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Since the microwave and large air fryer weren't working I had some discount turkey lunchmeat for sandwiches on Thanksgiving. Barely remember Friday. I think I went to Samsclub for curbside pickup and then went straight back to napping. Brother made red beans and rice with ham hock, salted pork, and tasso in the pressure cooker (well, rice was in a rice cooker). The ham hock put in too much fat/grease and bones. It's better with just salted pork IMO. Tasso doesn't sit well with my stomach but tastes good.

Saturday I went for early voting and took Mom to turn in her mail-in-ballot. They used to have her show ID when she turned it in but I think now she doesn't actually have to go but I wanted her to get some exercise and get out of the house for some fresh air. Took her over to see the house my friend is buying and he gave her a tour. She liked it.

I took out trash, cleaned toilets, cleaned up the hallway, litterboxes, etc and my back hates me. Since bro is too lazy to do the ONE chore in the house assigned to him (taking the trash out) he had just compacted trash into the can by pushing it all down and it was a bear to get that bag out. My back now hates me.

Mom needed her insulin cartridge, cannula, and Dexcom sensor changed today (although at different times). I was fumbling around and feeling uncoordinated but I didn't mess it up this time. Had a hard time getting the needle in the right spot to fill the cartridge but eventually got it. The insulin pump thing really does help to make sure she gets the right amount of insulin and doesn't get low blood sugar.

Meanwhile, cats were fighting and ran into my room and knocked into stuff on my computer (well, the cables coming out of it) and somehow unplugged the speakers so I didn't hear any of my alarms for taking meds and such. Got it fixed up again but took awhile. Had to use a flashlight to find where the cord went.

Sunday I will probably sleep. Might need to go to pharmacy and get RXs. Almost out of Metformin and Levothyroxine. Need to pick up some Vitamin D bc I have been sleepy as hell.
We haven't done Thanksgiving in over a decade. We treat it like an average day. Same with birthdays and Xmas. We pretty much stopped doing holidays when Dad passed away. I find it less stressful.

Past few days I've helped my friend with fixing up the house he's trying to buy. Seller said she'd credit all his work toward payment and she's covering closing costs. House inspector came out Monday and friend said he seemed much less critical and was in a better mood this time. Guy's wife is about to have a baby-- possibly next week. Friend said appliances are going so those don't need to be checked and we're aware that the addons to the workshop are effed so those will be coming down. Electrical and plumbing have been fixed. We painted walls and stuff. Covered some damaged vinyl planks with an area rug and the guy didn't look under. I was the one who noted (after the inspector left) that the other addon to the workshop on the opposite side was damaged badly enough to be torn down. Showed it to my friend so he decided it will go. I then told him that he could use that side to work on vehicles if he added a path to the double gates. Friend looked at me and said "What double gates?" and I pointed to them and said "I saw them on google earth, they are right over there!" So we walked over and found they still work. I also found a hidden gate between the workshop and barn. And I found chicken nesting boxes in part of the workshop. Showed friend and his wife. They will try to move them to the chicken pen inside the barn.

I'm hoping the same inspector will come back once things are fixed up. Worried another one might find stuff that guy missed and want more changes. Like a rafter tail on the car port that looks rotted. I personally would pack it with wood filler and paint it. I'd hit all the out-buildings with some barn paint. There's also a broken window on the barn that needs to be covered up. A window in that spot is not really necessary. I figure we can cover it up for now.

Yesterday it was pouring rain so we couldn't work on anything. Friend said all he got back on the report from inspector was that a door to the air handler closet needs to be repaired. That was the only thing flagged inside. I think the workshop was the only thing outside. Fence and other stuff can be done later. Trees fell on the fence at some point so it's all messed up, but is not dangerous. Anyway, took my brother to see the sleep center doctor. They shoved a camera up his nose and down his throat.

Still waiting for him to cook again since we are out of the red beans. We may need more salted pork. Or maybe we can have some beef or chicken that can be cooked with mushrooms and some mirin.
Our state's motto should be "Virginia Is For Losers". Today, I got this after-the-fact notice from our supplier of natural gas:

The Weather Normalization Adjustment is a billing adjustment mechanism in Virginia designed to minimize the effect of variations from normal weather, keeping bills as low as possible for our customers. Due to the much warmer than normal weather experienced from October 2023 to May 2024, which caused the Company to collect lower revenues than approved by the State Corporation Commission, Washington Gas will be collecting additional charges from Virginia customers during the billing months of August, September and October 2024.

