The benches and tables are gorgeous!
Yikes. Glad the fires could be put out and everyone was OK.
Thunderstorm is going right now but it was really really bad yesterday. There was a thundercrack so loud it woke me up & my cats were actually freaked out. Sir Hammington was staring out the window freaking out a bit. My brother heard an electrical pop in the kitchen. Lights were still working, I looked around and noticed an odd smell in Mom's room, but my nose is still slightly stuffy so I couldn't find the source.
Last night around 3am I got up to use the bathroom & noticed the toilet wasn't flushing well. Checked the sink & no water. It had stopped raining so I went & checked the breakers. Flipped them on and off just in case. Still no water. Went out and saw the float lever on the cistern was down. I lifted it up & dropped it again so it triggered the pump to come on. Then I pulled up on the cord to the jet pump's pressure switch and it ran for a few seconds. Went back inside & water worked again.
But I had not seen the real damage yet. Went to check the time on my landline phone handset and it said "No power from base". I went and said something to Mom about the storm having killed yet another phone base. Mom said the phoneline was no longer in the jack. I walked over and saw the phoneline shredded, the RJ11 plug is still in the jack. There is a shredded cord hanging out of the phone too (but I didn't get a picture). I went to show my brother the cord, mom lifted it up and this chunk came out in her hand:

The entire line from jack to phone is like that. There are black marks on the curtains where the line touched them.
So now we need a new phone AGAIN and we need to figure out how to stop this from happening again. This is the 4th phone in the last few years. Second phone within the past year to get toasted by the landline frying. I got some sort of thing the line was supposed to plug to but Mom put it somewhere and I don't know where it is.
Internet signal just dropped so I'll have to post when it comes back on.