Sad details of the Vietnam War

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Sad to say they all died for no reason. Viet Nam today is a Communist country. The military industrial complex did do well however.
Fear of the domino effect was, at the time, the justification voiced by those 'responsible'.
I remember when that was going on and guys from my graduating class were going. And then I remember how badly the soldiers were treated when they came back. And Hanoi Jane.
My buddy and I were waiters or busboys in the mid-60's. I learned he was killed in 'Nam two years later, from a TV broadcast. Not a year goes by when I do not think about my lost friend, and what could have happened to others who survived or did not survive that era. There are similar stories about 9/11. The rich grow richer, while we who deal with life's reality, like maintaining a home, and doing plumbing, have to keep on trucking.
There is also a traveling Wall. It came through my hometown earlier this summer. Before I retired, and before my office moved to Arlington, one of my jogging routes used to take me by The Wall, the Lincoln Memorial and the Korean War Memorial. The Korean War Memorial is on the other side of the Reflecting Pool from The Wall. It is also well done.
How many of you who have strong opinions actually served in Vietnam ?
I was in diapers. America sent young men to fight in Vietnam so Nike could make shoes for $6.50 and sell them here in America for $100.00.

We should’ve never been there IMO. That’s not saying I don’t support the troops, most of those boys didn’t have a choice.
I'm not sure what strong opinions you are referring to. Upon graduation from college in 1972, I joined the Navy. The War was starting to wind down. A peace agreement was signed the next year, while I was training to be a Naval Flight Officer. I never had to go to Vietnam. I had friends and classmates who died over there. The government considers me and everyone who served during that period Vietnam Era Veterans. I have never considered myself a Vietnam Veteran, since I never served in country.
How many of you who have strong opinions actually served in Vietnam ?
I served in the US Navy from '69 to '75 but never "in country". My draft number was pretty high at about 330 as I believe but decided to join anyway to "see the world". My sea duty consisted of two years at NAS Bermuda.
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