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Finally getting the lead out and finding some Christmas spirit, I've unboxed the new Balsam Hill LED Christmas tree and am marveling at what $800 can do when put toward buying and imported tree. They are things of beauty!
No Costco within 100 miles of me. There is a Samsclub about an hour away though. That is where we do our shopping-- although I found out they reduced the size of their Mega rolls tp and it's actually better to get the rolls at Walmart bc you get more bang for your buck. We buy the largest packs of mega rolls we can find-- same with paper towels. Reminds me I need to bring the paper towels in.

Been absolutely exhausted lately. Started taking vitamin D but it hasn't helped. The weather can't make up it's mind on whether it wants to be hot or cold. Cold last week, hot this week. Friend sprained his ankle so we didn't get to work on stuff together.

Took my brother to be fitted with sleep study equipment this morning, grabbed beef stew from a local place, and have been resting. Hurt my back yesterday pulling the trash bag out of the kitchen trash bc my brother compacted it so much (he still won't take the trash out himself). It was overflowing and I filled another entire bag with the overflow.

Have to take the sleep study equipment back to the place tomorrow. Pretty sure my brother will just leave it to me to do it while he stays home and plays video games. He has been putting in for jobs but no callbacks yet.

I need to unload the truck so there's room for more stuff and maybe people. The truck we've been thinking of buying went down in price again. I'm waiting to see if it goes down more and if we can get my friend to come inspect it. I'm going to ask the sellers for maintenance docs-- belt changes, oil changes, etc. Should be due for belt changes if they haven't been done yet. Also need to price out swapping the tires from the old truck with the new. Want to keep the new rims but want the tires I just bought. That will be pricey I'm sure. Will have to find out how much local tire shop would charge and get the valve stem on one fixed. Front right tire keeps leaking and did so on the old tire as well.
No Costco within 100 miles of me. There is a Samsclub about an hour away though. That is where we do our shopping-- although I found out they reduced the size of their Mega rolls tp and it's actually better to get the rolls at Walmart bc you get more bang for your buck. We buy the largest packs of mega rolls we can find-- same with paper towels. Reminds me I need to bring the paper towels in.
With our outdated TP holders, Mega rolls don't fit. Just in case of an emergency, I've been tempted to lay in a supply of dried corn cobs like we did on the farm in south central Nebraska.
I miss the free stuff we used to get in the past. The "Heep's" TPMS said my right rear was low so I went looking for an air hose at a gasoline station or a car repair facility in my area like we used to do when stations like Conoco would send a team of four or five highly motivated individuals out to service every aspect of your vehicle when you ran over the rubber hose and rung the bell. Try as I may, I couldn't find one that provided this service as complimentary. Sure, there were places that had air pumps but the two that I found were coin operated and charged $5 for a couple of minutes of air and so I opted out. I ended up going to Home Depot and purchasing a very nice three-gallon compressor instead.

I do miss the free stuff!
If you have a nearby Costco, they have free air hoses and use only nitrogen. I also have my 26 gallon air compressor in the garage for quick fill ups if needed, but I like my handheld, lithium air compressor, kept in my car, that I can preset for certain pounds per sq inch, and it will stop once it reaches the right PSI. The latest was a birthday present, and would be a great Christmas present for someone.
I saw tpms and rear and thought we were still talking about toilet paper. LOL. My front passenger tire keeps getting low. Think the valve stem is leaking. I have a battery powered device that can jump start a car and inflate tires. I've used it quite a bit on tires. I need to look up what brand it is again. Charges via USB C. And now cats are all up in my face and I can't see.
I like my handheld, lithium air compressor, kept in my car, that I can preset for certain pounds per sq inch, and it will stop once it reaches the right PSI. The latest was a birthday present, and would be a great Christmas present for someone.
What's a good brand? Now that the Teamsters have struck Amazon, I may have to get off my fat arse and go to a store!
What's a good brand? Now that the Teamsters have struck Amazon, I may have to get off my fat arse and go to a store!
Teamsters In Amazon ? I guess I'll try ordering something just to see.
Been wanting one of those wireless temperature probes.. you stick it in the turkey, and watch on your phone or linked gizmo to watch the temperature. Wonder if they will work through a cast iron dutch oven ?
Teamsters In Amazon ? I guess I'll try ordering something just to see.
Been wanting one of those wireless temperature probes.. you stick it in the turkey, and watch on your phone or linked gizmo to watch the temperature. Wonder if they will work through a cast iron dutch oven ?
I think the drivers that are part of the Teamsters are in support of more money for Amazonians.

