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The water stopped working last night after dark so I had to go out with a flashlight to wake the pump up. Went out again later but it was dark and 32°F so I waited until morning thinking it would be warmer. 30°F but at least I could see. Just turned it back on and flushed the toilets. We keep pitchers of water that filter the water next to the sinks for hand-washing at least. But that sucked.

My stomach does not like me today and I feel cruddy. Fippy kept climbing on a pillow near me and then growling at me for existing. Snapped at everything that moved. It was too cold for him to go outside but he left when I got up and wandered around the house until my brother let him into Mom's room. Princess is now able to relax because she doesn't have to worry about him sniping at her. Gravy Jones is on another pillow clinging to my arm. He lets me rub my face on his face and give him head kisses which helps me feel a little better. He's a good cuddler. I did a head count when I went out and two of the cats must be hiding.

I'm going to take some allergy meds and try to get back to sleep. All the coughing didn't make for restful sleep last night.
We’re supposed to have a significant weather event tonight and into tomorrow so I need to get the generator on standby and get ready for some wind.
I need to run my generator for a bit today. I haven't needed it for the last 6 months, but believe winds this week will have the power company shutting down power. I will be laughing at all the Tesla's with their gas powered Honda generators running inside their trunk. May the brainless lose a few more brain cells!
I need to run my generator for a bit today. I haven't needed it for the last 6 months, but believe winds this week will have the power company shutting down power. I will be laughing at all the Tesla's with their gas powered Honda generators running inside their trunk. May the brainless lose a few more brain cells!
When in the Navy, we ran our backup E/Gs powering the Air by Traffic Control equipment on full load once a month. We do the same here at home.
My generac exercises weekly ( programmed)
My dream generator!

They won't install one until I upgrade my 125 amp service panel. With new service power, they need 3 ground rods and copper wire ran to my front spigot. $6000 for panel upgrade, $6500 for Generac, and another $1000 for auto transfer switch connection. Damn lots of money for a "just in case" power outage.
My dream generator!

They won't install one until I upgrade my 125 amp service panel. With new service power, they need 3 ground rods and copper wire ran to my front spigot. $6000 for panel upgrade, $6500 for Generac, and another $1000 for auto transfer switch connection. Damn lots of money for a "just in case" power outage.
I bought my 20k 13yrs ago on line for under 4 grand including automatic transfer switch.
Wow, prices have gone up!
I bought my 20k 13yrs ago on line for under 4 grand including automatic transfer switch.
Wow, prices have gone up!
I bought and installed a 12k back after Hugo went through... autoswitch and all. seems like it was around 2k. Just had a 26k put in last year... had to have my main rerouted, and a new auto switch put in. More than I could realistically and safely do myself.. 10k installed. But it does everything in the house.
Seems like the unit was about 7k and 3 to install all of it. Hopfully will last as long as the last one, actually the old one was still working fine, but mama wanted a bigger one .
I kept trying to get my pump to start working bc it kept going out and a coupling detached. Somehow it looked like it was never glued on but it must have been so no idea what happened there. Put air in the pressure tank- 28psi since I have 30/50 switch. Turned stuff on and all the air blew out backwards as the fitting flew apart. I had tried temporarily taping it together so it would stay but it didn't and then the pump shut off again.

Picked up the switch and dielectric grease from TSC, got gas in the truck, picked up mail & then went to Lowes to get a new pressure tank just in case that was the problem. Had to make a b-line for the bathroom to pass a kidney stone. Still feels like I've got another one wanting to come out. Used my phone to order takeout from the local chinese place. Searched for some pipe and fittings I might need and after I pulled one of the pipes down, another pipe (stored vertically up high) slipped out and came straight down on top of my foot. That was hours ago and it still has marks on it and is sore. Will probably bruise up later. I cussed for several minutes and then resumed my search. Made it to checkout and realized one of the 5 pack of fittings I got was torn open and only had 2 fittings inside so I had to go back and get an unopened pack. I gave the opened pack to an employee so it wouldn't get put back on the shelf like that.

