Sump pit refurb question -- sand/gravel required for non-perforated plastic pit?

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Jan 5, 2023
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Detroit 'burbs
Sump pit refurb question from a very reluctant DYI.
Pit is plastic tub prolly from a bigbox store. No perforations I can see. Previous homeowner had obviously never cleaned this pit or the pipes. This took days and I was surprised to see the pit liner was black & the inflow pipe was white.

Is there a known standard or regulation in MI (Detroit area) about whether sand/gravel is normally put in the existing plastic pit if it's not perforated?

Cleaned out the pit that a little mud and some caked-on residue that is reddish mud or maybe iron ochre, can't tell yet.
Switched out the old Zoeller to new Zoeller 95. The 95 was so powerful at first plugin that it sucked up a lotta gravel all the way up past the check valve. Noisy.

My question -- Would I be better off to clean out the pit entirely & start over with just the pump stand & pump?
Or do I need to put some gravel in the bottom of the plastic pit?

Thanks for any (kind) comments or suggestions. I can post a few photos if you want, but it would be kinda like vacation photos for a place you don't want to go.
That's what I was wondering. Thanks for the reply. Maybe the existing gravel was all washed in from the heavy rains the past two seasons? There are 3-4 inches of this stuff in the sump pit.

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Ya I'm gonna look thru them tomorrow for Potoskys.
The only time I’ve heard of someone putting rocks in their sump pit is when they had a moonshine whiskey still operation going on in they basement.

So how long you been making corn liquor ?