Might not work through the cast iron unless you get close enough. The electronics must by outstanding to be able to withstand the temps at which a turkey must cook to get the internal temp high enough..
Our 3 local Amazon distribution warehouses are all on strike this morning. Their items were cheap because they were non-Union. Well, seems not anymore. The Teamsters will control inside operations, robot oilers, drivers, etc. Amazon is not happy, but with me fighting a local Amazon warehouse trying to be built in my city, I am elated!
Our 3 local Amazon distribution warehouses are all on strike this morning. Their items were cheap because they were non-Union. Well, seems not anymore. The Teamsters will control inside operations, robot oilers, drivers, etc. Amazon is not happy, but with me fighting a local Amazon warehouse trying to be built in my city, I am elated!
Ours in around DC are, as far as I know, still open. Congressmen, women and "others" still need Christmas to happen on time so the Teamsters better keep hands off.
Deer are dumb. 2 dumb deer decided to try to win a Darwin award last night. It was dark out and first one zipped out in front of me. I saw it coming and slammed on the brakes. I was still slamming on the brakes when I saw 2nd deer on the side trying to make decisions. I was thinking to myself "Don't do it!" but it did. It chose unwisely and didn't clear. Inertia was still carrying my truck forward but it was slow. Still hit that poor thing hard enough to send it tumbling on its side across the road, into the ditch and tumbled in the ditch several times before it stumbled back to its feet and limped off. If it didn't die from internal injuries later it's probably pretty sore. I initially only saw that my bumper had popped loose on the side edges but this morning I saw the grille is cracked, top of the bumper is cracked, & a fog light popped out of place (slipped backwards). Could have been a lot worse, but still sucks. There was still deer fur in one of the cracks.

Today I went over to friend's house to haul a ladder for him out to the house he wants to buy. I brought some tools and helped him bevel the edges of the door he fixed up so it would close properly. It got thicker so the door stop trim was blocking it from closing. He liked the planer, although he forgot to turn the switch for the dust catcher and it blew stuff all over me while I was holding the door still for him-- and laughing my fat behind off. LOL.

I couldn't go up on the roof with him bc it probably wouldn't hold my weight so I handed him tools and cleaned up stuff on the slab while he was up there removing old wood from the additions that were scabbed on. He swept it off and I got roofing nails and brought the shingles up for him. I got just the right amount and they stuck to each other on their own after a little time in the sun. I brought some roofing nails for him to tack it down and tack down the ridge cap. Let him use my tin snips to trim some tin that was covering a hole so it is now completely hidden under the shingles. Helped him install a door on the outside of the workshop.

Helped him move the brooder box into the barn on my gorilla cart and we filled up several trash bags with debris. I hauled burnable stuff to the burn pile and non-burnable stuff got bagged. We took care of everything on the inspector's list. I insisted he tackle one more repair tomorrow-- to scab a 2x4 on to a jack stud for the doorway since the old one is rotted. Don't want the inspection to fail bc of that.

He got my gorilla cart into the truck for me and we parted ways. I grabbed food from Walmart for myself and brother and then cooked for Mom when I got home.

I'm freaking exhausted and naprosyn hasn't kicked in yet. I'm gonna be sore for days.
Deer are dumb. 2 dumb deer decided to try to win a Darwin award last night. It was dark out and first one zipped out in front of me. I saw it coming and slammed on the brakes. I was still slamming on the brakes when I saw 2nd deer on the side trying to make decisions. I was thinking to myself "Don't do it!" but it did. It chose unwisely and didn't clear. Inertia was still carrying my truck forward but it was slow. Still hit that poor thing hard enough to send it tumbling on its side across the road, into the ditch and tumbled in the ditch several times before it stumbled back to its feet and limped off. If it didn't die from internal injuries later it's probably pretty sore. I initially only saw that my bumper had popped loose on the side edges but this morning I saw the grille is cracked, top of the bumper is cracked, & a fog light popped out of place (slipped backwards). Could have been a lot worse, but still sucks. There was still deer fur in one of the cracks.
It's been my experience, and I've had three encounters with deer, that the male deer sends the female deer across first and, if she makes it, he will follow in short order. In your case the male made the wrong choice. On another note, you do carry a rifle in your truck for just such occasions don't you? I mean, a freezer full of venison would be very nice this time of year.
It's been my experience, and I've had three encounters with deer, that the male deer sends the female deer across first and, if she makes it, he will follow in short order. In your case the male made the wrong choice. On another note, you do carry a rifle in your truck for just such occasions don't you? I mean, a freezer full of venison would be very nice this time of year.
Ever watch that show "lonestar law " , a show about rangers catching people in Texas breaking thier hunting laws ? That would get zanne in big trouble.. (shooting from the road, no license, improper tagging , Hunting without landowners permission and who knows what else) I'd never hunt in texas.
Ever watch that show "lonestar law " , a show about rangers catching people in Texas breaking thier hunting laws ? That would get zanne in big trouble.. (shooting from the road, no license, improper tagging , Hunting without landowners permission and who knows what else) I'd never hunt in texas.
I know. My comment was sort of "tongue in cheek". Zanne knows better than to take anything said on here as Gospel or direction.

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