Water hammer in a block of flats

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New Member
Aug 12, 2024
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My son is experiencing some quite severe hammering in the main water pipe in his new flat - particularly in the late evening when neighbors are using their washing machines (presumably to take advantage of cheap electricity rates). He also gets knocking when using his own taps (sounds like a loud clunk) so there is obviously a problem with the block of flat's pipework in general.

The problem is the main service pipe (copper), runs through the wall in his bedroom to his cistern\tank and its driving him a bit mad when he is trying to sleep ! The mains pressure does seem a bit high in the flat ( and is presumably so in other flats) , but the water company haven't done anything about it ( he called them out). He's tried reducing the pressure at the main service valve for his flat (it's in the stairwell of his block of flats), but no joy.

He will get a plumber in eventually, but it would be helpful to know what solutions there might be out there for this sort of problem. Is there any way his own pipes can be isolated from the knocking that is getting transmitted through the block's pipework (like at the service valve) ? I know you can get shock arrestors, but that would work by installing one at his service valve ( in the stairway). Is knocking just as bad through PVC pipe ? . Or would this most likely have to involve the other flat residents to do something with the machines that are causing the knocking ? Some of the other flats are rented, so I guess he would have to find the owners, although there is a factor that looks after the place.

It's become a real nuisance for him , and it is not just a minor complaint !
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Does he own or rent
Hammer arrestors will help if installed on the hose connections at the washing machines
What IS the water pressure,is there a pressure reducing valve...does it work
If there are loose faucet or toilet ,shower valve washers they can also cause issues
Does he own or rent
Hammer arrestors will help if installed on the hose connections at the washing machines
What IS the water pressure,is there a pressure reducing valve...does it work
If there are loose faucet or toilet ,shower valve washers they can also cause issues
HI, thanks for replying.

He owns the flat, but the others around him are mostly renters. Not sure what the actual pressure is, but it comes out the cold tap like a pressure washer !

The problem is, this knocking occurs when there is nothing on or working in his flat( like a washing machine), but he thinks it is the upstairs WM that is the problem. So I would imagine a pressure reducing valve on his supply would work ? I guess it would have to go on the main supply to the building ?

He doesn't particularly want to make waves with his neighbours yet, thus the question about anything he can do to his own supply first. But if it means asking ( or even paying for an arrestor) for the neighbors , he may be desperate enough to do that or at least suggest it
The problem is the main service pipe (copper), runs through the wall in his bedroom to his cistern\tank and its driving him a bit mad when he is trying to sleep

Cistern tank? Got to figure out what is causing the water hammer before you can fix it. "Cistern" makes me think there might be a pump system or two involved? If so, it could be the pumps cycling on and off that is causing the hammer.
Can you have him put a pressure gauge on an outside spigot open it up and see what the pressure is if it's over 80 psi you need one on the water main feeding the building
If it's like a condo and he owns just the unit there must be a condo board he can bring this up to Them
Pretty sure he measures pressure in bar and cistern is a toilet tank.