Washington Gas values you as a customer and appreciates your business. If you have any additional questions, please call 844-WASHGAS (927-4427) for more information.
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We got a similar bill for our water service.

It said, "Because of the great conservation efforts with our customer's water usage, we will be increasing rates and additional 11%, to offset the differences"

(Mind you, our water rates have climber 47% in the last 4 years. Water is controlled by the Public Utilities Commission, which is a handpicked group of shysters associated to Gavin Newscum. Need I say more?)
We got a similar bill for our water service.

It said, "Because of the great conservation efforts with our customer's water usage, we will be increasing rates and additional 11%, to offset the differences"

(Mind you, our water rates have climber 47% in the last 4 years. Water is controlled by the Public Utilities Commission, which is a handpicked group of shysters associated to Gavin Newscum. Need I say more?)
Well-deserved last name change.
Our electric bill went up and they sent us a note saying that it was going up due to drought and the boats not being able to cross the river. But on the news they were saying rates were going up because they assigned a new administrator who immediately tripled his salary. Then he got put on paid administrative leave for 3 months and was fired. It rained profusely, no drought, guy was no longer in charge, but did they reduce the prices back to where they were? Nope. Greedflation.

Utility companies should not be able to pull this BS.

Meanwhile, power went out this morning out of the blue. Flickered on and off for over 30 seconds before staying off for a few hours. I called it in to their automated outage reporting system and then took a nap. Mom ignored her UPS beeping and called me to ask me why the internet wasn't working. I had to explain the power was out and that she needed to shut her computer down. Fortunately, the UPS kept my desk fan running so I still had air circulation and it's not terribly cold so we didn't need heating in the house.

I'm envious of the house my friend is buying in terms of insulation. That sucker maintains consistent temperature pretty well.

I'm probably going to need to go to the store today at some point but am not feeling like moving right now. Will have to get a list from Mom of stuff she wants. Also discussing roof repair options for asphalt shingles on the workshop at the house he's buying. The additions were nailed in to that roof and he needs something to cover the nail holes that won't melt when it gets hot out.
Also discussing roof repair options for asphalt shingles on the workshop at the house he's buying. The additions were nailed in to that roof and he needs something to cover the nail holes that won't melt when it gets hot out.
Adverts on TV here about a spray-on coating that can add five to fifteen years of life to a shingled roof. Spray tar or asphalt?

Put your internet modem/router/system on a UPS.
I tried putting the modem on a UPS and for some reason the UPS kept failing when it was plugged in. Not sure why. I suppose I could try with the current UPS.

Have the phone on a UPS at least.

Not doing much today. Tried to sleep in but friend's ex called from prison this morning. I was too lazy to roll over to pick up the phone. She only ever asks for money anyway and her bail is set at $50k. I bailed her out last time but it was a much lower bail and it was a bs charge. I think she's guilty this time. If she got out she'd only mooch off of my friend and probably abuse the 4-yr-old. She lost her apartment and her job while in jail & her trial isn't until February. If she doesn't take some sort of plea deal she's likely going to be convicted.

Been seeing all of the posts online about the CEO of United Healthcare getting offed. I actually feel sorry for the guy's family but if they ever catch the culprit there may be some jury nullification.
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I tried putting the modem on a UPS and for some reason the UPS kept failing when it was plugged in. Not sure why. I suppose I could try with the current UPS.

Have the phone on a UPS at least.

Not doing much today. Tried to sleep in but friend's ex called from prison this morning. I was too lazy to roll over to pick up the phone. She only ever asks for money anyway and her bail is set at $50k. I bailed her out last time but it was a much lower bail and it was a bs charge. I think she's guilty this time. If she got out she'd only mooch off of my friend and probably abuse the 4-yr-old. She lost her apartment and her job while in jail & her trial isn't until February. If she doesn't take some sort of plea deal she's likely going to be convicted.

Been seeing all of the posts online about the CEO of United Healthcare getting offed. I actually feel sorry for the guy's family but if they ever catch the culprit there may be some jury nullification.
I have all my electronics on a ups, modem, 2 routers, switch, plus 2 laptops..
They don't pull much so it's odd a modem would kill it.
I think I d leave that ex right there.
My dad died 15 years ago today. He was also in WWII, in the Pacific. I posted about 50 pics of him on his cemetery memorial page today, and sent links to my family members. The email and texts I've received have been running wild today.