the laundry room, took his wet clothes out of the washing machine, threw them on the floor, and then put her stuff in the machine. So now my friend has to wash his clothes again. Hellbeast couldn't even be bothered to put his stuff in the dryer. She doesn't even knock before entering, just barges right in.

Went into Walmart for a couple of things, grabbed Subway sammich for Mom, and then headed home.

Just ate and am resting.

pyroclastic flow. scary stuff.
Most in Pompei were killed immediately by the gasses, which sucked the oxygen from the 350 degree heat. The Ash, some up to 30' deep, then encased their bodies where they cooked in the "oven" until they were just bones. Many of the bodies were x-rayed to determine if it was a human, then it was drilled and pumped with plaster of paris to reveal the exact shape of the body before the event. That girl in the picture was a late teenager, confirmed as a woman because of the pelvic region. I heard hundreds of molds were made, but most went to outside museums.
They are still excavating the property, and only have exposed about 1/10th the total city.