Picked up my friend (dropped off some food for him) & brought him out. It had been really bad with the lightning and thunder before but there was a brief lull. I brought food in to Mom while he put the coupling back on the pipe with rain & shine pvc cement (and primer). He installed the new switch. I got the cable secured so it doesn't just hang loosely, and then I put 28psi of air in the old pressure tank. Waited for cement to cure and then turned power back on. Flushed the toilets, washed my hands, and then drove my friend home and came back home to stuff my face with Chinese food. Chicken sticks and green beans with some sort of sesame seed/oil sauce or something.

Friend briefly stopped in to say "Hi" to Mom but she was busy "shoveling" green beans into her mouth (her description). LOL.

I will have to check the pressure on the tank again later. I wonder if a backflow preventer would stop it from losing air on the back end if there is another breach or leak. Of course the tank is from 2013 so it might be shot. Setting up a new one will be a pain, but hopefully we can correct some of the issues with the setup.
My dream generator!

They won't install one until I upgrade my 125 amp service panel. With new service power, they need 3 ground rods and copper wire ran to my front spigot. $6000 for panel upgrade, $6500 for Generac, and another $1000 for auto transfer switch connection. Damn lots of money for a "just in case" power outage.
When I had a backup system quoted two years ago, a $6,500 generator carried at least the same In installation costs. I had four quotes all within a couple of hundred dollars…
Had to make a b-line for the bathroom to pass a kidney stone. Still feels like I've got another one wanting to come out.
I've been told that drinking lots of cranberry juice can reduce the incidence of stones but maybe that's bladder and not kidney or maybe they are one in the same. Hope you exorcised your water woes!
My police department I worked at had a huge diesel generator. One night the winds were howling, shutting off the power. Some idiot forgot to make sure we had fuel for the back up generator, so we were screwed. One of the old timers remembered that our 911 and complete communication center also had its own back up. He drove a police car to the front doors of the comm center, ran a 12v lead to the running car battery, and the entire comm center was up and running in about a minute. At least someone had great forethought!
Storms have passed.. never lost power. Was sort of looking forward to being able to get some use from my generac. I think it's kicked on 2x since I had it installed.. maybe 2 hours each time. Well, it's there if I need it.
I played with my security system today setting up motion alarms and trying to calibrate it for cars and people. A couple of the cameras like to alarm for cats.
Also, worked on a nightstand for my wife. (Built one years ago when swmbo (she which must be obeyed) said she wanted one like they do on tv..in a day, not weeks, so 2x8s slapped togeather with some molding and stained with that nasty stain and finish all in one crap) new one is built, I had to match the old one... and finish is drying, but measured it for some granite I have. I may put that on top of both...Maybe that will make them look better. I'll attach a picture of the new one. But she is happy.. isn't that what life is all about anyway... keeping our better half happy...!


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Who’s tired of the show “The Curse of oak Island “ ??????

Those guys have been digging up that island for a decade or more. What a waste, I can’t stand the show.
Storms have passed.. never lost power. Was sort of looking forward to being able to get some use from my generac. I think it's kicked on 2x since I had it installed.. maybe 2 hours each time. Well, it's there if I need it.
I played with my security system today setting up motion alarms and trying to calibrate it for cars and people. A couple of the cameras like to alarm for cats.
Also, worked on a nightstand for my wife. (Built one years ago when swmbo (she which must be obeyed) said she wanted one like they do on tv..in a day, not weeks, so 2x8s slapped togeather with some molding and stained with that nasty stain and finish all in one crap) new one is built, I had to match the old one... and finish is drying, but measured it for some granite I have. I may put that on top of both...Maybe that will make them look better. I'll attach a picture of the new one. But she is happy.. isn't that what life is all about anyway... keeping our better half happy...!
Most excellent piece of woodworking art!

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