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Not to get political, but Biden has nothing to do with the gas price hikes. It's all on the Saudis. They bought up almost all the US refineries and they are slowing refinement on purpose to raise prices. We actually have a surplus of unrefined oil but the oil companies have been limiting refinement for years so they could drive up prices. Corporations are making record profits right now so its not like they are hurting for $. It is greed, pure and simple.

Even without the gas prices going up, my power bill went up for no apparent reason. Our bill was over $400. Mom was reading out the breakdown. $175 was our usage. $200 for an "environmental" fee. That fee used to be $100 & they literally doubled it in the past few months. Then the fee for our security light went from like $30 to over $100 a month-- and it actually costs them less because it is LED. I don't even know what the "environment" fee is about considering this state has one of the worst environmental laws in the entire country.

As an aside, I measured my sink. 18" round. Also discovered they sell stainless steel bands to go around the rim to hide the exposed cast iron. But the band costs $45 or so. I could buy a whole sink for that price. Still looking on marketplace. Saw a decent looking sink and asked the seller the measurements. They never got back to me.

I'm currently trying to get my fat behind in gear to do something productive. Need to go to Walmart and get prescriptions, more split pea soup, coconut bars for mom, and a new brain. I don't think the latter is available though.
The replacement for your lavatory is 19” round. They’re cheap at big box, less than $50
Not to get political, but Biden has nothing to do with the gas price hikes. It's all on the Saudis. They bought up almost all the US refineries and they are slowing refinement on purpose to raise prices. We actually have a surplus of unrefined oil but the oil companies have been limiting refinement for years so they could drive up prices. Corporations are making record profits right now so its not like they are hurting for $. It is greed, pure and simple.

Even without the gas prices going up, my power bill went up for no apparent reason. Our bill was over $400. Mom was reading out the breakdown. $175 was our usage. $200 for an "environmental" fee. That fee used to be $100 & they literally doubled it in the past few months. Then the fee for our security light went from like $30 to over $100 a month-- and it actually costs them less because it is LED. I don't even know what the "environment" fee is about considering this state has one of the worst environmental laws in the entire country.

As an aside, I measured my sink. 18" round. Also discovered they sell stainless steel bands to go around the rim to hide the exposed cast iron. But the band costs $45 or so. I could buy a whole sink for that price. Still looking on marketplace. Saw a decent looking sink and asked the seller the measurements. They never got back to me.

I'm currently trying to get my fat behind in gear to do something productive. Need to go to Walmart and get prescriptions, more split pea soup, coconut bars for mom, and a new brain. I don't think the latter is available though.
That metal band is called a 'hooty rim'up here. P.S. Yes it is on Biden; we don't need the Saudi oil.
Not to get political, but Biden has nothing to do with the gas price hikes. It's all on the Saudis. They bought up almost all the US refineries and they are slowing refinement on purpose to raise prices. We actually have a surplus of unrefined oil but the oil companies have been limiting refinement for years so they could drive up prices. Corporations are making record profits right now so its not like they are hurting for $. It is greed, pure and simple.

Even without the gas prices going up, my power bill went up for no apparent reason. Our bill was over $400. Mom was reading out the breakdown. $175 was our usage. $200 for an "environmental" fee. That fee used to be $100 & they literally doubled it in the past few months. Then the fee for our security light went from like $30 to over $100 a month-- and it actually costs them less because it is LED. I don't even know what the "environment" fee is about considering this state has one of the worst environmental laws in the entire country.

As an aside, I measured my sink. 18" round. Also discovered they sell stainless steel bands to go around the rim to hide the exposed cast iron. But the band costs $45 or so. I could buy a whole sink for that price. Still looking on marketplace. Saw a decent looking sink and asked the seller the measurements. They never got back to me.

I'm currently trying to get my fat behind in gear to do something productive. Need to go to Walmart and get prescriptions, more split pea soup, coconut bars for mom, and a new brain. I don't think the latter is available though.
Regarding Biden, I must respectfully disagree.
I went to Walmart and picked up RX and some groceries. Briefly talked to the old pharmacist who had moved away but returned. He's a very sweet man. He was curious about something with the RX needing a consultation. I explained that it had been switched from that one to another one that had bad side effects. He said to make sure to tell him right away if anything has bad side effects so he can get it switched.

Cooked for Mom and am about to take a nap.
I went to Walmart and picked up RX and some groceries. Briefly talked to the old pharmacist who had moved away but returned. He's a very sweet man. He was curious about something with the RX needing a consultation. I explained that it had been switched from that one to another one that had bad side effects. He said to make sure to tell him right away if anything has bad side effects so he can get it switched.

Cooked for Mom and am about to take a nap.
I like the fact that the pharmacist is looking out for you but it's up to your medical doctor to make the switch back. You, together with your pharmacist, can certainly make that happen if needed.
Not to get political, but Biden has nothing to do with the gas price hikes. It's all on the Saudis. They bought up almost all the US refineries and they are slowing refinement on purpose to raise prices. We actually have a surplus of unrefined oil but the oil companies have been limiting refinement for years so they could drive up prices. Corporations are making record profits right now so its not like they are hurting for $. It is greed, pure and simple.

