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I went over to my friend's house and he was on the ground trying to run the 20ft hose for the ice maker on his new fridge. He used fish tape through a hole and it got stuck. I got down and looked at it and told him when it moved. It got stuck again so I told him where it got stuck. He found a pvc pipe and tried to pull it out but it wouldn't grab. I found some thing that looked like a tee. Don't know what it was. A couple feet shorter than the pvc pipe. It wasn't long enough to reach so I suggested taping them together. That worked and he got the end of the fish tape out, got the hose connected and then reeled it back up. I guided the hose to make sure it didn't snag. Then I went and held a light for him so he could see the end of the hose through the hole. Needed a larger hole. He got that done and then discussed next move. He was going to run it through the wall and I suggested running it through the floor under the cabinet instead and I explained how the tee connected.

His fiance called me in to the room to look at her wedding dress and show me how she plans to decorate it with rose petals. I gave some suggestions that she liked and volunteered to help her with implementing it. I also ordered her some anklets (that will be used either as a sort of necklace or as shoulder jewelry) in a different color to match the wedding theme. She was going to use hot glue on the dress for the petals but I suggested gold thread to sew them on instead.

Stopped at a gas station to get friend some snacks. Drove up to Lowes and got the fridge. Took awhile though. They were already helping someone get a tool chest and their machine to lift was out of battery. Then there was some back and forth arguing about how to get it into the truck. Finally got it in and friend tied it down. I did an online order for Chinese food. Went and picked the food up and drove home slightly under speed limit. Pulled over once to have my friend adjust straps because I didn't like the rattling sounds. It was completely dark out so I couldn't see what was going on with the fridge. Backed up to the porch steps and helped my friend remove the plastic and styrofoam. He handed me parts as he had to take the doors off to fit it into the house. His neighbor from across the street came over to help bring the fridge in. I made sure he had all of the parts to put the doors back on, helped remove plastic from inside, transferred the magnets from the old fridge to new fridge, took out the trash, and shut the back hatch of his car (since he forgot to close it).

Got home and ate. Cooked for Mom. Bit the hell out of my tongue. Rescued my stupid cat Mewlatto from behind the couch. I don't know how he got stuck, but he did and he was panicking. He was so happy that I rescued him that followed me all around and slept on me all night.
My wife got some bad news from back home yesterday. She lost a youngish aunt and uncle in relatively quick succession both passing from leukemia. They were both living in the north of Kyiv, Ukraine, about sixty (60) miles away when the disaster at Chernobyl occurred. Sure, leukemia can be brought on by causes other then high doses of and rates of exposure to radiation but still. This is why we are keeping a very close watch on my wife and her health.
My neighbor was in the Marines, and was stationed at Camp Lejeune for 3 years. He was just diagnosed with terminal Cirrhosis of the Liver, never drinking alcohol beforehand. Yes, he is pissed. He filed a claim, which won't help him, but at least his wife will possible get a few bucks.
That's so sad. Thoughts and prayers to him and his wife.

And now for something completely different. Do any of you remember the radio announcer Paul Harvey? As a kid, I can remember driving from SoCal thru Arizona and New Mexico on the way to visit Grandpa on the farm in Nebraska and listening to him.

Well in 1965 he gave a warning to Americans that bears repeating. If you've got the time, it's worth listening to:

Well, this west coast rain did not disappoint. So far, we have received about 15" of rain at my house. Fortunately, I have a newer roof and new drain lines to draw the water away from the house and to the gutter, keeping my foundation nice and dry. I've had to drain down my pool 4 times in 2 days. Looking outside, it is still pouring!
Blueskyhigh, I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's family and I hope she won't get sick too.

Havasu, I'm also sorry to hear about your neighbor.

I never listen to radio in my vehicle. Too distracting for me.

Went to Alexandria with my brother to find him a suit for our friends' wedding. I usually hate shopping but it wasn't bad. He'd better at making decisions than my sister and doesn't take long to try stuff on. Turns out he needed a size 52 blazer to fit over his shoulders. I ended up getting a cheap blouse and pants from samsclub. There was a shoe store in inside the mall and I got some cheap dress shoes on clearance. I have a very hard time finding stuff that fits. I wear 8.5wide and need to have something that doesn't push down on the top of my foot and something with a completely flat heel since even a short heel hurts my ankles.

We stopped at a different chinese place (one we like is closed tuesdays) and got some good food. bourbon chicken and fried rice.

Before we left I had to cook for Mom and when I got home I had to cook for her again. Took a nap for a good while and am trying to get back to sleep for the night. Drank too much water and lemonade so I have to keep going to the bathroom. LOL.
Well, this west coast rain did not disappoint. So far, we have received about 15" of rain at my house. Fortunately, I have a newer roof and new drain lines to draw the water away from the house and to the gutter, keeping my foundation nice and dry. I've had to drain down my pool 4 times in 2 days. Looking outside, it is still pouring!
Apparently, you are removed from the mud! Good to hear!!
Blue skies this morning, and really thick, white snow on the mountains.
Really beautiful.
Can't Say that too loud, since they will find a way to tax us even more money.
Havasu, glad to hear the weather has cleared up there.

It's cleared up here too, but the mosquitoes have come out in droves. Saw some news where people were griping about how the city wasn't doing enough to stop the mosquitoes and I was yelling at the TV "Get some f****ing bug spray, you idiots!" and "Put out some citronella candles!!" But really, people being mad that the government isn't getting rid of mosquitoes- which have been around longer than the government-- and whining like little b****es on TV about it was so pathetic. I get it, mosquitoes suck, but you don't see me blaming the city/government for them. Good grief!

I took the leftovers from the Chinese place home with me and then ate them after unloading stuff from the car. Not sure if it was the leftovers or something else, but I got violently ill that night. Ran out of Pepto. Kept throwing up. Stomach hurt all the way through to my back. I was shivering and feeling horrible. Woke up drenched in sweat. Was exhausted for most of the day but in the afternoon I was able to go to Walmart with my brother to get some groceries. Mom has been wanting mashed potatoes and chicken almost every day so I had to make some for her. It wasn't until late afternoon that I was able to eat something. I feel fine now at least, but that sucked.

Canceled an amazon order from January because they never shipped it. The page said the couldn't guarantee it would be canceled. If they don't I'll have to call them and say I want a refund bc they never actually sent it. Ordered something else that was similar and had 2 day delivery guarantee.

Friend's shirt came in and he said it fit perfectly. His fiance is going to steam it to get wrinkles out and make adjustments to his suit. I'm hoping once that is done he'll send me a picture. He loves the suit. I even got him a sword tie pin that looks like the frostmourne sword from World of Warcraft.
Ya just can't believe anyone in any position these days. The older I get, the more I feel the establishment will force everyone just to be led along like furry little sheep. You try to buck the establishment, then they apply more force.

Had another storm come in last night. It absolutely poured, but it was so cold, a lot of the noise may have been hail hitting the roof, because it was very loud.
Ya just can't believe anyone in any position these days. The older I get, the more I feel the establishment will force everyone just to be led along like furry little sheep. You try to buck the establishment, then they apply more force.
There's an axiom that I learned when studying human factors as it relates to investigating aircraft accidents and that is known as "dying by a thousand cuts".

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