Someone on the houserepairtalk forums said that my landline issue is on the phone company's side and that the phone company needs to "bundle" the wires or something. I don't quite understand it. Whole house surge protector won't protect the phoneline because it doesn't connect (as far as I know) to the house's power at all. It is powered from the phone company's end from a wires connecting to multiple junction boxes along the way, goes underground to a box on the side of my house. Then I have one line going from the box, runs under the house, up through the floor into the master bedroom, and extends a few feet to hang down from over the top of a wall lamp and has a jack. That line and the jack are fine but somehow the one between the jack and the phone fried. But the phone was plugged in to a surge protector and nothing else plugged in to that surge protector got damaged.
It never used to happen before but it's been happening the past several years. That's the second phone within at least 2 years that got blown by thunderstorms.
Hamberg, that must have been scary. I'm glad you were ok.
Mention of Hooters reminds me of a late friend named Rufus. He used to joke about how he wanted to go to this one town because there was a Hooters there. He would say it to tick his wife off. When he was on his death bed & unresponsive, we were sitting around him just waiting for the inevitable and were just talking about random stuff. Someone mentioned Hooters and he managed to halfway laugh so we knew he heard us. It was the last time he had any sort of response. His daughter had said that if they took him to Hooters they'd never get him to leave. LOL.
Another thing I thought of was comic book writer Chuck Dixon telling me about how he once saw an Amish man walk into a public restroom wearing his traditional Amish clothes and come out wearing jeans and a Hooters T-Shirt. (I'd mentioned to him that I saw an Amish man in an electronics store buying batteries).
I totally digressed. LOL.
Twowaxhack, I like how you handled the situation. I'm afraid I'm not a good influence on kids. My friend's gf's nephew was talking about some punk putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out a knife (cops were made aware). So I told him to put his hand in his pocket like he was going to pull out a knife and then pull out his hand and extend his middle finger. I demonstrated it and he started practicing it.
Havasu, except for the driving part, that sounds nice. I've never been to a Hooters. I hear they have good wings. Saying something about stopping in that one town and getting wings was code for Hooters to Rufus. He'd always get very amused by that.
My brother needed gas in the CRV & bc of the situation with his bank, doesn't have $ for gas so I was going with him. Also needed to get stuff at Walmart. Hopped in the truck, drove down the road, halfway down realized we had the wrong vehicle. Got to the end, turned around, and drove back. Grabbed a freezer bag (since the CRV doesn't have a cooler), hopped in, and headed out again. Got our groceries and filled up on gas. My brother pumped the gas so I didn't see the price.
Napped and woke up around 3am to strange sounds. Found my cat Bethesda trying to do chinups from my wall-mount monitor stand and trying to grab the monitor from the back. She hooked her paw around the front from the back while her back legs were flailing. I had to grab the monitor and try to push her off but she wouldn't let go so I had to grab her by the scruff of the neck and yank her off. She protested. Then I gave her some flying lessons. She landed on something soft though. I have to keep a pillow under my monitor when I'm not in the room in case they knock this one down.