Even without the gas prices going up, my power bill went up for no apparent reason. Our bill was over $400. Mom was reading out the breakdown. $175 was our usage. $200 for an "environmental" fee. That fee used to be $100 & they literally doubled it in the past few months. Then the fee for our security light went from like $30 to over $100 a month-- and it actually costs them less because it is LED. I don't even know what the "environment" fee is about considering this state has one of the worst environmental laws in the entire country.

As an aside, I measured my sink. 18" round. Also discovered they sell stainless steel bands to go around the rim to hide the exposed cast iron. But the band costs $45 or so. I could buy a whole sink for that price. Still looking on marketplace. Saw a decent looking sink and asked the seller the measurements. They never got back to me.

I'm currently trying to get my fat behind in gear to do something productive. Need to go to Walmart and get prescriptions, more split pea soup, coconut bars for mom, and a new brain. I don't think the latter is available though.
Hmmm! I seem to recall ol' sleepy Joe stopping a new pipeline on his first day in office. That was followed by quite a few more repressive measures against our oil companies...
Hmmm! I seem to recall ol' sleepy Joe stopping a new pipeline on his first day in office. That was followed by quite a few more repressive measures against our oil companies...
You call him sleepy. I also call him creepy! Did you see the video of him and that young, almost horrified girl and telling her to wait until thirty…….? Come on Jill! Take charge of things! This is elder abuse but I am off topic I know.
Shutting down pipelines does not affect the current price of oil. We have a surplus of unrefined oil. They limit the refinement as an excuse to raise prices. It's a trick they've been pulling for decades. Also, we were getting oil piped in from Canada instead of using oil from the US. Oil prices are even higher in other countries right now.

I agree with creepy instead of sleepy. The sniffing thing is very creepy. We need some reform to our laws so that no elected official can even run for office unless they can pass the naturalization test immigrants have to take AND pass a security clearance background check. They need to show they have basic knowledge of how our country works. If immigrants have to know this info to become citizens, our elected officials should have to know it too. If they can't pass a background check, they should be disqualified from running for office. We also need to revisit Citizen's United & take out the bribery.

Blueskyhigh, to clarify: I called my doctor's office & the pharmacy to get the medicine switched. But it wasn't really necessary because we were all taking a generic of synthroid called Levothyroxine. The pharmacy for some unknown reason switched us without any notice or request to Euthyrox (which was more expensive than Levothyroxine). The pharmacy policy is that you can choose if you want the brand name or the generic and you can choose which generic. Every member of my household had a bad reaction to Euthyrox. It gave my mother stomach issues so she had them switch her back to Levothyroxine. My brother was on it for months and was having stomach issues and feeling sick. I took the euthyrox for a week and not only did I have stomach issues, I was absolutely exhausted to the point I could barely get out of bed, and I started having arrhythmia. All known symptoms of Euthyrox. So I called my doctor's office and told the clerk what was going on and asked for approval to get switched back to levothyroxine. I then called the pharmacist to report that I needed to switch as I was having bad side effects. When I spoke to the pharmacist in person I described the symptoms and had them put it in my file to never give me euthyrox again and that levothyroxine is what worked for me. I also asked for the doctor to switch my brother back to levothyroxine as well-- small town so they let family make requests like that, but they did call him back to confirm. His stomach issues haven't been as bad now.

Not doing much today. Finally got around to watching Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I really wish the previous movie hadn't been so badly written. Only good thing to come out of that was they had some extra footage of Carrie Fisher that they were able to use in the last film.
Went to COSTCO and overloaded on $1.50 hot dogs, $4.99 loss leading roasted chickens and they are early on the pumpkin pies this year. I mean it's not even Halloween yet! COSTCO gasoline was a full $0.60 less than my local Sunoco as well. COSTCO hot dogs should be on the top of the "let's go green" folk's cancel list because, man o' man, do they contribute to the production of methane gas!
I never liked hot dogs. I did like to get chili dogs but I would always feed the dog to the cats and eat the chili and cheese on the bun. Ooh, I love pumpkin pies.

They are already putting X-Mas decorations out at the local Walmart.

Fedex arrived. I went out (forgot my pants but driver didn't say anything). He was sitting in his truck and then said he put my package in the back of my truck-- uncovered. It's going to rain. He drove off before I could tell him not to leave stuff in my truck or on the sidewalk or anywhere it can get rained on. It was for my brother so I went to take it to him in his room. I tripped on some trash, bumped into his tv and that bumped the cable for his wifi thingy-- which came unplugged and crashed to the floor. He started screaming at me and calling me names and saying I didn't need to bring the package to him. I told him I tripped over his garbage and that I thought he'd be happy to open the package. If he hadn't had the garbage on the floor it wouldn't have happened and he was bein a jerk about it. He got disconnected from his online game and was having such a fit. I found the thing that fell and he put it back up & continued to gripe. I left the package in his room bc I didn't want to try to squeeze through his door with all the trash on the floor while carrying it.
He's 42. Got some Peter Pan syndrome going on. I guess he'll always be my baby brother.

I just got some sad news from Mom's side of the family. The younger of one of my cousin's two daughters died last night. Fuzzy on the details but it seems like it involved domestic violence. Her boyfriend had put her in the hospital with a brain bleed a few weeks back. She went to stay with her father but then she went back to her boyfriend and died. He's in jail now. He'd apparently killed someone before. I'm hoping to get more details but my aunt was distraught when talking to my mother on the phone.