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Twowaxhack, love the toolbox setup. The trumpet lamp is very cool. Goofy seems to agree. Toy spider is cute.

I'm sick today and I may need to go to the doctor. I'm post-menopausal but am having bleeding and cramping. And its been over 2-1/2 years since my last period so its not a period. Could be uterine prolapse or a fibroid that ruptured. I have a bunch of fibroid tumors so any one of them could be the culprits. The big one sitting on top of my uterus could also be causing problems. But I've had arrhythmia, diarrhea, nausea, jitters, & chills all today. Was too sick to go into the store so only did curbside and then grabbed Chinese takeout.

Kitties are warming my abdomen to help reduce cramps at least. Oh, and the coughing sucks. I took mucinex but am not getting much out. I threw up this morning from all the coughing.
Still feel like garbage but had to get up early, unload the cases of water and cat food from the truck & take my oldest cat to the vet. He was in pain, moving slow, not eating, etc. Turns out he has a blockage in his urinary tract. Poor baby. Had to leave him at the vet.
Doctor is closed today (because of weather issues) and tomorrow Mom has an appointment with the urologist in Eunice. I'll call the doctor and see what he has to say but he'll probably refer me to a "female doctor". No more bleeding at least but still have some cramps and nausea. Although, the nausea could be from all the mucus from the respiratory crud. About to take some Mucinex.

I have to stay up to call the vet to check on Boo. At least Mom is being cool about things. She also wants me to go to the doctor.

It was 29°F when I went out this morning. Supposed to be some kind of storms around 3pm.
I can't ever look at Geraldo without thinking of the term butthead. IIRC, he had fat taken from his butt and put in his forehead. Of course, my father might have made that up, but that's what I think about when I hear his name.

Got down to at least 18°F last night. Pipes froze. Not sure if anything broke yet as it hasn't gotten above freezing. Truck was so covered in ice I couldn't open the doors. My brother got my door open for me though.

Went to Walmart for groceries, picked up Boo from the vet, grabbed mail from post office, and then snagged some takeout from McDonalds and headed home. My lungs hate me and I'm exhausted but I'm happy to have Boo home. He was quiet on the ride home but very vocal about wanting to go out. He actually got angry that I wasn't letting him out.
Ah, I never saw the episode where they found the treasure, but Mom has like 50 episodes recorded to watch later.
Felt like garbage last night. Coughing made the back of my head and neck hurt. Sinus headache. Nose kept making weird noises bc of mucus buildup and no amount of blowing my nose would clear it. Had the chills, skin felt hot ot the touch. Woke up sweating profusely. I'm clumsy/stumbling when I get up and get a bit lightheaded.

Apparently I forgot to hit post reply on this.

I went to grab breakfast from McDonalds. It was still cold but the sun was out and most of the ice melted. Went to see what was wrong with the plumbing. Hose for the cows' waterer was broken. Went into the pump house and a fitting had come apart. Had used the only pvc cement available and it failed in two places thus far. Used purple primer + rain or shine pvc cement and stuck it back together. Letting it cure for awhile, then will air up the pressure tank.

I felt good for about 5 minutes. Went for a brief walk and my cat Boo (the one who just got back from the vet) followed me around and rolled in the dirt.

Also grabbed sweet feed for the cows and fed them. Broke the ice inside their waterer. Will have to get a new hose later and probably get my brother to help me get the broken piece off and put the new one on.
Ah, I never saw the episode where they found the treasure, but Mom has like 50 episodes recorded to watch later.
Felt like garbage last night. Coughing made the back of my head and neck hurt. Sinus headache. Nose kept making weird noises bc of mucus buildup and no amount of blowing my nose would clear it. Had the chills, skin felt hot ot the touch. Woke up sweating profusely. I'm clumsy/stumbling when I get up and get a bit lightheaded.

Apparently I forgot to hit post reply on this.

