No pics, but a sinkhole opened up in my friend's yard because of the city busting a water line over a month ago. They currently have hoses running from a machine to a ditch and from the manhole to somewhere else. Manhole and hoses are in front of my friend's driveway-- which is aggravating as it blocks half of his driveway off. The hoses can be driven over, but since manhole cover is off, it can't be driven over. It also reeks of raw sewage odor. My friend's mother called someone to complain & a supervisor was sent out to look at things and they are starting to do more-- but the sink holes are still a problem. It's only a small one, but its a concern as it could spread and be dangerous to my friend and his family.
His stove came in early so we popped in to Lowes to grab it. I wanted to get new cabinet hinges but they were completely out of stock. Went to HD for the hinges. They didn't have the self-close (which I hate anyway bc they snap too hard) so I got some magnets to help hold the doors shut.
Got my robe hook in and assembled it. The metal insert (painted/coated white) had to be set in place and the hook part had a screw that went through the middle and a nut had to be tightened. Had to use the back-turning technique to keep it from crossthreading. I located a stud to put it in but need to decide on the height.
Picked up mail-- my new tools arrived and I'm ecstatic. Got a whole new Matrix set with the upgraded drill, nice new case (my old one broke), inflators, extra cases, a work light, etc. The upgraded drill has an LED.

My electric caulk gun came in as well. It has LED, anti-drip, two batteries, & a charger. Got 40% off on it. It's an off-brand but hopefully it will be better than the crappy manual one I've been using.
Grabbed some salads (per mom's request) and a couple of rotisserie chickens to dissect. I shredded the meat and disposed of the bones where pets can't get them.
Currently waiting for Mom to want food.