I don't know about most cremains, but my father's won't fit in a cigar box.
Been having internet problems caused by electrical issues. Turns out the living room outlets, lights, & switches are all on the same breaker as half the kitchen. So the TV & its accessories, modem, Mom's computer, monitor, phone, etc all share the same breaker as two fridges and a freezer. I think it's only 15A. The outlet for the computer kept moving inside the wall and I think it was shorting and causing the APCs to shut off. Which in turn was borking the modem and the internet. Got my friend to come over and work on it. Which was difficult bc he had to be squished up under Mom's desk. Electrical box was recessed over an inch into the wall, and there was zero extra wire. Thinking if we encounter more like that we'll get the wago inline wire connectors to add a pigtail. Took my friend quite a while to get that outlet replaced. Wouldn't go in to the style of outlet I gave him to install bc there wasn't enough length on the wire but I have extra stuff lying around and had an outlet. He also secured the outlet so it doesn't move all around and we haven't been having the problems.
He was going to replace some switches. Turns out the two switches at the front door are 3-pole and the switches I bought were single pole. No ground on a damn thing either. Seems like they are on more than one breaker though because I turned off every single breaker individually (and then back on) and none of them shut off the power to those switches. Had to flip the master breaker. Sucker slammed my knuckles into the panel when it hit the halfway point. I lacked the hand strength to get it turned back on so my friend had to do it.
When he got home he found a tapioca pudding lid in his buttcrack from climbing under Mom's desk. LOL. She was mad that I didn't clean the trash out from under her desk. I'm too fat to squeeze under there and clean it all up. I need to get her a cable management box to get cables out of the way & move her chair to get anything. Maybe a grabber arm thing might help.
Ended up pushing through to clean up trash in the kitchen to try to clear a path to the laundry room hallway. Filled a bunch of contractor trash bags but ran out. My brother helped with one bag (pulling it out of the trash can) but griped to me that I'd stuffed the bag too full. Nevermind picking up and taking out trash is supposed to be his responsibility. 80% of the trash was his. It was piled up so much I could barely get to the sink.
I had to go get more trash bags from the store but my body hates me too much to do more cleaning for awhile. It's also been extremely hot. Consistently over 100 the past few days. Was 103 yesterday. That puts me right to sleep.
Today Mom needs to get bloodwork done so I'm waiting for her to say she wants to go in and get it. Probably around 10am, but definitely need to do it before noon.