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I've started collecting Ryobi tools. I have a Ryobi electric lawnmower that I need to use. It's still in the box. I need to get a good storage shed for it. Or I should make room in the shed near the pump house. I think I have an electric pruner somewhere. Might be Ryobi. I need to get my Ryobi tools together and take pictures. I've got a hand planer that is nice.
I was just talking to someone in a game chat and he said he was a security alarm installer for 10yrs and a plumber for 1yr. Said he got hit on once as an alarm installer and 3x as a plumber. LOL. He liked the idea of the pex cinch tool.
Took some pics of the tool. I can push the button with my thumb. Pretty sure this is designed for people with larger hands. Very nice rubber/silicone grip all the way around so it doesn't slip.
Even with smaller hands/fingers the trigger is in a good spot.
The LEDs are nice but they made it hard to get a clear video-- I should have faced it toward me to film but I didn't want the lights in my eyes.
View attachment Ryobipexcinchtool.mp4
The lights shut off automatically after maybe 30seconds of not pressing anything.
Sure looks like a great addition.

I was just watching comments on another forum where some guy had a leak in his under slab copper lines. He said the plumber opened up the broken copper line, and shoved 1/2" pex through it, then connected it back up. He is happier than heck, but I wonder how much water pressure he lost doing it this way?
Sure looks like a great addition.

I was just watching comments on another forum where some guy had a leak in his under slab copper lines. He said the plumber opened up the broken copper line, and shoved 1/2" pex through it, then connected it back up. He is happier than heck, but I wonder how much water pressure he lost doing it this way?
Depends on how much water volume he flows. Maybe not any pressure loss.

He definitely killed his capacity in volume. If he’s just using one fixture at a time it won’t affect anything.

If you have any other questions please submit them to the committee and after a confirming vote they will then forward the questions to me.
I was so happy with the ease of using it. Felt like a T-Rex that got some grabber extension arm thingies. :p
Muscle weakness is a side effect of some of my meds and the arthritis doesn't help one bit. So the tool makes things so much better. Now if I can get a Rosie the Robot to clean up the trash, dump the litterboxes, do my laundry, and wash my dishes. LOL.
I was so happy with the ease of using it. Felt like a T-Rex that got some grabber extension arm thingies. :p
Muscle weakness is a side effect of some of my meds and the arthritis doesn't help one bit. So the tool makes things so much better. Now if I can get a Rosie the Robot to clean up the trash, dump the litterboxes, do my laundry, and wash my dishes. LOL.
Sadly, I have the T-Rex syndrome. My arms are so short I can't..................... Well, I leave it at that and also say that I can't find off-the-rack shirts that fit properly.
I was just talking to someone in a game chat and he said he was a security alarm installer for 10yrs and a plumber for 1yr. Said he got hit on once as an alarm installer and 3x as a plumber. LOL. He liked the idea of the pex cinch tool.
Took some pics of the tool. I can push the button with my thumb. Pretty sure this is designed for people with larger hands. Very nice rubber/silicone grip all the way around so it doesn't slip.
View attachment 47932
Even with smaller hands/fingers the trigger is in a good spot.
View attachment 47933View attachment 47934
The LEDs are nice but they made it hard to get a clear video-- I should have faced it toward me to film but I didn't want the lights in my eyes.
View attachment 47935
The lights shut off automatically after maybe 30seconds of not pressing anything.
I met my wife by first dating her sister. I met the sister by working at her apartment for the landlord, had to repair water heater.

Sister was 12 yrs younger than me and my wife is 14 yrs younger than me.

Take away:
Never allow a fast talking plumber around your 18-20 yr old daughters because next thing you know he might be hanging out drinking beer with them after the job and you might be calling him son in law and have a few grand kids before it’s all over.

That was about 20 yrs ago And now you know the rest of the story.
Hmm.. I'll have to go take a better look at it but I think the line that you are seeing is a ridge. I see another ridge lower down.
It's this union
Unless you mean the part that gets twisted on.
I took a screenshot and drew an arrow pointing to the source of the leak. It's coming out of the rotating part on the smaller side.
Wider shot of that joint. Worst case I can cut out and replace the union.
At least I now have a port to be able to prime the pump if it needs maintenance again.
oh look a pressure gauge and some spider webs
While we're at it, this is my belt-driven pump that gets water to the cistern
1738973793984.png1738973838571.pngI plan to add a waterproof junction box for the connections to it at some point soon.
It's so pretty. The complete opposite of my plumbing. LOL.