What did you do today?

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Got curbside pickup at walmart. Did mild cleaning. Helped a friend get most of her stuff from the ex's place (he tossed it outside) but he kept her vacuum and my baker's rack. Still have to go back for those last 2 items.

Grabbed takeout from a local place for dinner. Hung out with my friend. Cleaned litterboxes. Put stuff away. Refilled toothpick dispenser. Put diatomaceous earth in a salt shaker & sprinkled it around the kitchen and living room. Fed kitties. Did shoulder exercises. Transferred treats from an easy to open container to one Itsy can't rip open.
I saw a quick YouTube video where you mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of that Kraft hard sprinkle cheese. Mix up and set it out for rats. Since they can't digest the baking soda, they die. I put it out, something is eating it, but no sign of rats. I guess I won't know if it works until I begin smelling something dead?
You see, all my neighbors and I have fruit trees. Most neighbors let their fruit just drop and rot, making it a breeding ground for rodents. I pick up all fallen fruit, but rats like to come over into my yard, maybe because I don't have cats.
Down to 14 cats now. Only a couple of them are good at mouse-hunting. The diatomaceous earth is supposed to kill ants and roaches. Its supposed to dehydrate them. I think I need more though. I got the food grade kind so it won't cause any harm if accidentally ingested.

Today I did shoulder exercises-- was able to lift my arm a little bit higher. I can reach behind my back just a little and I can reach out for things without having pain (so long as I'm not stretching too far). That rope pulley thing seems to really be helping. I put my back against the door to brace myself while pulling down with my right arm to pull my left arm up. I held it for a few seconds to get it to stretch a little without causing any damage to the muscle. Then I turned to the side to see if I could get my arm to stretch more upward sideways-- it goes up more forward than sideways though. I'm still working on it. I still can't get my arm vertical enough to do the towel behind the back exercise.

I picked up mail and plan to do some cleaning later.
Back when I was a kid we had over 60 cats on the farm. I loved going out and calling "Heeeeeeeeeere kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty" about 50x and seeing them run from all over to come eat. They used to have larger feed sacks for cats. When I went on walks in the back 13 acres, I'd have 15 to 30 of them following me. I used to walk in a circle in a certain area and they would lie down in and around the circle and watch me. Then they would escort me back to the house. Most of them were outdoor kitties but I was full of energy and could bend easily so cleaning litterboxes didn't bother me. That was before we had clumping litter so I'd have to toss the stuff out, wipe down the pans, and refill with clean litter.

Now I have a telescoping handle litter scoop & clumping litter so I don't have to bend down to clean the boxes.

Didn't do much today. Mom is sick so I heated up some chicken broth for her but she couldn't finish it. She wanted a glass of milk. Her diverticulitis is acting up and she was throwing up earlier. I went to Walmart to grab some shower supplies and took a shower. My deodorant keeps disappearing and I think my brother is taking it because I use men's deodorant. Dove 72 hour stuff for sensitive skin. We also use the same body wash. Not only do I not like the scents in the women's products, they have smaller amounts for more $ so its cheaper to get men's products. I did find a nice big bath sheet 34"x64". I saw online there is an even bigger one that is like 36x70. That's the size my brother needs. LOL. I'm so glad I can move my left arm more bc I needed to reach up for stuff with both hands a few times.

I talked to the pharmacist about finding out if there are any blood sugar meters that my brother's health insurance will cover. He wants to get the kind where you don't have to stick your finger. He will call and get back to me later.

The rainstorms have caused a lot of flooding and I got a free undercarriage wash on my truck both ways. People wonder why I have AWD and 18" rims. This is why (just a brief portion of my drive just before reaching my front gate):
View attachment drivinghomeJan29-2023.mp4
Ended up having to take my mother to the ER. She couldn't keep anything down. I had to answer questions for her because she was exhausted and dehydrated. She kept thinking they asked something else and was getting confused. Her blood pressure was 229/86. Sugar was over 400. They had to give her meds to lower her blood pressure and for her nausea. I don't know if they gave her insulin or not. Despite not being able to keep food down, the sugar gets high when she's sick. Diagnosis was food poisoning. Must have been the fish from the local place. My brother and I felt a little sick after eating the chicken from there.

I haven't been able to get back to sleep.

I popped in to the Terry Love forums and saw that he passed away Jan 20. :-(
My deodorant keeps disappearing and I think my brother is taking it because I use men's deodorant. Dove 72 hour stuff for sensitive skin.
Zanne, so sorry to hear that your Mom had to go to the ER and I know I'm speaking for everyone when I send her my best wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery!

