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I like how it looks, I hate what it is made of, but you did a beautiful job!
It was the only practical solution for the clients needs. Any painted surface would not hold up to kids kicking it. So, that ruled out wood or wood products. Satisfying the needs of the customer is what it’s all about…
@havasu I was worried it might be a stroke. I checked for other signs and they weren't present. She did have a headache at the time (but so did I). The anti-nausea meds she's taking can cause hallucinations as well. But I'm going to get her an appointment with the doctor asap. She's feeling a bit better today. It was most likely that she had a weird dream and then was still half asleep and thought the dream was real. Combined with meds and high blood sugar she was confused. She had a good laugh about it later. I got her to eat oatmeal and scrambled eggs. I made a late trip to the store this evening to get the eggs and some electrolyte water.

She's alert and able to focus enough to play computer games.

Mom is 72 (will be 73 in April). She canceled her appointment she was supposed to have today at the doctor's office but I'm going tomorrow and will ask him to squeeze her in asap for some more tests just to be safe. Other than being tired and not being able to eat very much, she's doing well.

My brother was throwing up so he's still feeling cruddy. I've been nauseous but have been able to keep food down.

Mitchell, I like the PVC boards. I need to find the smooth ones at the local big box stores bc I want to use them for window sills to replace the wooden ones that are deteriorating.

I got my shoulder to have a little more movement again today. Got the arm higher up, but still can't go straight up. Both shoulders make rice cripsies in milk sounds when I rotate them. I'll do 5 rotations with my right arm, then switch to left, and then back to right so I'm exercising both shoulders.
Mitchell, I like the PVC boards. I need to find the smooth ones at the local big box stores bc I want to use them for window sills to replace the wooden ones that are deteriorating.
My local Home Depot has a full selection of PVC material specifically for your application of window repair.. They have brick mold and sill material, as well as a full complement of trim.
My local Home Depot has a full selection of PVC material specifically for your application of window repair.. They have brick mold and sill material, as well as a full complement of trim.
Ah, my nearest one (an hour away) doesn't. I've looked. Its one of the drawbacks of the small town thing. I was amazed at how large the stores were in Albuquerque when I visited my sister. Also, I think there were like 5 of each of the big box stores. But then, there are over 600k people there and only 6k people here. Although, the town with the big box stores has about 44k I think. And that is considered "big" compared to where I live now.

Doctor said it didn't sound like a stroke when I described Mom's symptoms. She was in a really foul mood though. refused to eat, gave me attitude bc I couldn't read her mind. She couldn't find the phone to call me so she thumped her cane on the floor. I was watching a video tutorial on how to make a leather hat and I thought the thumping was the bass to music in a commercial on the tv. So she was enraged that I didn't know she was trying to get my attention. Eventually she calmed down enough to eat something. I gave her literal baby food (stuff I'd gotten for one of the cats when he was sick). Even got her a baby spoon. Gave her some naprosyn and some mango flavored elecrolyte water and she's feeling a little better. Then she asked for toast. I still have to put the toaster away.

My visit with the doctor went well. He was happy with my progress on being able to move my shoulder. I told him the extra exercises I was doing with the rope pulley thing and how it helped me to force my arm up and how the pillow helped to keep it comfortable. My blood pressure was good and even though I feel like I've been eating like a hog, I was down to 204lbs. I have to get bloodwork before next visit and he wants me to get a mammogram.

I gave Princess some heartworm meds. I had to cut it up into small pieces and wrap them in cheese to get her to eat them. I also did a little cleaning in the living room. Almost filled up a 55gallon bag with trash. Mostly water bottles and froze meal containers. I'd picked most of them up before but the bag ripped and stuff spilled out. I need to change hvac filters.

My cat Bethesda just climbed up into the crook of my arm and wants attention.
Ah, my nearest one (an hour away) doesn't. I've looked. Its one of the drawbacks of the small town thing.
Yes, of course. But, look at The Home Depot website (or Lowe’s or whatever is closest to you); find what you’re interested in, and go to the contractors or service desk and they’ll order it for you. Just because they don’t inventory the item doesn’t mean they can’t get it. I order non-stock items all the time. Here’s just two PVC components for restoration of wood windows, brick and sill moldings.

Yes, of course. But, look at The Home Depot website (or Lowe’s or whatever is closest to you); find what you’re interested in, and go to the contractors or service desk and they’ll order it for you. Just because they don’t inventory the item doesn’t mean they can’t get it. I order non-stock items all the time. Here’s just two PVC components for restoration of wood windows, brick and sill moldings.
I should also add that sometimes you can order this directly from a website, and also sometimes have it delivered to your home for free. There does not seem to be a consistency in this. The other day I had to order three safety grab bars for a client, Lowes was the place that had them. Only one of the three was in stock. I ordered all three and they offered free delivery to my home which save me a 20 minute trip to Lowe’s.
My wife is a fish aficionado and sometimes she requires that I share, not always by choice as is the case here, in her tastes that sometimes run to the, err, how shall I put this, exotic?

She found this at the local fresh seafood market and, thank goodness, only bought half of it (the half without the gaping maw...........

Monk fish 1.jpgMonk fish 2.jpg
If those who attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, CH, have anything to say about it we all will be eating insects like that most famous of Australian delicacies the witchetty grub (see below). (PS. I've tried them, as well as prime filet of kangaroo, and I can assure you they are not something that anyone attending Davos would have ordered.)Witchetty_grub.jpg
If those who attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, CH, have anything to say about it we all will be eating insects like that most famous of Australian delicacies the witchetty grub (see below). (PS. I've tried them, as well as prime filet of kangaroo, and I can assure you they are not something that anyone attending Davos would have ordered.)View attachment 38950
fish bait!
Mitchell, for some reason the employees at my nearest HD and Lowes stores don't know how to special order stuff. They say I have to do it through the website-- and then its hit or miss whether or not they will actually send it out, if it arrives intact, or if they can even find it. I've ordered stuff that they never sent and also ordered stuff that they lost. I will still look at the trim stuff they have in stock though. I'm going to order a shower surround from HD and hope it arrives undamaged.

Eh, most food you buy from stores has some bug parts in it. Some of the red food dye is made by crushing up beetles. At least we don't still have blue dye being made from the anuses of certain types of sea snails. Apparently the dye stunk very badly-- so the rich people who could afford it reeked and had to cover themselves with tons of perfume. I'd try the grubs but probably wouldn't go out of my way to get them.

I've been under the weather while trying to take care of Mom. She's been a royal pain while being sick. Didn't help that my brother ate all of the chicken noodle soup- the entire case-- so I had to make more trips to the store. She kept changing her mind about what she wanted and didn't want to eat. Its' exhausting. She had an appointment with the doctor yesterday and my brother had one today. I had to drive them both. Brother is still fighting bronchitis.

Been playing in sketchup a little bit more. I'll post those pics in another thread.
I caught whatever viral crud my brother brought home. Probably a cold but it still sucks. Been singing "Hello mucus my old friend. I've come to cough you up again." I thought I heard a cat meowing and after several minutes realized it was my nose. I'm taking Mucinex, Zinc, Magnesium, and Zicam to see if I can get this crap to clear up.

Other than sweeping the hallway, feeding kitties, and making myself toast for breakfast, I haven't done much. I managed to cut my finger on the toaster though. I was picking it up to set it on the counter and found a sharp spot apparently. Put triple antibiotic cream on the bandaid & held pressure for several minutes.

Now I'm nice and cozy with my cat Rupert snuggled up to me.