I went to grab breakfast from McDonalds. It was still cold but the sun was out and most of the ice melted. Went to see what was wrong with the plumbing. Hose for the cows' waterer was broken. Went into the pump house and a fitting had come apart. Had used the only pvc cement available and it failed in two places thus far. Used purple primer + rain or shine pvc cement and stuck it back together. Letting it cure for awhile, then will air up the pressure tank.

I felt good for about 5 minutes. Went for a brief walk and my cat Boo (the one who just got back from the vet) followed me around and rolled in the dirt.

Also grabbed sweet feed for the cows and fed them. Broke the ice inside their waterer. Will have to get a new hose later and probably get my brother to help me get the broken piece off and put the new one on.
Z, have you ever tried nelimed ? A squeeze bottle that you use distilled water and a salt packet that comes with it. You squeeze it up one nostril, and it comes out the other.. (lots of you tubes on it) I hse it everyday to keep my sinuses clear. It really helps. And if you have allergies, you can put a couple squirts of flonase in it too. (My sinus Dr reccomends it that way)
I have tried Simply Saline. Stuff that goes up one nostril doesn't come out the other for some reason. However, when I was upchucking I had food come out one of my nostrils. That was not fun.

When I first turned on the power to the pump the one to fill the cistern ran for over an hour but the cistern didn't fill. I checked & it was only dripping and not really filling. Turned off the power for a few hours and then waited for it to get a bit warmer. Turned power back on and it worked. Just went out a few minutes ago to see that it was full. Turned on the shutoffs and the pressure tank filled (after I'd put 28psi of air in it-- but pretty sure the bladder/diaphragm is ripped). The jet pump didn't kick on so I went inside and opened a tap. It made some noises for a couple of minutes but then water eventually came out and the toilet tank filled. I flushed and the water was brown, but its still water and it still flushed. I just hope it won't freeze or break tonight. I forgot to go to the hardware store to get pipe wrap bc I was feeling like garbage.
Shoveled the first snow I've had to shovel in nearly three years (thank goodness for "global warming").

PSA: Old timers like me must be careful because statistics show that men suffer more heart attacks shoveling the first snow of the season that at any other time. Y'all be careful now!
Shoveled the first snow I've had to shovel in nearly three years (thank goodness for "global warming").

PSA: Old timers like me must be careful because statistics show that men suffer more heart attacks shoveling the first snow of the season that at any other time. Y'all be careful now!
This was Feb. 23rd last year...a little shoveling...🤣


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There's a TV show called Holey Moley that is hilarious. Miniature golf obstacle course with hilarious hosts.
My water is still looking a bit cruddy but that's to be expected. Aerator on Mom's lavatory faucet is clogged and I can't get it off.
Coordination is absolute garbage today, legs feel heavy, head is swimming, generally feel cruddy. Went to the store for curbside but brought my brother along to grab other groceries. He had to do most of the loading bc I was feeling woozy. Stopped at the hardware store to grab pipe wrap. Need to wrap pipes when I'm not feeling like I'll fall over.
Brother helped me pull the trash bag out of the kitchen trash because I was having trouble with it. Mom wanted breakfast but I wasn't up to cooking on the stove. So I asked my brother to cook the eggs while I made the toast. He used to be a cook at the casino and is way better at cooking eggs than I am. Mom was happy with how they turned out.

She's doing good now considering her blood sugar was 26 this morning. I made a midnight run to the Ynotstop to get sugar cookies. Couldn't really get rested and need to sleep. Stopped by post office to get mail and was coughing and scaring other people (but I was wearing a mask and put my arm over my mouth and kept my mouth closed while coughing).

I'm about to take a nap I think.
Shoveled the first snow I've had to shovel in nearly three years (thank goodness for "global warming").

PSA: Old timers like me must be careful because statistics show that men suffer more heart attacks shoveling the first snow of the season that at any other time. Y'all be careful now!
I haven’t shoveled snow in 45 years. It actually did snow here Monday but not enough to shovel. Just enough to make the roads real slippery.


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