Speaking of deodorants, have you every tried "Lume"? You know the one that was invented by a dermatologist or a gynecologist and you can use it everywhere on your body even in the "cracks"? I understand it lasts up to 72 hours as well?
Z, I hope your mom gets better soon.

It is hard to wake up and read the "What did you do today" thread. All I can think is, well, I've had a cup of coffee so far today.

Speaking of, I have not seen my daughter since 12/28, and have not seen my son since November of last year. Ironically, my daughter wanted to come at noon to get some tangerines from me, and my son wanted me to go to his house and help him install new can lights and rewire a ceiling fan for him. Sucks having to make a choice, but went to son's house, hauled ass getting everything done and rushing back, only to find out my daughter would not be coming over because her BF is all upset since his SF 49'ers lost the football game. Geesh, it was just a damn football game.
Thanks, blueskyhigh. Mom was able to keep some toast and milk down. She's still feeling cruddy. My brother and I still feel cruddy as well. Stomach feels sour and I'm tired. Went into town to pick up prescriptions.

Was supposed to meet with the ******** ex of one of my friends-- the one who won't let his ex get her vacuum cleaner. He's trying to guilt-trip me and its not working. His ex said we could have back the baker's rack we got her & my mom really wants it. The guy was all "You made a conscious decision to let me hurt" and "You didn't try to contact me for years" and "I don't want to see any of you" line. This is a dude who only ever talked to me when he wanted something from me. When I went over for visits he would play on his computer and ignore me. He never once checked up to see how I was doing. I went over to help with stuff a few times. I pointed out its a two way street and he made no effort to talk to me either so I'm not going to feel guilty about anything with how things went down. Once I get the baker's rack he can block me for all I care. My best friend said this guy only ever contacted him when he wanted/needed something. He was going to get free painting and sealing for his countertops but now he'll have to find someone else to do it. I was also going to help him run some PEX. His loss though.

I tried to stop at the tire shop bc I really don't like the noises my truck is making from the wheel the dealership worked on. Makes squealing noises, thumping, and some popping/thumping when turning left. But it was crowded so I knew it would take too long and I needed to get mom's meds. Grabbed a few groceries but forgot to get eggs.

We got the new air fryer. I have no clue how to use it yet and my brain didn't want to process the instruction book. I had to move stuff off the counter and bump the microwave over to get the air fryer to fit. It is wider than the old air fryer but not as tall. So I will have to figure out a way to keep cats from getting on top of it. It says not to have anything on the top while cooking but I wonder if a metal basket can sit on top so long as it doesn't cover the vents.

I never understood the obsession with sports and getting so angry over a team losing. I mean, if they bet money on it, I can see being unhappy, but I've seen posts online about people smashing their TVs and having rage fits. People even get violent and fight. I just don't get it. But then, I'm not a sports fan. I mean, I get mad about video games sometimes but I just stop playing and do something else. I don't break anything.
Mom woke me up just before 3:30am last night and she was either hallucinating or woke from a dream and thought it was real. She was slurring into the phone and spouting gibberish. Had me really worried. She managed to get out that she thought I had called her and said "something took the silver off the buns". She didn't understand that it made zero sense. She kept insisting that I woke her up but she was the one who woke me up. Now, I know high blood sugar can cause hallucinations but so can her anti-nausea meds. I had her check her blood sugar-- which she struggled with at first. Gradually her speech turned more normal and she wasn't slurring. Sugar was 380. She took some insulin and was able to get back to sleep. She's still feeling cruddy from the food poisoning though.
Sounds like a possible stroke. My old partner woke up at 3 am, was walking the kitchen telling his wife that the squiggles wouldn't fit in the quiggles. This was 2 weeks after having a week of severe headaches. He was rushed to the hospital, and in a few minutes, knew he had suffered a severe stroke. He was lifeflighted 2 hours away to Las Vegas, but it was too late. He lived 6 more horrible years, never left the bed again, and mercifully died from a blood clot.
The headaches 2 weeks prior was the precursor to his stroke.
You gotta listen to the body!
Finished a project for a client. Decorative wrap around an island. She saw something she liked on Pinterest, hired me to execute it…but, NOT in wood, but PVC…so she can easily keep it clean from the kiddos kicking it!


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Finished a project for a client. Decorative wrap around an island. She saw something she liked on Pinterest, hired me to execute it…but, NOT in wood, but PVC…so she can easily keep it clean from the kiddos kicking it!
I like how it looks, I hate what it is made of, but you did a beautiful job!